
Latest version: v2.1.5

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- (`317 <>`_) Add support for more MAGICC7 output variables
- (`315 <>`_) Include links to AR6 region abbreviations if they are written in ``.MAG`` files
- (`314 <>`_) Add AR6 regions to the list of known regions
- (`313 <>`_) Add tests for global-only binary files written with ``out_binary_format=2``
- (`305 <>`_) Added functionality to read new MAGICC binary format which includes units
- (`238 <>`_) Add documentation for handling of World region in ``.SCEN7`` files
- (`301 <>`_) Add MAGICC7 variables ``AEROSOL_RF``, ``HEAT_EARTH`` and ``HEAT_NONOCEAN``
- (`277 <>`_) Add MAGICC7 compact output file readers
- (`288 <>`_) Add ````, which allows fast reading of metadata from a ``.MAG`` file
- (`282 <>`_) Expose ``MAGICCBase.get_tcr_ecs_from_diagnosis_results`` method
- (`274 <>`_) Add better readers and writers for ``.DAT`` files
- (`272 <>`_) Add support for new ``THISFILE_TIMESERIESTYPE`` in ``.MAG`` files
- (`259 <>`_) Added ``strict`` option for downgrading configuration exceptions to warnings
- (`256 <>`_) Capture stderr output from MAGICC7 and above (not available in MAGICC6)
- (`253 <>`_) Add support for ``out_dynamic_vars`` parameter
- (`250 <>`_) Add support for ``.MAG`` files
- (`229 <>`_) Add more robust tests of io, in particular that column order and spacing in files is preserved
- (`226 <>`_) Add ``SURFACE_TEMP.IN`` writer, closing `#211 <>`_
- (`224 <>`_) Add ``INVERSEEMIS.OUT`` reader
- (`208 <>`_) Add :meth:`set_zero_config`. Also adds scenarios module, tidies up the notebooks and adds a notebook showing how to run in different modes.
- (`208 <>`_) Add ``pymagicc.scenarios`` module
- (`208 <>`_) Tidy up the notebooks and add a notebook showing how to run in different modes.
- (`187 <>`_) Added ```` which simplifies joining/merging scenarios to create custom scenarios
- (`185 <>`_) Added ability to read RCP files from as requested in `#176 <>`_
- (`183 <>`_) Added ability to read MHALO files (see `#182 <>`_)
- (`180 <>`_) Added reference which explains MAGICC's variables to docs
- (`170 <>`_) Added pyam as a dependency and gave an example of how to integrate with it
- (`168 <>`_) Added MAGICC7 compatibility
- (`162 <>`_) Added basic tests of integration with MAGICC binaries
- (`139 <>`_) Added the ability to read all MAGICC output files/throw an explanatory error with ````
- (`79 <>`_) Confirmed that keeping track of config state works and added example to TCR/ECS diagnosis notebook
- (`102 <>`_) Added ability to read and write SCEN7 files
- (`108 <>`_) Added ability to read all files in MAGICC6 run folder (``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run``) to a common format

- Note that this change means that only files which follow the MAGICC6 or MAGICC7 naming convention are supported. These are very similar to MAGICC5 except that emissions files must be named in the form ``*.SCEN``, ``*.SCEN7`` or ``*EMISX.IN`` where ``X`` is ``I`` if the file contains fossil and industrial emissions and ``B`` if the file contains agriculture, land-use and land-use change emissions. The suffixes ``FOSSIL&IND`` and ``LANDUSE`` are no longer supported.
- The renamed files are

- ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/EDGAR_NOX_EMIS_LANDUSE.IN`` => ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/EDGAR_NOXB_EMIS.IN``
- ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/EDGAR_NOX_EMIS_FOSSIL&IND.IN`` => ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/EDGAR_NOXI_EMIS.IN``
- ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/HOUGHTON_CO2_EMIS_LANDUSE.IN`` => ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/HOUGHTON_CO2B_EMIS.IN``
- ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/MARLAND_CO2_EMIS_FOSSIL&IND.IN`` => ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/MARLAND_CO2I_EMIS.IN``

- Deleted ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/HIST_SEALEVEL_CHURCHWHITE2006_RF.IN`` as it's empty
- Added ``scripts/`` so we can quickly check which files in a MAGICC ``run`` directory can be read by ``pymagicc``
- Added new section to docs, ``docs/file_conventions.rst`` which will document all of the relevant information related to MAGICC's file conventions


- (`323 <>`_) Writers raise an :obj:`AssertionError` if the user tries to write a MAGICC input file which has timesteps where some values are nan whilst others are not. Such input files would have nans in them hence would cause MAGICC's run to fail.
- (`322 <>`_) Re-write CHANGELOG to follow `Keep a Changelog`_ style
- (`322 <>`_) Change to 3-Clause BSD License
- (`321 <>`_) Raise :obj:`ValueError` if we attempt to run MAGICC with conflicting config keys (which can occur because FORTRAN is not case sensitive)
- (`311 <>`_) Fix naming of ocean heat content and ocean heat uptake output variables to match RCMIP conventions
- (`307 <>`_) Use ``scmdata.ScmRun`` as a base class for ``MAGICCData`` instead of the deprecated ``scmdata.ScmDataFrame`` (closes `#295 <>`_)
- (`306 <>`_) Copy ``run`` folder recursively when creating temporary copy
- (`303 <>`_) Refactor ```` into multiple files
- (`299 <>`_) Make conversion of FORTRAN safe units apply to ``.MAG`` files too and be more consistent
- (`293 <>`_) Update CI to use GitHub actions
- (`294 <>`_) Convert the direct aerosols variable names from MAGICC in a consistent way.
- (`294 <>`_) Renamed ``definitions/magicc_emisssions_units.csv`` to ``definitions/magicc_emissions_units.csv``
- (`291 <>`_) Switch to using the ``_ERF`` suffix for IPCC definition of Effective Radiative Forcing variables. This replaces ``_EFFRF`` which is a MAGICC internal variable and was incorrectly labelled as Effective Radiative Forcing.
- (`290 <>`_) Update minimum ``scmdata`` version to v0.4.3
- (`285 <>`_) Return ``pint.quantity.Quantity`` from all ECS, TCR and TCRE diagnostic methods
- (`284 <>`_) Update ECS, TCR and TCRE diagnosis to use 1pctCO2 and abrupt-2xCO2 experiments
- (`283 <>`_) Diagnose TCRE alongisde ECS and TCR, changes ``diagnose_tcr_ecs`` to ``diagnose_tcr_ecs_tcre`` and ``get_tcr_ecs_from_diagnosis_results`` method to ``get_tcr_ecs__tcre_from_diagnosis_results``
- (`280 <>`_) Also include source distribution in pypi release
- (`271 <>`_) Update requirements of pyam.
- (`271 <>`_) Make error messages include ``stderr``
- (`271 <>`_) Remove overwrite of ``file_emisscen`` when creating MAGICC7 copies if ``not self.strict``
- (`268 <>`_) Update region mapping to match SSP database
- (`266 <>`_) Use a whitelist of `OUT_` parameters which are converted to 1/0's
- (`264 <>`_) Allowed an empty dataframe to be returned from ```` if no output is produced
- (`261 <>`_) Improve mapping of MAGICC7 to OpenSCM variables
- (`252 <>`_) Improve header writing
- (`252 <>`_) Upgrade MAGICC time conversions
- (`249 <>`_) Update MAGICC7 support
- (`247 <>`_) Upgrade pyam dependency to use nominated release
- (`236 <>`_) Made all subannual files raise an InvalidTemporalResError exception as ScmDataFrame can't handle merging annual and subannual timeseries together yet
- (`239 <>`_) Explicitly overwrite tuning model and emission scenario parameters for MAGICC7 when a temporary copy is created
- (`234 <>`_) Raise ``ValueError`` if ``only`` doesn't match an output variable in ```` (solves `#231 <>`_)
- (`227 <>`_) Fixed up permafrost naming to avoid confusing inclusion when summing up "Emissions|CO2"
- (`220 <>`_) If binary and ascii output files exist for a given variable only read the binary file
- (`214 <>`_) Refactor to use the timeseries capabilities of ScmDataFrameBase
- (`210 <>`_) Updated to match new openscm naming
- (`199 <>`_) Switched to OpenSCMDataFrameBase for the backend, also includes:

- dropping Python3.5 support as OpenSCM typing is not Python3.5 compatible
- ensuring that metadata is properly stripped when reading
- altering ``MAGICCData.append`` so that ``MAGICCData`` instances can be appended to ``MAGICCData`` instances
- allowing the user to specify, ``model``, ``scenario`` and ``climate_model`` when initialising a ``MAGICCData`` instance
- automatically filling ``model``, ``scenario`` and ``climate_model`` when running

- (`204 <>`_) Addressed potential bug identified in (`#203 <>`_) and updated robustness of output file read in
- (`198 <>`_) Move all install requirements into ````
- (`190 <>`_) Speed up diagnosis of TCR and ECS by removing writing of scenario file
- (`191 <>`_) Fixed bugs which meant config passed to MAGICC wasn't handled correctly
- (`191 <>`_) Renamed ``tests/`` to ``tests/``
- (`173 <>`_) Renamed ``pymagicc.api`` to ``pymagicc.core``
- (`165 <>`_) Moved to one unified backend for all run functionality. This one got a bit out of hand so also includes:

- Breaking the API, hence requiring significantly re-writing the tests to match the new API, bumping the major version number and updating the examples.
- Locking up Pymagicc so that it will only run if MAGICC's ``.CFG`` files are configured in the simplest way possible (see :ref:`MAGICC flags`). This required re-writing the ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/MAGCFG_USER.CFG`` file that ships with Pymagicc (although the result is the same, as confirmed by the fact that the outputs of the four RCPs are unchanged in ``tests/``).
- Adding a function to pull a single configuration file from a MAGICC ``PARAMETERS.OUT`` file to aid the transition to the change referred to above (i.e. one could run MAGICC with whatever config elsewhere and then get a single config file which can be used with Pymagicc from the resulting ``PARAMETERS.OUT`` file).
- Tidying up the docs to make linking a bit simpler and more reusable.
- Only passing ``filepath`` (i.e. the combination of path and name) to reading/writing functions to remove ambiguity in previous language which used ``file``, ``filepath``, ``path``, ``name`` and ``filename``, sometimes in a self-contradictory way.

- (`167 <>`_) Updated release instructions
- (`164 <>`_) Improved missing MAGICC binary message in tests as discussed in `#124 <>`_
- (`154 <>`_) Change to using OpenSCM variables for all user facing data as well as preparing to move to using OpenSCM dataframes

- Note that this change breaks direct access but that we will gain a lot of features once we start using the capabilities of pyam as part of an OpenSCM dataframe

- (`160 <>`_) Made notebooks CI more opinionated (`#158 <>`_)
- (`135 <>`_) Moved emissions definitions to a single csv and packaged all of the definitions files using the `data package standard <>`_
- (`146 <>`_) Removed path alteration from docs buiding
- (`143 <>`_) Only read ``PARAMETERS.OUT`` file if it exists. ``MAGICCBase.config`` now defaults to ``None`` until a valid ``PARAMETERS.OUT`` file is read.
- (`133 <>`_) Put definitions of MAGICC6's expected emissions into a standalone module



- (`244 <>`_) Use openscm from pip, hence drop Python3.6 support, and drop pyam dependency (moved into notebooks dependencies)
- (`184 <>`_) Remove redundant mapping of region names for SCEN to SCEN7 conversions


- (`323 <>`_) Writers now automatically drop all nan timesteps before writing MAGICC input files
- (`323 <>`_) ``pymagicc.scenarios.rcps`` now contains all the rcps rather than just rcp26
- (`310 <>`_) Rename ```` to ```` as PRN is a reserved filename on Windows
- (`300 <>`_) Fix name in docs (closes `#205 <>`_)
- (`298 <>`_) Make SCEN7 writing work with single variables
- (`297 <>`_) Make Binary reader able to handle global-only binary output
- (`281 <>`_) Hotfix readers and writers for ``.DAT`` files (``thisfile_datacolumns`` was wrong)
- (`269 <>`_) Break circular dependency on OpenSCM by switching to using scmdata
- (`267 <>`_) Hotfix appveyor failures
- (`252 <>`_) Fix wine not installed error handling
- (`233 <>`_) Fix inplace append hard coding as identified in `#232 <>`_
- (`225 <>`_) Fix reading of ``DAT_CO2PF_EMIS.OUT``
- (`223 <>`_) Ensure `` closes the input file
- (`222 <>`_) Remove trailing ``/`` in ``MANIFEST.IN`` recursive includes as this is invalid syntax on windows.
- (`177 <>`_) Fixed SCEN reading bug, can now read SCEN files with "YEAR" in first column rather than "YEARS"
- (`163 <>`_) Confirmed HFC-245fa misnaming in MAGICC6 (i.e. HFC-245fa was mistakenly labelled as HFC-245ca). Accordingly, we:

- fixed this naming in the SRES scenarios (changing HFC-245ca to HFC-245fa)
- removed ``pymagicc/MAGICC6/run/HISTRCP_HFC245ca_CONC.IN`` to avoid repeating this confusion
- ensured that anyone who finds a file with "HFC-245ca" in it in future will get a warning, see ``tests/``

For versions before 2.0 we did not follow the `Keep a Changelog`_ style.
The notes made whilst developing versions <2.0 are included below for posterity.



- add short-term solution for reading Carbon Cycle output
- add clear error if a valid executable is not configured/found
- remove ``_magiccbinary`` variable
- partial steps towards updated input/output, still not fully tested
- add examples of file input/writing in notebook
- add expectexception so that we can show errors in notebooks with
sensible CI



- add TCR diagnosis function
- improve testing of notebooks
- add documentation using MkDocs
- use Black for automatic code formatting
- add Python 3.7 testing



- drop support for Python 2
- rename RCP3PD to RCP26 and RCP6 to RCP60 for consistency and MAGICC7
- introduce new API functions for setting up and running MAGICC
- introduce ``config`` module
- remove ``output_dir`` from ``run`` function, this can be achieved using the new API
- change directory structure of the MAGICC version shipped with Pymagicc
to be more similar to MAGICC7's structure
- add ``--skip-slow`` option to tests



- add reading of MAGICC_EXECUTABLE environment variable to simplify
setting path of MAGICC package for testing and CI
(thanks ``lewisjared``)



- interactive demo Notebook using Jupyter Notebook's appmode
- documentation improvements

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