Thanks to noritada for finding and making tests for loxodrome_direct issues. Always appreciate hearing where the test suite isn't covering a broken case.
used numpy.broadcast_arrays to simplify code.
CI tests Python 3.7...3.10
Added stability to loxodrome_direct for azimuth = {90,-90,270,-270} enhanced efficiency of loxodrome_inverse for stability
Don't automatically import less widespread used modules including:
lox los rcurve rsphere ` this speeds imports for most users.
add command line convenience functions:
sh python -m pymap3d.vdist python -m pymap3d.vreckon
when implementing the speedup of 2.6.0, a mistake was made in ecef2geodetic that could cause an exception. This is now fixed thanks to dschurman
eliminated numpy.vectorize for ~100x speedup of many of the pymap3d functions, while still preserving the "no-Numpy" functionality for scalars.