Improvement of uploading packages to pypi repo: 197
Bugfixes: 190 Improved uploading to github releases: 196 Cleaning: 188
- Fix for new BDO reader 177 - Improved help messages (-h) 175 - fix header/data mismatch with handling LET cubes 180 - various internal fixes (versioneer, runner, travis)
- Fixes multiple issues in generated tripcubes 174 - enable new .bdo fileformat for SH12A >= 0.6.0 170
- fix wrong calculation of stderr when merging many files 162 - fix double file extensions in output files 151 - fix bad placement of units on colour bars in plots 156
Version coming with new syntax for selecting converter. Previously used way (`convertmc ... --converter conv_name`) is now replaced with (`convertmc conv_name ...`), 132 .
Completely new documentation layout (142)
New undocumented converter to generate DDD files for SHIELD-HIT12A (116)