
Latest version: v10.12

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- **FIX**: Fix issue with `pymdownx-inline` an Pygments 2.7+.


Not secure
Please see [Release Notes](./releases/8.0.md8.0) for details on upgrading to 8.0.

- **NEW**: Added SaneHeaders extension.
- **NEW**: SuperFences \& InlineHilite: gracefully handle failing custom formatters and/or validators. Users should add their own debug code to their formatter/validator if they suspect it isn't working.
- **NEW**: SuperFences: if a custom fence validator fails, try the next custom fence until all are exhausted.
- **NEW**: SuperFences: no longer allow custom options in the form `key=` (no value). Only keys with values or keys with no value and no `=` are accepted. Keys with no value will now assume the value to be the key name.
- **NEW**: SuperFences: if `attr_list` extension is enabled, fenced code that use brace attribute list style headers (` {lang id .class attr=value}`) will attach arbitrary attributes that are included in the header to the code element.
- **NEW**: SuperFences: when Pygments is disabled, options (such as `linenums`) included in fenced code headers no longer do anything. If `attr_list` is enabled, and the brace header is used, such options will be treated as HTML attributes. JavaScript highlighter options should be defined in the brace header form with `attr_list` enabled in order to generate appropriate, compatible HTML with the chosen JavaScript highlighter.
- **NEW**: SuperFences: backwards incompatible changes where made to custom fence API. See [Release Notes](./releases/8.0.md8.0) for instructions on how to migrate to the new API. Some temporary support for most of the old format is in place, but is deprecated.
- **NEW**: SuperFences: has removed legacy code tab feature. Associated `legacy_tab_classes` option has been removed. Please use the Tabbed extension to create general purpose tabs for code blocks or other content.
- **NEW**: Highlight: add new option `language_prefix` which controls the prefix applied to language classes when Pygments is not being used.
- **NEW**: Highlight: A new option called `code_attr_on_pre` was added to the Highlight extension and controls whether language classes, and any ids, attributes, and classes that are defined in fenced code attribute list style headers, are attached to the code element or pre element. This has effect when using Pygments.
- **NEW**: Highlight: option `linenums` now defaults to `None` and accepts `None`, `True`, or `False`. `None` is disabled by default, but can be enabled per code block. `True` enables line numbers globally. `False` disables globally and cannot be enabled manually per code block.
- **NEW**: ExtraRawHTML: remove extension.
- **FIX**: Fix issues with complex emphasis combinations in BetterEm.
- **FIX**: Details: fix corner cases related to extension and lists.
- **FIX**: Tabbed: fix corner cases related to extension and lists.
- **FIX**: EscapeAll: Handle HTML entities special.
- **FIX**: SuperFences: Fix parameter unpacking bug.


Not secure
- **NEW**: SuperFences will now allow number ranges in `hl_lines` option. (878)
- **NEW**: Emoji extension now requires custom emoji indexes to take an `options` and `md` argument. The old non-argument format is deprecated and still accepted, but support for indexes with no arguments will be removed at a future time.
- **NEW**: Highlight now allows the specifying of a custom line number class when not using Pygments.
- **FIX**: Better Arithmatex patterns. Fix issue 888 which caused a hang due to a regular expression typo. Also ensure `!tex $$..$$` and `!tex begin{}...end{}` patterns properly don't match if the tail markers are escaped.


Not secure
Please see [Release Notes](./release.mdupgrading-to-70) for details on upgrading to 7.0.

- **NEW**: MagicLink will now shorten user name and repository links when link shortening is enabled.
- **NEW**: Added MagicLink options `social_url_shortener` and `shortener_user_exclude` were added.
- **NEW**: UML examples are now demonstrated with Mermaid in documentation.
- **NEW**: SuperFences, if using the attribute list format (` {.lang .additional_class, linenums="1"} `) allows
adding additional classes. IDs can be added as well, though Pygments generated code blocks do not have a mechanism to
actually insert IDs. The first provided class will always be treated as the language class.
- **NEW**: Custom SuperFences' formatters should now also include the keyword parameters`classes` and `id_value` to
allow injecting classes and IDs via the now supported attribute list format. If a code block defines no additional IDs
and classes, the old form will be used. Formatters should include `**kwargs` at the end to future proof them from
future changes.
- **NEW**: Deprecate the SuperFences `highight_code` option. As SuperFences syntax has language classes built right in,
disabling the `highlight_code` option makes little sense. While `highlight_code` is still accepted, it currently does
nothing and will be removed at some future time.
- **NEW**: If a custom fence (SuperFences) or inline (InlineHilite) is given the name of `*`, it will override the
default fence logic.
- **NEW**: SuperFences and InlineHilite no longer sync settings from CodeHilite.
- **NEW**: Add new Tabbed extension for general purpose tabbed content in Markdown.
- **NEW**: Deprecate old SuperFences tabbed content feature. This will be removed in 8.0.
- **NEW**: SuperFences' tabbed content classes have changed from `supferfences-tabs` and `superfences-content` to
`tabbed-set` and `tabbed-content` respectively. Old style classes can be enabled with the `legacy_tab_classes` option
in SuperFences. This new option will be retired with SuperFences tabbed content feature in 8.0.
- **NEW**: Upgrade to Twemoji 12.1.5.
- **NEW**: New key codes and key code changes in Keys extension:
- Added `super`, `left-super`, and `right-super` key codes as an alternative to `meta`. Aliases `lsuper` and
`rsuper` were also added.
- Added the `alt-graph` key code with `altgr` alias.
- Added the following new aliases: `lwindows` and `rwindows` for consistency.
- Added new codes `left-meta` and `right-meta` for consistency with other modifiers. Aliases `lmeta` and `rmeta`
were also added.
- Added `left-option`, `right-option`, `left-command`, `right-command`, `left-meta`, and `right-meta` codes for
consistency across similar modifier keys. Additional aliases were added as well: `loption`, `roption`, `lopt`,
`ropt`, `left-opt`, `right-opt`, `lcommand`, `rcommand`, `lcmd`, `rcmd`, `left-cmd`, `right-cmd`, `lmeta`, and
- `alt` no longer uses `menu`, `lmenu`, and `rmenu` as key aliases. `context-menu` now uses the alias `menu`.
`context-menu` will display with `Menu` now.
- **FIX**: Numerous deprecation warnings associated with the recent release of Python Markdown 3.2.
- **FIX**: Ensure ExtraRawHTML raises a deprecation warning.



Not secure
Please see [Release Notes](./release.mdupgrading-to-70) for details on upgrading to 7.0.

- **NEW**: MagicLink will now shorten user name and repository links when link shortening is enabled.
- **NEW**: Added MagicLink options `social_url_shortener` and `shortener_user_exclude` were added.
- **NEW**: UML examples are now demonstrated with Mermaid in documentation.
- **NEW**: SuperFences, if using the attribute list format (` {.lang .additional_class, linenums="1"} `) allows
adding additional classes. IDs can be added as well, though Pygments generated code blocks do not have a mechanism to
actually insert IDs. The first provided class will always be treated as the language class.
- **NEW**: Custom SuperFences' formatters should now also include the keyword parameters`classes` and `id_value` to
allow injecting classes and IDs via the now supported attribute list format. If a code block defines no additional IDs
and classes, the old form will be used. Formatters should include `**kwargs` at the end to future proof them from
future changes.
- **NEW**: Deprecate the SuperFences `highight_code` option. As SuperFences syntax has language classes built right in,
disabling the `highlight_code` option makes little sense. While `highlight_code` is still accepted, it currently does
nothing and will be removed at some future time.
- **NEW**: If a custom fence (SuperFences) or inline (InlineHilite) is given the name of `*`, it will override the
default fence logic.
- **NEW**: SuperFences and InlineHilite no longer sync settings from CodeHilite.
- **NEW**: Add new Tabbed extension for general purpose tabbed content in Markdown.
- **NEW**: Deprecate old SuperFences tabbed content feature. This will be removed in 8.0.
- **NEW**: SuperFences' tabbed content classes have changed from `supferfences-tabs` and `superfences-content` to
`tabbed-set` and `tabbed-content` respectively. Old style classes can be enabled with the `legacy_tab_classes` option
in SuperFences. This new option will be retired with SuperFences tabbed content feature in 8.0.
- **NEW**: Upgrade to Twemoji 12.1.5.
- **NEW**: New key codes and key code changes in Keys extension:
- Added `super`, `left-super`, and `right-super` key codes as an alternative to `meta`. Aliases `lsuper` and
`rsuper` were also added.
- Added the `alt-graph` key code with `altgr` alias.
- Added the following new aliases: `lwindows` and `rwindows` for consistency.
- Added new codes `left-meta` and `right-meta` for consistency with other modifiers. Aliases `lmeta` and `rmeta`
were also added.
- Added `left-option`, `right-option`, `left-command`, `right-command`, `left-meta`, and `right-meta` codes for
consistency across similar modifier keys. Additional aliases were added as well: `loption`, `roption`, `lopt`,
`ropt`, `left-opt`, `right-opt`, `lcommand`, `rcommand`, `lcmd`, `rcmd`, `left-cmd`, `right-cmd`, `lmeta`, and
- `alt` no longer uses `menu`, `lmenu`, and `rmenu` as key aliases. `context-menu` now uses the alias `menu`.
`context-menu` will display with `Menu` now.
- **FIX**: Numerous deprecation warnings associated with the recent release of Python Markdown 3.2.
- **FIX**: Ensure ExtraRawHTML raises a deprecation warning.

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