**New Features:**
- Renamed repository name from 'SickRage' to 'Medusa', renamed log and database files
- Encoding/decoding are better handled now (we removed a bad bad function called EK)
- Added manual subtitle search in displayShow (CC icon)
- Re-download existing subtitle (clicking in the existing language flag)
- Use posters from tvdb api v2 and not Trakt (they don't send images anymore in api)
- Added dogpile cache configuration for subliminal (reduces memory usage)
- Use torrasave.top as torrent caching site
- Fixed ExtraTorrent not using custom url
- Fixed simpleanidb refresh cache
- Fixed TorrentProject provider always unavailable (not using api anymore)
- Fixed PP not replacing (deleting) existing file
- Fixed omgwtfnzbs url
- Fixed nyaatorrent provider
- Fixed editShow of anime, when it's changed to anime through massEdit
- Fixed api key in JS while not logged
- Fixed some providers parsing info (cropping title)
- Fixed URL link pointing to specific season
- Fix error, when a user switches back to master and then develop afte rebranding
- Fixed error while checking size of file
- Fixed lowercase for showlist sort
- Fixed subtitle search using scene numbering when it shouldn't
- Fixed various bugs in PostProcessor
- Added confirmed/ranked logs so you know when feature is enabled
- Added missing network images
- Removed thetorrent.org from torrent caching sites