* feat: use coroutines for Homee callbacks
BREAKING CHANGE: Homee callbacks need to be awaitable, i.e. async functions. Handleing callbacks in the event loop should provide a better development experience since most functions in the Homee api are async now. ([`99296e6`](
* docs: add badges ♥ ([`a7e3a28`](
* feat: add utility methods for getting nodes and atributes by id ([`f43014c`](
* feat: support updating/adding nodes after receiving a &39;nodes&39; message ([`535602b`](
* feat: provide async disconnected event
`await Homee.wait_until_disconnected()` can now be used to wait until the connection has been closed. ([`c019ef5`](
* feat: port to websockets package ([`1b578bc`](
* Merge branch &39;develop&39; ([`858ddc2`](