Non-Backward Compatible Changes
- pymel no longer has 'everything' in namespace - use ``pymel.all`` for this
- ``pymel.core.nodetypes`` now moved to it's own namespace
- ``pymel.mayahook.Version`` functionality moved to ``pymel.versions`` module. to compare versions, instead of Version class, use, for example, ``pymel.versions.current()`` >= ``pymel.versions.v2008``
- ``pymel.mayahook.mayautils.getMayaVersion()`` / ``getMayaVersion(extension=True)`` replaced with ``pymel.versions.installName()``
- ``pymel.mayahook.mayautils.getMayaVersion(extension=True)`` replaced with ``pymel.versions.shortName()``
- removed 0_7_compatibility_mode
- removed deprecated and inapplicable string methods from , base of all PyNodes:
- removed Smart Layout Creator in favor of 'with' statement support
- ``DagNode.getParent()`` no longer accepts keyword arguments
- Renamed ``UI`` base class to ``PyUI``
- ``sceneName()`` now returns a Path class for an empty string when the scene is untitled. this makes it conform more to ``cmds.file(q=1, sceneName=1)``
- replaced listNamespace with listNamespace_new from 0.9 line
removed deprecated methods
- ``Attribute``: ``__setattr__``, ``size``
- ``Camera``: ``getFov``, ``setFov``, ``getFilmAspect``
- ``Mesh``: ``vertexCount``, ``edgeCount``, ``faceCount``, ``uvcoordCount``, ``triangleCount``
- ``SelectSet``: ``issubset``, ``issuperset``, ``update``
- Mesh components: ``toEdges``, ``toFaces``, ``toVertices``
- ``ProxiUnicode``: ``__contains__, __len__, __mod__, __rmod__, __mul__, __rmod__, __rmul__, expandtabs, translate, decode, encode, splitlines, capitalize, swapcase, title, isalnum, isalpha, isdigit, isspace, istitle, zfill``
- added support for creation of class-based python Attribute Editor templates, using ``ui.AETemplate``
- added 'with statement' compatibility to UI Layout and Menu classes
- added the ability to generate completion files for IDEs like Wing, Eclipse, and Komodo
- ``ipymel``: added colorization to dag command
- ``py2mel``: now works with lambdas and methods. new option to provide a list or dictionary of mel types.
- re-added missing scriptEditor files
- added upgradeScripts, a tool for converting 0.9 scripts to be 1.0 compatible
- moved functions for working with the shell into ``util.shell``
- split out ui classes from ``core.windows`` into ``core.uitypes`` for lazy loading
- for versions >= 2009, use open/close undo chunks instead of mel hack to ensure that an entire callback can be undone in one go
- improved ``lsUI()``
- moved component types out of nodetypes and into general
- ``__repr__`` for nodetypes, uitypes, and datatypes reflect their location so as not to cause confusion. using short module names nt, ui, and dt.
- caches are now compressed for speed
- allow setting ``pymel.conf`` location via environment variable PYMEL_CONF
- ``DagNode.getBoundingBox()`` now allows you to specify space
- ensured that the 'name' flag for surface and curve operates on shape as well
- changes to allow ``myCube.vtx[1,3,5]``
- commands wrapped by pmcmds that raise a standard TypeError for a non-existent object will now raise a MayaObjectError
- simplified getParent code on Attribute and DagNode to improve function signatures.
- fixed a bug with ``ls(editable=1)``
- fixed a bug with ObjectSets containing DagNodes
- callbacks: extra debug information is printed in tracebacks
commands wrapped to return PyNodes
- ``skinCluster(q=1, geometry=1)``
- ``addAttr(q=1, geometry=1)``
- ``addDynamic()``
- ``addPP()``
- ``constraint()``
- ``animLayer()``
- ``annnotate()``
- ``arclen()``
- ``art3dPaintCtx()``
- ``artAttrCtx()``
- ``modelEditor(q=1,camera=1)``
- ``dimensionShape()``
- added ``TwoWayDict``/``EquivalencePair`` to ``utilitytypes``
- added ``preorder()``, ``postorder()``, and``breadth()`` functions in ``util.arguments``, which have more intuitive arguments
- added new ``Layout`` class that all layouts inherit from
- added ``UITemplate`` class
- added usable ``__iter__`` to workspace dict / file dict objects
- added two tier setup scripts for maya (user/site) just like with python. This new ``siteSetup.py`` is intended for studio setup of maya and reserved ``userSetup.py`` for user level scripts.
- added a partial replacement maya package with a logger with a shell and gui handler qne changed plogging to use the new default maya logger
- added ``setAttr``/``getAttr`` support for all numeric datatypes, along with tests
- added ``Transform.getShapes()`` for returning a list of shapes
- added ``FileReference`` comparison operators
- added ``DependNode.longName(stripNamespace=False,level=0)``
- added ``SkinCluster.setWeights()``
- added ``AnimCurve.addKeys()``
- added regex flag to ls command
- added ``FileInfo.get()``
- added ``util.common.subpackages()`` function for walking package modules
- added ``util.conditions.Condition`` class for creating object-oriented condition testing
- ``pymel.conf``: added a fileLogger
- added ``Path.canonicalpath()`` and ``Path.samepath()``
- mel2py: added command-line flags, ability to recurse
added support for attribute aliases
- ``DependNode.attr()`` now casts aliases to Attributes properly (PyNode already does)
- added ``DependNode.listAliases()``
- added 'alias' keyword to ``DependNode.listAttr()``
- added ``Attribute.setAlias()``, ``Attribute.getAlias()``
- fixed instantiation of PyNode from MPlug instance
- fixed a bug where Maya version was incorrectly detected when Maya was installed to a custom location
- fixed bug where wrap of function which took multiple refs all pointed to same ``MScriptUtil``
- fixed wrapping of unsigned ptr api types
- fixed negative comp indices
- ``mel2py``: bugfix with ``mel2pyStr()``