Fixing the encoding issue
By setting the "ensure_ascii=False" parameter in the "json.dumps" function, non-ASCII characters in the data are not escaped during the "insert" operation.
After inserting non-ASCII characters without escaping, users can also use them as keys in expression filtering from the JSON field.
The following is a sample code snippet.
import numpy as np
from pymilvus import MilvusClient, DataType
dimension = 128
collection_name = "books"
client = MilvusClient("http://localhost:19530")
schema = client.create_schema(auto_id=True)
schema.add_field("id", DataType.INT64, is_primary=True)
schema.add_field("embeddings", DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, dim=dimension)
schema.add_field("info", DataType.JSON)
index_param = client.prepare_index_params("embeddings", metric_type="L2")
client.create_collection_with_schema(collection_name, schema, index_param)
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=19530)
rows = [
{"embeddings": rng.random((1, dimension))[0],
"info": {"title": "Lord of the Flies", "author": "William Golding"}},
{"embeddings": rng.random((1, dimension))[0],
"info": {"作者": "J.D.塞林格", "title": "麦田里的守望者", }},
{"embeddings": rng.random((1, dimension))[0],
"info": {"Título": "Cien años de soledad", "autor": "Gabriel García Márquez"}},
client.insert(collection_name, rows)
result = client.query(collection_name, filter="info['作者'] == 'J.D.塞林格' or info['Título'] == 'Cien años de soledad'",
for hit in result:
print(f"hit: {hit}")
The output will be:
hit: {'info': {'作者': 'J.D.塞林格', 'title': '麦田里的守望者'}, 'id': 442210659570062545}
hit: {'info': {'Título': 'Cien años de soledad', 'autor': 'Gabriel García Márquez'}, 'id': 442210659570062546}