- Proper debug system. [Raphaël Vinot]
Make it easy to investigate the json blobs sent to the server.
- Bump PyMISP version. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Bump CHANGELOG. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Bump misp-objects. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Update readme for new logging system. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Small improvments in the logging system. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Properly use python logging module. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Update asciidoctor generator. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Remove warning if PyMISP is too new. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Add simple asciidoc generator for MISP event. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Update changelog. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Version bump. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Update changelog. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Bump version. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Do not raise an exception when the object template is unknown.
[Raphaël Vinot]
+ bump misp-object
- Bump misp-objects. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Allow to hard delete an attribute by ID. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Update comments. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Bump misp-objects and describeTypes. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Typo loger -> logger. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Let load unknown object relations in known templates. [Raphaël Vinot]
This isn't recommended, but happens very often.
- Allow to load non-malware ZIP files in MISP Event. [Raphaël Vinot]
Prior to his patch, any zip file loaded by MISP Event was unpacked and
processed as an excrypted malware from MISP.
- Properly pass the distribution when uploading a sample. [Raphaël
- Properly upload a sample in an existing event. [Raphaël Vinot]
Fix https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP/issues/123
- Properly set the distribution at event level. [Raphaël Vinot]
fix 120
- Properly pop the distribution key. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Update dependencies for VT generator. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Properly bundle object templates. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Properly bundle object templates. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Fix typos and logic mistakes in mispevent. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Fix travis build. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Min required version of setuptools. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Improve dependencies listing. [Raphaël Vinot]
Partial fix for 110
- Missing default category. [Raphaël Vinot]
Fix 119
- Fix test suite. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Created add_generic_object.py. [garanews]
usage: add_generic_object.py [-h] -e EVENT -t TYPE -d DICT
python3 add_generic_object.py -e 1683 -t email -d '{"subject":"The Pink Letter", "to":"jonsnow.org"}'
python3 add_generic_object.py -e 2343 -t person -d '{"first-name":"Daenerys", "last-name":"Targaryen", "place-of-birth":"Dragonstone"}'
python3 add_generic_object.py -e 3596 -t "domain|ip" -d '{"domain":"stormborn.org", "ip":""}'
- Added vtreportobject and vt_to_misp example. [Thomas Gardner]
- Created add_generic_object.py. [garanews]
usage: add_generic_object.py [-h] -e EVENT -t TYPE -d DICT
python3 add_generic_object.py -e 1683 -t email -d '{"subject":"The Pink Letter", "to":"jonsnow.org"}'
python3 add_generic_object.py -e 2343 -t person -d '{"first-name":"Daenerys", "last-name":"Targaryen", "place-of-birth":"Dragonstone"}'
python3 add_generic_object.py -e 3596 -t "domain|ip" -d '{"domain":"stormborn.org", "ip":""}'
- Update openioc.py. [Andras Iklody]
- Added **kwargs to add_named_attribute call in add_attachment.
- Update README. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Update changelog. [Raphaël Vinot]