* bugfix: `syslog archive` command to retrieve all stored persistent logs
* More BSD syscall parsing added to `developer core-profile-session parse-live` subcommand * Make all commands' output as colored json (and an optional `--nocolor` flag) * Handle `mounter umount` and `mounter mount` errors with friendlier log messages
* Many major improvement for `core-profile-session` performance for real-time monitoring * Complete `fs_usage` support using `core-profile-session` suboption * Add active process monitoring by given cpu threshold. * bugfix: Remove minor version component from DeveloperDiskImage search when mounting
* add support for syslog filtering using multiple matches of different sensitivity
* add `parse-live` as a subcommand to `developer core-profile-session` to monitor filesystem events (opens) * add debug and info log levels for `OsTrace` service
* add `developer oslog` subcommand * add `core-profile-session stackshot` subcommand * add partial support for ios<13