
Latest version: v5.0.0

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Scan your dependencies

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various minor Correction see changelog and commits


A new manager has been added to the dashboard to configure actions to performs on any defined detector/actuator when a specific keyboard shortcut and/or gamepad button or axis is triggered.

Possible actions are:

* For detectors:
* Snap
* Grab
* Stop
* For actuators:
* Move Rel (using joystick)
* Move Rel p (triggers a move in plus direction. A relative increment must be defined in the actuator GUI)
* Move Rel m (same for minus direction)


It features a slightly new way of presenting things, especially with the Dashboard of Actuators and Detectors being central. Then extensions can be open such as:

* the DAQ_Scan module with a brand new scanner object dealing with previous scan modes (1D, 2D) but also new ones:
* Sequential
* Tabular
* For 1D, 2D and Tabular, a brand new scan mechanism has been developed: the Adaptive mode (from the python-adaptive package). It is an algorithm that will explore itself the 1D or 2D phase space in order to have good resolution in much less time compared to traditional scanning
The DAQ_Logger module: it lets you log data from any detector of the DashBoard towards a local or distant h5file and also towards a SQL database (local or distant). This last can then be probed from the web to display the logged datas.

More can be read from the documentation and soon some videos highlighting the new features!

PS: some late patching:

* you have to install the module packaging for it to run properly:
* If you want to test the adaptive mode, install the adaptive package:
* if you want to test the logger module, install the sqlalchemy package:


The new main version highlights developpment of the Dashboard as the main starting point if pymodaq. It gives the opportunity to load preset_mode: configurations of a set of actuators and detectors. Then one can use extensions to do things with the detectors and actuators, that is:

* DAQ_Scan : for automated and synchronize scans
* DAQ_Logger: for data logging all all selected detectors into a single hdf5 file that could be local or on a distant server (to be done)


Many small bugs cleared after intense testing with people from the 3 days training course last 21/22/23 October 2019


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