MLflow 0.5.0 offers some major improvements, including Keras and PyTorch first-class support as models, SFTP support as an artifactory, a new scatterplot visualization to compare runs, and a more complete Python SDK for experiment and run management.
Breaking changes:
- The Tracking API has been split into two pieces, a "basic logging" API and a "tracking service" API. The "basic logging" API deals with logging metrics, parameters, and artifacts to the currently-active active run, and is accessible in ``mlflow`` (e.g., ``mlflow.log_param``). The tracking service API allow managing experiments and runs (especially historical runs) and is available in ``mlflow.tracking``. The tracking service API will look analogous to the upcoming R and Java Tracking Service SDKs. Please be aware of the following breaking changes:
- ``mlflow.tracking`` no longer exposes the basic logging API, only ``mlflow``. So, code that was written like ``from mlflow.tracking import log_param`` will have to be ``from mlflow import log_param`` (note that almost all examples were already doing this).
- Access to the service API goes through the ``mlflow.tracking.get_service()`` function, which relies on the same tracking server set by either the environment variable ``MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI`` or by code with ``mlflow.tracking.set_tracking_uri()``. So code that used to look like ``mlflow.tracking.get_run()`` will now have to do ``mlflow.tracking.get_service().get_run()``. This does not apply to the basic logging API.
- ``mlflow.ActiveRun`` has been converted into a lightweight wrapper around ``mlflow.entities.Run`` to enable the Python ``with`` syntax. This means that there are no longer any special methods on the object returned when calling ``mlflow.start_run()``. These can be converted to the service API.
- The Python entities returned by the tracking service API are now accessible in ``mlflow.entities`` directly. Where previously you may have used ``mlflow.entities.experiment.Experiment``, you would now just use ``mlflow.entities.Experiment``. The previous version still exists, but is deprecated and may be hidden in a future version.
- REST API endpoint `/ajax-api/2.0/preview/mlflow/artifacts/get` has been moved to `$static_prefix/get-artifact`. This change is coversioned in the JavaScript, so should not be noticeable unless you were calling the REST API directly (293, andremchen)
- [Models] Keras integration: we now support logging Keras models directly in the log_model API, model format, and serving APIs (280, ToonKBC)
- [Models] PyTorch integration: we now support logging PyTorch models directly in the log_model API, model format, and serving APIs (264, vfdev-5)
- [UI] Scatterplot added to "Compare Runs" view to help compare runs using any two metrics as the axes (268, ToonKBC)
- [Artifacts] SFTP artifactory store added (260, ToonKBC)
- [Sagemaker] Users can specify a custom VPC when deploying SageMaker models (304, dbczumar)
- Pyfunc serialization now includes the Python version, and warns if the major version differs (can be suppressed by using ``load_pyfunc(suppress_warnings=True)``) (230, dbczumar)
- Pyfunc serve/predict will activate conda environment stored in MLModel. This can be disabled by adding ``--no-conda`` to ``mlflow pyfunc serve`` or ``mlflow pyfunc predict`` (225, 0wu)
- Python SDK formalized in ``mlflow.tracking``. This includes adding SDK methods for ``get_run``, ``list_experiments``, ``get_experiment``, and ``set_terminated``. (299, aarondav)
- ``mlflow run`` can now be run against projects with no ``conda.yaml`` specified. By default, an empty conda environment will be created -- previously, it would just fail. You can still pass ``--no-conda`` to avoid entering a conda environment altogether (218, smurching)
Bug fixes:
- Fix numpy array serialization for int64 and other related types, allowing pyfunc to return such results (240, arinto)
- Fix DBFS artifactory calling ``log_artifacts`` with binary data (295, aarondav)
- Fix Run Command shown in UI to reproduce a run when the original run is targeted at a subdirectory of a Git repo (294, adrian555)
- Filter out ubiquitious dtype/ufunc warning messages (317, aarondav)
- Minor bug fixes and documentation updates (261, stbof; 279, dmatrix; 313, rbang1, 320, yassineAlouini; 321, tomasatdatabricks; 266, 282, 289, smurching; 267, 265, aarondav; 256, 290, ToonKBC; 273, 263, mateiz; 272, 319, adrian555; 277, aadamson; 283, 296, andrewmchen)