- Compatibility with Python 2.7 has been dropped.
- `RepeatImagesModule` for duplicating an image or stack of images.
- `FrameSimilarityModule` for measuring the similarity between images.
- `SelectByAttributeModule` for selecting images based on attribute values. Can be used in tandem with `FrameSimilarityModule`.
- `ExtractBinaryModule` for extracting a PSF which rotates across the image stack.
- `FitCenterModule` which has been adopted from `StarCenteringModule` (which will be deprecated in a future release). The module only fits the PSF while the shifting is done with the `ShiftImagesModule`, by passing the dataset tag with the fit results.
- Improved multiprocessing in `ContrastCurveModule`.
- `NearReadingModule` for reading VLT/VISIR data of the NEAR experiment.
- Use the unbiased standard deviation in the SNR and FPF computation.
- `MassLimitsModule` for converting detection limits into mass limits.
- `ImageStatisticsModule` for basic statistics of pixel values.
- Rewriting of the `PSFpreparationModule`.
- Multiple small improvements, bug fixes, and new functionalities.
- Improved documentation and additional test cases.