**Breaking changes**
The INSEE APIs were changed, including
* new API portal: portail-api.insee.fr
* no token generation is needed for all APIs except SIRENE
* for SIRENE API, it is now provided via the ``sirene_key`` argument in ``init_conn``
* ``get_included_area`` was removed
* ``GeoFrDataFrame.translate`` is deprecated in favor of ``GeoFrDataFrame.transform_overseas``
* ``GeoFrDataFrame.get_geom`` is deprecated in favor of ``GeoFrDataFrame.geometry.union_all``
**New features**
* ``GeoFrDataFrame`` inherits from ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` so you can use all the included methods directly on it (246)
* the tranlation and zoom of overseas department has be renamed ``transform_overseas``
* the configuration file is no longer stored in the middle of the home directory (210)
* updated examples and user guides (246 250 251)
* internal links for functions and classes (251)
* link to pandas/geopandas/pyproj and request documentations (251)
**Under the hood**
* use data from Melodi api (229)
* backend function update in the utils module + sirene functions update
* cleanup of temporary files handling (206)
* all cached data is now saved as parquet for faster read/write operations (199 208 224)
* switch to multithreading instead of multiprocessing (216)
* move to pyproject.toml only (243)
* fix tests and cleanup imports (many commits)
* enforce black formatting (234)