* Switch to using `math.fsum()` instead of `sum()` for better python
3.12 compatibility (720)
* Some modernization of the AMReX-Astro C++ code output (709, 714,
* Documentation improvements, including references and contributing
instructions, and NSE table (669, 679, 695, 697, 706, 707)
* Clean-up up some plot interfaces to always take rho, T, comp in
that order (693)
* Performance improvements (680, 685, 692)
* A new constants module was added to provide fundamental constants
* A new `NumpyNetwork` was added for use with the rate reduction
algorithm (684)
* Neutrino cooling routines based on Itoh et al. 1996 were added
* A new method for generating an NSE table was added (676)
* A new `NSENetwork` class was added for dealing with NSE (675)
* Moved some screening utilities out of `RateCollection` (666)
* A `PythonNetwork` now write out a function to compute the energy
release (640)