What's Changed
* Remove unneeded doc generation script by lukaspie in https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools/pull/413
* Move all READMEs to docs, overhaul doc structure by lukaspie in https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools/pull/412
* Nexus validation tutorial by RonHildebrandt in https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools/pull/402
* Functionalities for implementing EM v3 and APM v3 in pynxtools-PLUGINS by mkuehbach in https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools/pull/426
* Use NXidentifier branch in nexus-defs by lukaspie in https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools/pull/425
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FAIRmat-NFDI/pynxtools/compare/v0.6.1...v0.7.0