
Latest version: v1.4.1

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- rm obisissues (issue


- adding a progress bar while fetching occurrence records
+ added a progress bar to `` function to make the process more informative to the end user.


- resolved issue: package throwing error for MoFs with occurrence records
+ Added a null-check function when accessing MoF records. Previously, accessing MoF records for species without any occurrence records resulted in an error.


- resolved issue: MoF accessibility (duplicate columns)
+ resolved duplicate column issue when fetching MoF records. Some columns like scientificName and eventID were being repeated when performing inner_join on normalized and non-normalized DataFrame.


- resolved occurrence pagination bug wherein subsequent records were not being fetched
+ fixed the bug while fetching occurrence records iteratively, w/ and w/o user-specified limits


- updated all modules to the new OBIS API v3
+ updated checklist, nodes, occurrences, and taxa module
- removed resources, added dataset module

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