
Latest version: v2.0.2

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v<0.9.5>, <09/10/2021> -- Various documentation fix.
v<0.9.5>, <10/26/2021> -- MAD fix 318.
v<0.9.5>, <10/26/2021> -- Automatic histogram size selection for HBOS and LODA 321.
v<0.9.5>, <10/27/2021> -- Add prediction confidence 349.
v<0.9.6>, <11/05/2021> -- Minor bug fix for COPOD.
v<0.9.6>, <12/24/2021> -- Bug fix for MAD (358).
v<0.9.6>, <12/24/2021> -- Bug fix for COPOD plotting (337).
v<0.9.6>, <12/24/2021> -- Model persistence doc improvement.
v<0.9.7>, <01/03/2022> -- Add ECOD.
v<0.9.8>, <02/23/2022> -- Add Feature Importance for iForest.
v<0.9.8>, <03/05/2022> -- Update ECOD (TKDE 2022).
v<0.9.9>, <03/20/2022> -- Renovate documentation.
v<0.9.9>, <03/23/2022> -- Add example for COPOD interpretability.
v<0.9.9>, <03/23/2022> -- Add outlier detection by Cook’s distances.
v<0.9.9>, <04/04/2022> -- Various community fix.
v<1.0.0>, <04/04/2022> -- Add KDE detector (382).
v<1.0.0>, <04/06/2022> -- Disable the bias term in DeepSVDD (385).
v<1.0.0>, <04/21/2022> -- Fix a set of issues of autoencoders (313, 390, 391).
v<1.0.0>, <04/23/2022> -- Add sampling based detector (384).
v<1.0.1>, <04/27/2022> -- Add INNE (396).
v<1.0.1>, <05/13/2022> -- Urgent fix for iForest (406).
v<1.0.2>, <06/21/2022> -- Add GMM detector (402).
v<1.0.2>, <06/23/2022> -- Add ADBench Benchmark.
v<1.0.3>, <06/27/2022> -- Change default generation to new behaviors (409).
v<1.0.3>, <07/04/2022> -- Add AnoGAN (412).
v<1.0.4>, <07/29/2022> -- General improvement of code quality and test coverage.
v<1.0.4>, <07/29/2022> -- Add LUNAR (413).
v<1.0.4>, <07/29/2022> -- Add LUNAR (415).
v<1.0.5>, <07/29/2022> -- Import optimization.
v<1.0.5>, <08/27/2022> -- Code optimization.
v<1.0.5>, <09/14/2022> -- Add ALAD.
v<1.0.6>, <09/23/2022> -- Update ADBench benchmark for NeruIPS 2022.
v<1.0.6>, <10/23/2022> -- ADD KPCA.
v<1.0.7>, <12/14/2022> -- Enable automatic thresholding by pythresh (454).
v<1.0.8>, <03/08/2023> -- Improve clone compatibility (471).
v<1.0.8>, <03/08/2023> -- Add QMCD detector (452).
v<1.0.8>, <03/08/2023> -- Optimized ECDF and drop Statsmodels dependency (467).
v<1.0.9>, <03/19/2023> -- Hot fix for errors in ECOD and COPOD due to the issue of scipy.
v<1.1.0>, <06/19/2023> -- Further integration of PyThresh.
v<1.1.1>, <07/03/2023> -- Bump up sklearn requirement and some hot fixes.
v<1.1.1>, <10/24/2023> -- Add deep isolation forest (506).
v<1.1.2>, <11/17/2023> -- Massive documentation optimization.
v<1.1.2>, <11/17/2023> -- Fix the issue of contamination.
v<1.1.2>, <11/17/2023> -- KPCA bug fix (494).
v<1.1.3>, <02/07/2024> -- Minor fix for SUOD changes.
v<1.1.4>, <02/09/2024> -- Drop support of six for Python 2.
v<1.1.4>, <03/16/2024> -- Fix documentation and temporarily restrict to Keras 2 in testing.
v<2.0.0>, <05/21/2024> -- Moving from TF to Torch -- reimplement SO_GAAL.
v<2.0.0>, <05/21/2024> -- Moving from TF to Torch -- implement dl base with more utilities.
v<2.0.1>, <06/16/2024> -- Moving from TF to Torch -- reimplement DeepSVDD.
v<2.0.1>, <06/17/2024> -- Moving from TF to Torch -- reimplement dl_base.
v<2.0.1>, <06/21/2024> -- Moving from TF to Torch -- reimplement MO_GAAL.
v<2.0.1>, <06/21/2024> -- Moving from TF to Torch -- reimplement AE and VAE.
v<2.0.2>, <07/01/2024> -- Add AE1SVM.
v<2.0.2>, <07/04/2024> -- Moving from TF to Torch -- reimplement ALAD.
v<2.0.2>, <07/04/2024> -- Moving from TF to Torch -- reimplement anogan.
v<2.0.2>, <07/06/2024> -- Complete of removing all Tensorflow and Keras code.
v<2.0.2>, <07/21/2024> -- Add DevNet.


v<0.9.0>, <06/20/2021> -- Add clone test for models.
v<0.9.0>, <07/03/2021> -- ROD hot fix (316).
v<0.9.0>, <07/04/2021> -- Improve COPOD plot with colunms parameter.
v<0.9.1>, <07/12/2021> -- Improve COPOD by dropping pandas dependency.
v<0.9.1>, <07/19/2021> -- Add memory efficienct COF.
v<0.9.1>, <08/01/2021> -- Fix Pytorch Dataset issue.
v<0.9.1>, <08/14/2021> -- Synchronize scikit-learn LOF parameters.
v<0.9.2>, <08/15/2021> -- Fix ROD.
v<0.9.2>, <08/15/2021> -- Add DeepSVDD (implemented by Rafał Bodziony).
v<0.9.3>, <08/19/2021> -- Expand test to Python 3.8 and 3.9.
v<0.9.3>, <08/29/2021> -- Add SUOD.
v<0.9.4>, <08/29/2021> -- Urgent update for scikit-learnin 1.0.


v<0.8.6>, <01/10/2021> -- Fix LMDD parameter inconsistenct.
v<0.8.6>, <01/12/2021> -- Add option to specify feature names in copod explanation plot (PR 261).
v<0.8.7>, <01/16/2021> -- Add ROD.
v<0.8.7>, <02/18/2021> -- Dependency optimization.
v<0.8.8>, <04/08/2021> -- COPOD optimization.
v<0.8.8>, <04/08/2021> -- Add parallelization for COPOD.
v<0.8.8>, <04/26/2021> -- Fix XGBOD issue with xgboost 1.4.
v<0.8.9>, <05/17/2021> -- Turn on test for Python 3.5-3.8.



v<0.6.9>, <04/08/2019> -- Redesign ReadMe for clarity.
v<0.6.9>, <04/08/2019> -- Deprecate fit_predict and fit_predict_score function.
v<0.6.9>, <04/10/2019> -- Add inclusion criteria and Python 2.7 retirement notice.
v<0.7.0>, <04/18/2019> -- Fix issue 23 that kNN fails with Mahalanobis distance.
v<0.7.0>, <04/20/2019> -- Fix for sklearn new behaviour FutureWarning.
v<0.7.0>, <04/29/2019> -- Refactor 76 (generate_data_clusters).
v<0.7.1>, <05/13/2019> -- Fix installation errors caused by sklearn 0.21.
v<0.7.2>, <05/27/2019> -- Enhanced CI integration.
v<0.7.2>, <05/29/2019> -- Add Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor (COF).
v<0.7.2>, <05/29/2019> -- Bug fixes in LSCP and minor documentation updates.
v<0.7.3>, <06/10/2019> -- Update documentation.
v<0.7.3>, <06/12/2019> -- Add Subspace Outlier Detection (SOD).
v<0.7.3>, <06/12/2019> -- Fix bugs in SO_GAAL and MO_GAAL.
v<0.7.4>, <07/10/2019> -- Fix bugs and update documentation.
v<0.7.4>, <07/17/2019> -- Update dependency (six and joblib).
v<0.7.4>, <07/19/2019> -- Update deprecation information.
v<0.7.5>, <09/24/2019> -- Fix one dimensional data error in LSCP.
v<0.7.5>, <10/13/2019> -- Document kNN and Isolation Forest's incoming changes.
v<0.7.5>, <10/13/2019> -- SOD optimization (created by John-Almardeny in June).
v<0.7.5>, <10/13/2019> -- Documentation updates.
v<>, <10/15/2019> -- kNN code optimization.
v<>, <12/05/2019> -- Hot fix for scikit-learn 0.22 update. To be complete.
v<>, <12/05/2019> -- Disable CircleCI for Python 2.7.
v<0.7.6>, <12/18/2019> -- Update Isolation Forest and LOF to be consistent with sklearn 0.22.
v<0.7.6>, <12/18/2019> -- Add Deviation-based Outlier Detection (LMDD).
v<0.7.7>, <12/21/2019> -- Refactor code for combination simplification on combo.
v<0.7.7>, <12/21/2019> -- Extended combination methods by median and majority vote.
v<0.7.7>, <12/22/2019> -- Code optimization and documentation update.
v<0.7.7>, <12/22/2019> -- Enable continuous integration for Python 3.7.
v<>, <12/29/2019> -- Minor update for SUOD and warning fixes.
v<0.7.8>, <01/05/2019> -- Documentation update.
v<0.7.8>, <01/30/2019> -- Bug fix for kNN (158).
v<0.7.8>, <03/14/2020> -- Add VAE (implemented by Dr Andrij Vasylenko).
v<0.7.8>, <03/17/2020> -- Add LODA (adapted from tilitools).
v<>, <04/07/2020> -- Hot fix for SOD.
v<>, <04/14/2020> -- Bug Fix for LODA.
v<0.7.9>, <04/20/2020> -- Relax the number of n_neighbors in ABOD and COF.
v<0.7.9>, <05/01/2020> -- Extend Vanilla VAE to Beta VAE by Dr Andrij Vasylenko.
v<0.7.9>, <05/01/2020> -- Add Conda Badge.
v<0.8.0>, <05/18/2020> -- Update test frameworks by reflecting sklearn change.
v<0.8.1>, <07/01/2020> -- Bug fix and documentation update.
v<0.8.2>, <07/04/2020> -- Add a set of utility functions.
v<0.8.2>, <08/30/2020> -- Add COPOD and MAD algorithm.
v<0.8.3>, <09/01/2020> -- Make decision score consistent.
v<0.8.3>, <09/19/2020> -- Add model persistence documentation (save and load).
v<0.8.4>, <10/13/2020> -- Fix COPOD code inconsistency (issue 239).
v<0.8.4>, <10/24/2020> -- Fix LSCP minor bug (issue 180).
v<0.8.4>, <11/02/2020> -- Add support for Tensorflow 2.
v<0.8.4>, <11/12/2020> -- Merge PR !02 for categortical data generation.


v<0.2.3>, <05/26/2018> -- Add more testcases.
v<0.3.0>, <05/27/2018> -- Provide full documentation.
v<0.3.1>, <05/28/2018> -- Add more complete coverage for Py3.5+.
v<0.3.2>, <05/29/2018> -- Implement fastABOD and added more documentations.
v<0.3.3>, <05/29/2018> -- Urgent bug fix.
v<0.3.4>, <05/29/2018> -- Another urgent bug fix.
v<0.4.0>, <05/31/2018> -- Refactor all models to be sklearn compatible.
v<0.4.1>, <06/01/2018> -- Support Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6.
v<0.4.2>, <06/01/2018> -- Fix Python 2.7 installation issue.
v<0.4.3>, <06/02/2018> -- Add more models and refactored examples.
v<0.4.4>, <06/03/2018> -- Refactor HBOS and add new models.
v<0.4.5>, <06/04/2018> -- Implemented Feature Bagging meta framework.
v<0.4.6>, <06/05/2018> -- Incremental changes and documentation improvements.
v<0.4.7>, <06/06/2018> -- Add Principal Component Analysis (PCA) detector.
v<0.4.8>, <06/07/2018> -- Refactor documentation and add test cases.
v<0.4.9>, <06/09/2018> -- Add new utility functions and improve documentations.
v<0.5.0>, <06/10/2018> -- Refactor models and improve documentation.
v<0.5.1>, <06/12/2018> -- Add MCD detector and more Jupyter notebooks.
v<0.5.2>, <06/13/2018> -- Incremental changes.
v<0.5.3>, <06/14/2018> -- Incremental changes.
v<0.5.4>, <06/18/2018> -- Add CBLOF model and incremental improvements.
v<0.5.7>, <09/03/2018> -- Add AutoEncoder with fully connected architecture.
v<0.5.8>, <09/04/2018> -- Remove keras, tensorflow and matplotlib as dependency.
v<0.5.9>, <09/04/2018> -- Optimize models with numba for fast execution.
v<0.6.0>, <10/19/2018> -- Update LOF due to the changes in sklearn 0.20.0.
v<0.6.1>, <11/03/2018> -- Inclusion of Python 3.7 & welcome Zain Nasrullah.
v<0.6.1>, <11/10/2018> -- Incremental changes and official release of 0.6.1.
v<0.6.2>, <11/19/2018> -- Refactor base class to decrease cognitive complexity.
v<0.6.2>, <11/24/2018> -- Add maintainability check and Appveyor CI.
v<0.6.2>, <11/24/2018> -- Add LSCP implementation (WIP).
v<0.6.3>, <11/26/2018> -- Move from to README.rst.
v<0.6.4>, <11/26/2018> -- Refactor version file for Python 2 compatibility.
v<0.6.5>, <11/27/2018> -- Update README.rst Reference section.
v<0.6.5>, <11/28/2018> -- Add Stochastic Outlier Selection (SOS).
v<0.6.5>, <11/30/2018> -- Add CircleCI continuous integration.
v<0.6.5>, <12/03/2018> -- Add Local Correlation Integral (LOCI).
v<0.6.6>, <12/06/2018> -- Add LSCP (production version).
v<0.6.6>, <12/08/2018> -- Add XGBOD.
v<0.6.6>, <12/18/2018> -- Fixed bugs in CBLOF.
v<0.6.6>, <12/18/2018> -- Refactor docstring from rst to numpydoc.
v<0.6.6b1>, <12/18/2018> -- Pre-release of V0.6.6.
v<0.6.6>, <12/21/2018> -- Redesign visualize function for all examples.
v<0.6.6>, <12/23/2018> -- Refactor all docstring to numpydoc.
v<0.6.7>, <12/25/2018> -- Documentation clean-up.
v<0.6.7>, <12/25/2018> -- Optimize LOCI with numba.
v<0.6.7>, <12/26/2018> -- Refactor Feature Bagging and GAAL based models.
v<0.6.7>, <12/27/2018> -- Refactor test cases for better coverage.
v<0.6.7>, <12/28/2018> -- Redesign visualize function for all examples.
v<0.6.7>, <12/30/2018> -- Add new models to jupyter notebook and benchmark.
v<0.6.8>, <01/31/2019> -- Optimize unit tests for faster execution.
v<0.6.8>, <02/08/2019> -- Update docs with media coverage.
v<0.6.8>, <02/10/2019> -- Fix issue in CBLOF for n_cluster discrepancy.
v<0.6.8>, <02/10/2019> -- Minor doc improvement and stability enhancement.
v<0.6.9>, <03/12/2019> -- Major documentation update for JMLR.
v<0.6.9>, <03/12/2019> -- Change CI tool env variable setting.
v<0.6.9>, <03/18/2019> -- Update SOS default parameter setting and documentation.
v<0.6.9>, <03/29/2019> -- Refactor visualize function (moved to utils).



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