* Fixed [ODB-533]: Decode data starting with missing values correctly * Fixed [ODB-530]: Bitfield column inspection returns incomplete data in pure-Python implementation * Bumped up required `odc` version number to 1.4.0 * Added missing frame properties accessor to `codc` interface * Fixed [ODB-525]: Setting odc prefix variable (`odc_DIR`) does not work as expected on macOS * Fixed [ODB-524]: Keys and values in decoded frame properties are switched on older Python version * Added test flag to skip `codc` tests on demand (`PYODC_SKIP_CODC`) * Fixed [ODB-523]: Additional properties parameter is omitted in encode_odb() when string is passed as file * Fixed package setup metadata * Added documentation
* Correct support for constant codecs * Decoding by column short name
* Specify `odc` library location with `odc/ODC_DIR` * Correct `setup.py` dependencies to include pandas * Support missing ConstantString values encoded from ODB1 using the `odb_migrator`
* String missing values should be `None` not `NaN` * Refactor oneshot behaviour (`read_odb_oneshot` --> `read_odb(..., single=True)`) * Raise correct error on `odc` not found * Split `codb.py` into a full `codc` module * Fix miscellaneous bugs