
Latest version: v0.10.2

Safety actively analyzes 665898 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Update `requests` to 2.31.0
- Update `beautifulsoup4` to 4.12.2
- Update `aiohttp` to 3.9.1
- Update `pydantic` to 1.10.13
- Update dev-dependency `pytest` to 7.4.3
- Update dev-dependency `black` to 22.12.0
- Update dev-dependency `requests-mock` to 1.11.0
- Add support for Python 3.11


- Upgrade `aiohttp` to 3.8.3
- Fix `get_bill_info` method to support cases with no outstanding bill
- Added `BillAmount` class to parse bill amount


- Added `login` method
- Added `get_accounts` method
- Added `get_bill_info` method
- Added `get_consumption_info` method
- Added `asyncio` submodule

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