
Latest version: v0.1.3

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Potentially Breaking Change
* If a GET call returns an error 500, previously we suppressed the error and returned a `None` value. Now we will raise an `InvalidValueError` exception and print out the error message.

What's Changed
* Added User Defined Link endpoint
* Requisition endpoint updates
* Added category add/remove methods
* Ability to merge existing and new node if adding interfaces
* Added method to send just one node to a requisition via REST
* Event model rework - converted parameters from list to dict
* Update `reload_daemon` method to use new event model
* Add FIQL support to alarms, events, and nodes
* For `get_alarms`, `get_events`, and `get_nodes` methods, you can add a `fiql` parameter to specify a valid search.
* Option to ignore SSL certs

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed

* Fix event object to_dict() method
* Add OnmsMonitoredService status enum values
* Add list of running daemons to Info object
* Update alarm object to handle situation fields
* Check for valid daemon name in reload_daemon()
* Add support for creating/updating/deleting User Defined Links
* Fix handling for non-JSON responses
* Import/type hint/doc updates

**Full Changelog**:


* Requisition endpoint - add `set_asset` method
* Change from a Process Pool to Thread Pool
* Update docstrings, type hinting, and packaging settings

**Full Changelog**:


Version skipped due to packaging issues.


What's Changed

* Health and Info endpoints. When creating a new `PyONMS` instance, these endpoints will be called to gather info and populate the `info` and `health_status` attributes.
* Improvements to the Requisitions and Foreign Source endpoints.
* Methods to add/remove Foreign Source detectors and policies
* Method to add metadata to Requisition objects
* Cleanup of import references

**Full Changelog**:


First GitHub release

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