- New Caching Stores: RedisCache and DiskCache.
- New cross-process safe Rate Limiter: RedisLimiter.
- New Utils module for faster development.
- New data gathering tool: Queue.
- Added docstrings to most methods.
- Added RecentMatches object to val model.
- Pyot has entered production stable phase.
- Modules are now separated and clear on its concept (successfully unspaghettified).
- Logging settings are now set by level, most of the tools defaults to 20 (INFO).
- Removed django integrared app djot, now pyot is installable directly.
- Removed `initialize()` method on all the stores.
- Removed `GATHERER` param from settings.
- Modified `RiotAPI` rate limiter settings params.
- Renamed `put` to `set` on Pipeline to prepare for an upcoming feature.
- Took out most `Pyot` prefix from classes except PyotCore, PyotStatic.
- Global accessible PyotCore objects are now grouped to a new model `riot`.