NOTICE: pypdf changed the way it represents numbers parsed from PDF files.
pypdf<3.4.0 represented numbers as Decimal, pypdf>=3.4.0 represents them as
floats. Several other PDF libraries to this, as well as many PDF viewers.
We hope to fix issues with too high precision like this and get a speed boost.
In case your PDF documents rely on more than 18 decimals of precision you
should check if it still works as expected.
To clarify: This does not affect the text shown in PDF documents. It affects
numbers, e.g. when graphics are drawn on the PDF or very exact positions are
used. Typically, 5 decimals should be enough.
New Features (ENH)
- Enable merging forms with overlapping names (1553)
- Add 'over' parameter to merge_transformend_page & co (1567)
Bug Fixes (BUG)
- Fix getter of the PageObject.rotation property with an indirect object (1602)
- Restore merge_transformed_page & co (1567)
- Replace decimal by float (1563)
Robustness (ROB)
- PdfWriter.remove_images: /Contents might not be in page_ref (1598)
Developer Experience (DEV)
- Introduce ruff (1586, 1609)
Maintenance (MAINT)
- Remove decimal (1608)
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