* Add new optional argument ``--comparison-table`` to :command:`train-cnv-caller` and :command:`test-cnv-caller` commands.
* Update :meth:`sdk.utils.add_cn_samples` and :meth:`sdk.utils.simulate_copy_number` methods to check input files more rigorously.
* Update :meth:`api.utils.test_cnv_caller` and :meth:`api.utils.train_cnv_caller` methods to accept the latest format of SampleTable[CNVCalls] as input.
* Update plotting methods to optionally return a list of :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` objects for API users (e.g. Jupyter Notebook): :meth:`api.plot.plot_bam_copy_number`, :meth:`api.plot.plot_bam_read_depth`, :meth:`api.plot.plot_cn_af`, :meth:`api.plot.plot_vcf_allele_fraction`, :meth:`api.plot.plot_vcf_read_depth`.
* :issue:`61`: Fix bug in commands :command:`compute-control-statistics`, :command:`compute-target-depth`, and :command:`prepare-depth-of-coverage` when a BED file is provided by user.
* Improve CNV caller for CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, GSTM1, SLC22A2, SULT1A1, UGT1A4, UGT2B15, UGT2B17.
* Add new CNV call for CYP2A6: ``Unknown1``, ``Hybrid7``, ``Tandem2``.
* Add new CNV calls for CYP2B6: ``Tandem1``, ``PartialDup1``, ``PartialDup2``, ``ParalogWholeDel1``.
* Add new CNV call for CYP2D6: ``WholeDel1+Tandem3``. Also, remove ``PseudogeneDownstreamDel``.
* Add new CNV calls for CYP2E1: ``WholeDel1`` and ``WholeDup1+PartialDup1``.
* Add new CNV call for SLC22A2: ``NoncodingDel1Hom``.
* Add new CNV call for SULT1A1: ``Unknown2``, ``Unknown3``, ``Unknown4``.
* Add new CNV call for UGT1A4: ``NoncodingDel1Hom``.
* Add new CNV call for UGT2B15: ``PartialDup2``.
* Add new CNV call for UGT2B17: ``PartialDel2``. Also, define a new star allele ``*S3`` for ``PartialDel3``.
* :issue:`59`: Update CNV labels.