What's Changed * Fix `setMainTracker()` and `setMainReIDer()` for default input by rathaROG in https://github.com/rathaumons/pyppbox/pull/32 * Correct `show_ids` documentation in `visualizePeople()` * Correct an error message in `visualizePeople()` * Update and improve documentation
What's Changed * Fix FaceNet alignment in data preparation for training by rathaumons in https://github.com/rathaumons/pyppbox/pull/29 * Update and improve documentations
What's Changed * Fix file filter in Torchreid GUI * Switch from [`pyppbox-ultralytics`](https://github.com/rathaumons/ultralytics-for-pyppbox) to [`vsensebox-ultralytics`](https://github.com/numediart/ultralytics-for-vsensebox)