- Bugfix: Fixed <span class="title-ref">metric()</span> function to
query the new v2 endpoint based on Jolokia
- Added a new parameter
<span class="title-ref">metric\_api\_version</span> to the
<span class="title-ref">BaseAPI()</span> constructor that allows
changing the version of the <span class="title-ref">metric</span>
API being queried. Valid values are
<span class="title-ref">'v1'</span> for PuppetDB \<= 6.9.0,
<span class="title-ref">'v2'</span> for PuppetDB \>= 6.9.1 or
<span class="title-ref">None</span> which defaults to
<span class="title-ref">'v2'</span>.
- Added a mew parameter <span class="title-ref">version</span> to the
<span class="title-ref">metric()</span> function that allows
overriding the version of the metric API being queried for that
individual call. If nothing is specified it will default to the
<span class="title-ref">self.metric\_api\_version</span> of the
class, else it expects a value of
<span class="title-ref">'v1'</span> or
<span class="title-ref">'v2'</span> same as the
<span class="title-ref">metric\_api\_version</span> class parameter.
- Added new <span class="title-ref">payload</span> parameter to
<span class="title-ref">\_query()</span> to allow users to send
arbitrary payloads with their queries (useful for debugging).