This is major update.
Change the main function that sets the theme from `qdarktheme.load_stylesheet()` to `qdarktheme.setup_theme()`.
You can also continue to use `qdarktheme.load_stylesheet()`.
- Added `auto` to argument theme of `qdarktheme.load_stylesheet()`(192).
This `auto` theme try to detect OS's theme automatically. If failed to detect OS's theme, use theme set by argument `default_theme`.
- Added `qdarktheme.setup_theme()` that apply complete style to your Qt application(200).
This function use QPalette, Qt stylesheet and sync with OS's theme and override Qt standard icons.
- Added `qdarktheme.stop_sync()`(200).
This function stop sync with OS's theme after you set `auto` theme to qdarktheme.setup_theme().
- Added `enable_hi_dpi()`(200).
- Added overriding Qt standard icons completely(203, 206).
- Added system to keep material design icons SVG always latest automatically(193).
- Fixed QTableView and QTreeView style bug on Qt6.4.1(204).
- Fixed QToolBarExtension icon overlapping default icon(205).
- Fixed ignore selection color for QCalendarWidget on Qt5 (209).