
Latest version: v0.13.7

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API / behavior changes:
- ViewBox will auto-range when ImageItem changes shape
- AxisItem:
- Smarter about deciding which ticks get text
- AxisItem.setScale(float) has the usual behavior, but .setScale(None)
is deprecated. Instead use:
AxisItem.enableAutoSIPrefix(bool) to enable/disable SI prefix scaling
- Removed inf/nan checking from PlotDataItem and PlotCurveItem; improved

New Features:
- Support for dynamic downsampling and view clipping in PlotDataItem and
- Added 'connect' option to PlotDataItem and PlotCurveItem to affect which
line segments are drawn
- Support for FFT with non-uniform time sampling
- Added BarGraphItem
- OpenGL:
- Added export methods to GLViewWidget
- Wireframe meshes
- GLLinePLotItem gets antialiasing, accepts array of colors
- GLMeshItem accepts ShaderProgram or name of predefined program
- Added GLBarGraphItem
- LegendItem:
- User-draggable
- Allow custom ItemSamples
- Symbol support
- Support for removing items
- ScatterPlotWidget, ColorMapWidget, and DataFilterWidget are stable
- TableWidget:
- Made numerically sortable
- Added setEditable method
- AxisItem ability to truncate axis lines at the last tick
- arrayToQPath() added 'finite' connection mode which omits non-finite
values from connections
- pg.plot() and pg.PlotWidget() now accept background argument
- Allow QtProcess without local QApplication
- Support for dashing in mkPen()
- Added Dock.close()
- Added style options to flowchart connection lines
- Added parentChanged and viewChanged hooks to GraphicsItem
- Bidirectional pseudoScatter for beeswarm plots
- Added exit() function for working around PyQt exit crashes
- Added PolylineROI.getArrayRegion()

- Many Python 3 compatibility fixes
- AxisItem:
- Correctly handles scaling with values that are not power of 10
- Did not update grid line length when plot stretches
- Fixed unicode handling in AxisItem label
- ViewBox:
- Overhauled to fix issues with aspect locking
- ViewBox context menu elements are no longer deleted when using
flowchart with pyside
- Fixed view linking with inverted y axis
- Prevent auto-range disabling when dragging with one mouse axis diabled
- Ignore inf and nan when auto-ranging
- ParameterTree:
- fixed TextParameter editor disappearing after focus lost
- ListParameter: allow unhashable types as parameter values.
- Exporting:
- ImageExporter correctly handles QBrush with style=NoBrush
- SVGExporter text, gradients working correctly
- SVGExporter correctly handles coordinate corrections for groups with
mixed elements
- ImageView:
- Fixed auto-levelling when normalization options change
- Added autoHistogramRange argument to setImage
- ScatterPlotItem:
- Fixed crashes caused by ScatterPlotItem
- Fixed antialiasing
- arrayToQPath performance improved for python 3
- Fixed makeQImage on many platforms (notably, on newer PyQt APIs)
- Removed unnecessary scipy imports for faster import
- GraphItem reports pixel margins to improve auto-range
- Add backport ordereddict to repository; old OrderedDict class is removed
- Corrected behavior of GraphicsView.setBackground
- Fixed PySide bug listing image formats
- Fixed QString -> str conversions in flowchart
- Unicode file name support when exporting
- Fixed MatplotlibWidget + PySide
- Fixed 3D view updating after every scene change
- Fixed handling of non-native dtypes when optimizing with weave
- RemoteGraphicsView fixed for PyQt 4.10, Python 3
- Fixed GLLinePlotItem line width option
- HistogramLUTWidget obeys default background color
- ScaleBar complete rewrite
- GraphItem obeys antialiasing flag
- Workaround for PySide/QByteArray memory leak
- Fixed example --test on windows, python3
- Luke finished dissertation


- ArrowItem auto range now works correctly
- Dock drag/drop fixed on PySide
- Made padding behavior consistent across ViewBox methods
- Fixed MeshData / python2.6 incompatibility
- Fixed ScatterPlotItem.setSize and .setPointData
- Workaround for PySide bug; GradientEditor fixed
- Prefer initially selecting PlotItem rather then ViewBox when exporting
- Fixed python3 import error with flowcharts

Cleaned up examples, made code editable from example loader
Minor documentation updates
- Added GraphItem class for displaying networks/trees
- Added ColorMap class for mapping linear gradients and generating lookup
(Provides gradient editor functionality without the GUI)
- Added ColorMapWidget for complex user-defined color mapping
- Added ScatterPlotWidget for exploring relationships in multi-column
- Added ErrorBarItem
- SVG and image exporters can now copy to clipboard
- PlotItem gets new methods: addLine, setLabels, and listDataItems
- AxisItem gets setTickFont method
- Added functions.arrayToQPath, shared between GraphItem and PlotCurveItem
- Added gradient editors to parametertree
- Expanded documentation, added beginning of Qt crash course

- Fixed auto-ranging bugs: ViewBox now properly handles pixel-padding
around data items
- ViewBox ignores bounds of zoom-rect when auto ranging
- Fixed AxisItem artifacts
- Fixed GraphicsItem.pixelVector caching bugs and simplified workaround for
fp-precision errors
- LinearRegionItem.hoverEvent obeys 'movable' flag

- Fixed PlotDataItem nan masking bugs

- Workaround for segmentation fault in QPainter.drawPixmapFragments

- multiprocess and RemoteGraphicsView work correctly in Windows.

- Expanded python 3 support

- Silenced weave errors by default

- Fixed " 'win' in sys.platform " occurrences matching 'darwin' (duh)
- Workaround for change in QImage API (PyQt 4.9.6)
- Fixed axis ordering bug in GLScatterPlotItem


- Added GraphItem class for displaying networks/trees
- Added ColorMap class for mapping linear gradients and generating lookup
(Provides gradient editor functionality without the GUI)
- Added ColorMapWidget for complex user-defined color mapping
- Added ScatterPlotWidget for exploring relationships in multi-column
- Added ErrorBarItem
- SVG and image exporters can now copy to clipboard
- PlotItem gets new methods: addLine, setLabels, and listDataItems
- AxisItem gets setTickFont method
- Added functions.arrayToQPath, shared between GraphItem and PlotCurveItem
- Added gradient editors to parametertree
- Expanded documentation, added beginning of Qt crash course

- Fixed auto-ranging bugs: ViewBox now properly handles pixel-padding
around data items
- ViewBox ignores bounds of zoom-rect when auto ranging
- Fixed AxisItem artifacts
- Fixed GraphicsItem.pixelVector caching bugs and simplified workaround for
fp-precision errors
- LinearRegionItem.hoverEvent obeys 'movable' flag

- Fixed PlotDataItem nan masking bugs

- Workaround for segmentation fault in QPainter.drawPixmapFragments

- multiprocess and RemoteGraphicsView work correctly in Windows.

- Expanded python 3 support

- Silenced weave errors by default

- Fixed " 'win' in sys.platform " occurrences matching 'darwin' (duh)
- Workaround for change in QImage API (PyQt 4.9.6)
- Fixed axis ordering bug in GLScatterPlotItem
Plotting performance improvements:
- AxisItem shows fewer tick levels in some cases.
- Lots of boundingRect and dataBounds caching
(improves ViewBox auto-range performance, especially with multiple plots)
- GraphicsScene avoids testing for hover intersections with non-hoverable
(much less slowdown when moving mouse over plots)

Improved performance for remote plotting:
- reduced cost of transferring arrays between processes (pickle is too
- avoid unnecessary synchronous calls

Added RemoteSpeedTest example


Plotting performance improvements:
- AxisItem shows fewer tick levels in some cases.
- Lots of boundingRect and dataBounds caching
(improves ViewBox auto-range performance, especially with multiple plots)
- GraphicsScene avoids testing for hover intersections with non-hoverable
(much less slowdown when moving mouse over plots)

Improved performance for remote plotting:
- reduced cost of transferring arrays between processes (pickle is too
- avoid unnecessary synchronous calls

Added RemoteSpeedTest example
- Added documentation on export system
- Added flowchart documentation and custom node example

- prevent PlotCurveItem drawing shadow when unnecessary
- deprecated flowchart.Node.__getattr__ -- causes too many problems.


- Added documentation on export system
- Added flowchart documentation and custom node example

- prevent PlotCurveItem drawing shadow when unnecessary
- deprecated flowchart.Node.__getattr__ -- causes too many problems.
Bugfix: prevent adding invalid entry to sys.path when running examples


Bugfix: prevent adding invalid entry to sys.path when running examples
- SVG export text elements use generic font-family as backup, corrected item
transformation issues
- Fixed RuntimeError caused when clearing item hierarchies from ViewBox
- Fixed example execution bug

Packaging maintenance:
- Added missing files to, fixed package detection
- Added debian control files for building source packages
- Fixed version numbering in doc,

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