* 342: Fixes azure-pipelines.yml pipeline (2021-06-03)
* 341: Only log args if they are iterable (2021-06-02)
* 340: pyq-sync cli breaks when args is not iterable (2021-06-02)
* 339: Enables support for Sphinx 4.0 (2021-05-10)
* 338: Adds a command in the setup to check url in the code or documentation (2021-05-10)
* 337: Adds function to easily store and retrieve dataframe through a REST API (2021-04-17)
* 336: Refactors setup.py, moves setup command to pyquicksetup (2021-04-10)
* 335: Adds class to store files with sqlite3, access with FastAPI (2021-04-06)
* 334: Renames serverdoc into server (2021-04-04)
* 332: Javascript for examples galleries is not working (2021-03-31)
* 333: Fixes issue 332, fix style in gallery of examples (2021-03-29)
* 331: Add option process to gdot sphinx extension (2021-03-09)
* 330: Fixes for sphinx 3.5 (2021-02-15)
* 329: Fixes 328, improves links in notebooks (2021-02-13)
* 328: Github link for notebooks is broken (2021-02-13)
* 326: Add option CRB to put \r back in a file (2021-02-09)
* 325: Implements a scenario with keyrings.cryptfile for get_password, set_password (2021-01-10)
* 324: Fixes issue with jupyter-client-6.1.10 on Windows (2021-01-08)
* 314: fixes function _process_notebooks_in_private for newer version of nbconvert + missing file rst.tpl (2020-12-31)
* 323: Add function assert_almost_equal_detailed with more feedback (2020-12-10)
* 322: Implements function testlog to log information around a test function (2020-11-14)
* 321: svg2png fails after cairosvg update (2020-11-11)
* 320: Fix notebook links on github when inserted into the documentation (2020-11-11)
* 318: Add function to download url content in a folder and a local link from it (2020-10-11)
* 312: use twine to publish a package (2020-10-11)
* 310: Add common interface to retrieve password with keyring (2020-10-11)
* 317: fLOG shoud return the first object sent as argument (2020-09-30)
* 316: Fix issue when image name for .. image:: is a pattern (2020-09-22)
* 315: Small fix for nbconvert 6.0.3 (2020-09-14)
* 313: Update reveal.js (2020-09-05)
* 311: Bump node-sass from 3.13.1 to 4.14.1 in /src/pyquickhelper/sphinxext/revealjs/templates/revealjs/static (2020-09-05)
* 309: Add option linenos to extension runpython (2020-07-17)
* 307: Add a function to plot a graph on a matplotlib (2020-07-07)
* 306: Remove numpydoc added by default, it fails with other extensions (2020-06-28)
* 305: docassert does not work on numpydoc (2020-06-23)
* 304: Implements a simpler version of ignore_warnings (2020-06-07)
* 303: Add parameter squeeze to assertEqualArray (2020-06-03)
* 302: Implements method assertLogging in ExtTestCase (2020-05-10)
* 301: Implements method assertWarning in ExtTestCase (2020-05-10)
* 300: Use fire instead of docutils to parse function documentation in cli (2020-05-02)
* 298: SingleFileHTMLBuilder is deprecated in Sphinx (2020-04-07)
* 297: Fix import issue with sphinx==3.0.0 (2020-04-05)
* 296: Automatically modifies __init__.py with git number version (2020-03-12)
* 295: Speed up import time of ExtTestCase (2020-02-28)
* 294: Rename command line process_notebook into convert_notebook (2020-02-20)
* 293: Fix notebook format after execution (function run_notebook) (2020-02-20)
* 292: Add command line to run notebook (2020-02-19)
* 291: Sphinx extension bigger fails with sphinx 2.4.1 (2020-02-12)
* 290: Issue raised with pandas.set_option in class BenchMark (2020-02-02)
* 289: Fix notebook conversion after nbconvert update (minor_version=0, ...) (2020-01-14)
* 288: Fix build for python 3.8 (2020-01-02)
* 287: Fix pyquickhelper for coverage 5.0 (2019-12-16)
* 286: Fix pyquickhelper for sphinx 2.3.0 (2019-12-16)
* 285: Make ftp command line work with keyring (2019-12-08)
* 284: Implements untar_files for .tar.gz extensions (2019-11-25)
* 283: Add a command line to publish a file through ftp and ftps (2019-11-25)
* 282: Write a function to run a function every n seconds (2019-11-22)
* 281: Removes use of specific versions of nbconvert and pylzma. (2019-11-11)
* 280: Removes conversion from notebook to nbpresent (2019-11-10)
* 279: Add method assertEqualSparseArray (2019-11-06)
* 277: Grammar and spelling fixes. (2019-11-06)
* 278: Add simple command line to merge multiple images into one PDF (2019-11-04)
* 276: Add function to make white transparent in an image. (2019-10-28)
* 275: Add six to the module to ignore in _filter_out_warning (2019-10-21)
* 255: Moves blog generation inside sphinx (2019-10-09)
* 274: Add parameter min_size to check wrong downloads in function read_content_ufs (2019-09-22)
* 273: Extend FTP functionalities to SFTP (2019-09-19)
* 272: Improves df2rst by splitting into columns to have smaller dataframes to display (2019-09-05)
* 271: Add parameter split to function df2rst to introduce section in the output (2019-09-05)
* 270: Adds a function to zoom in, zoom out images + command line (2019-09-01)
* 269: Fix github links if the sources are not inside a subfolder src (2019-09-01)
* 268: Fix bool parsing in create_cli_parser (2019-08-27)
* 267: Skips a given list of issues when producing the history (2019-08-26)
* 266: add option to local_jenkins to specify a different jenkins server (2019-08-25)
* 264: Implements function unittest_require_at_least to skip a unit test requiring a more recent version of a package (2019-08-02)
* 263: Skip type cells of type 'vnd.plotly.v1+json' when extracting snippets of a notebook (2019-07-30)
* 262: Issue with jupyter_sphinx 0.2.0 (sphinx extension) (2019-07-17)
* 261: add option :store_in_file: to runpython extension (to be able to use inspect.getsource) (2019-07-09)
* 260: Allow the use of pyinstrument when profiling a function (2019-07-05)
* 259: implement capture in ExtTestCase to capture stdout, stderr (2019-06-28)
* 258: force positional arguments in create_cli_parser (2019-06-27)
* 254: Implements gdot to skip graphviz and render dot file with viz.js (2019-06-18)
* 253: fix links in exreflist (2019-06-15)
* 252: expose parameter fxeclude to avoid including them in the documentation (2019-06-15)
* 251: Switch to Sphinx 2.1, remove specific code for older versions (2019-06-03)
* 250: fix errors introduced by installing sphinx 2.1 (2019-06-03)
* 238: add simple function to profile and command line, implements a graph as well (2019-05-27)
* 248: add option numpy_precision in runpython (2019-05-05)
* 247: Use of command in setup.py (2019-04-25)
* 246: Supports projects without src folder (2019-04-25)
* 245: make test pass for sphinx 2.0.0 (2019-03-30)
* 244: remove need of __init__.py in folder src, do not import conf.py in the same process while generating the documentation (2019-03-25)
* 243: refactor unit tests (2019-03-20)
* 242: add command line sphinx_rst to convert rst document (2019-03-16)
* 239: add sphinx directive to add date of the latest commit (2019-03-16)
* 240: replaces separator ; by ;; in yaml files when dealing with conditional instructions (2019-03-04)
* 236: command line is slow (2019-03-01)
* 237: add parameter number_format to df2rst (2019-02-28)
* 235: removes FutureWarning when using ExtTestClass (2019-02-24)
* 234: fix RSS stream (2019-02-21)
* 233: add a function to run all test function in a file (2019-02-14)
* 232: Missing blog posts between two pages (2019-01-28)
* 230: autosignature does not work for C++ function in cpyquickhelper (2019-01-19)
* 229: remove specific code for python2 (2019-01-12)
* 228: fix missing jpg images in documentation (2019-01-09)
* 227: makes more functions available from command line (2019-01-08)
* 226: fix command line name when created from a function (2019-01-08)
* 225: add class BufferedPrint to retrieve logging through fLOG (2019-01-07)
* 224: add process_notebooks in the list of function available through the command line (2019-01-06)
* 223: jenkins script: distringuish between script and linux instruction if (2019-01-04)
* 222: update jenkins job cleanup options (2019-01-03)
* 221: ignore errors when combining reports (2019-01-02)
* 220: creates a GUI for the command line window (2018-12-31)
* 219: Add default negative pattern when cleaning files in a folder (2018-12-31)
* 217: remove unnecessary logging when generating sphinx documentation (2018-12-20)
* 216: conversion of notebook including svg fails (2018-12-18)
* 215: add quote_node for quotations (sphinx) (2018-12-18)
* 214: fix issue with neg_pattern in explore_folder_iterfile (2018-12-11)
* 213: removes cmdref from documentation when creating a parser for a function (2018-12-10)
* 212: issue when the default value is None when building the parser for a specific function (2018-12-09)
* 211: automatically git tag when publishing (2018-12-05)
* 210: add __main__ command line (2018-11-29)
* 209: implements function retrieve_notebooks_in_folder (2018-11-25)
* 208: update to azure CI (2018-11-25)
* 205: Slides conversion are missing from the documentation (2018-11-09)
* 204: Fix missing snippet for notebook when it fails finding one (2018-11-06)
* 203: make epkg links anonymous to avoid warning about duplicated target (2018-11-05)
* 202: make runpython keep context from one execution to the next one (2018-11-01)
* 201: handle language options in runpython and rst builder (2018-11-01)
* 200: ignore issue E402 when applying autopep8 (move import at the top of the file) (2018-10-28)
* 199: better logging in synchronisation_folder (2018-10-14)
* 198: broken links in the documentation (magic command ,example) (2018-10-14)
* 197: do not raise exception if latex is not found when using rst2html (2018-10-06)
* 196: add function add_rst_links to automatically add links into one string (2018-10-04)
* 195: implement a doctree outputter (2018-09-19)
* 194: check why call an extension from the setup is different from adding it to the list of extensions (2018-09-19)
* 193: fix an issue when converting a werzeug object into string (2018-09-17)
* 192: resolve issues with image and sphinx (2018-09-16)
* 191: implement latex custom builder for rst2html (2018-09-16)
* 190: Take dependency on Sphinx >= 1.8 (2018-09-13)
* 189: fix import issue with update to Sphinx 1.8.0 (2018-09-13)
* 188: add supports for images in rst and md writers (2018-09-12)
* 187: fix bug in doxypy when class definition is followed by a commentary (2018-09-12)
* 186: remove <SYSTEM MESSAGE> for role ref when converting a string rst into html or rst (2018-09-08)
* 185: add markdown rst converter (2018-09-08)
* 184: add tag :orphan: to additional files (2018-09-08)
* 183: use svg image for formula in HTML and png in latex (2018-08-27)
* 182: implementation of a backup plan if downloading require.js fails (2018-08-27)
* 181: fix an issue when combining coverage_report after the unit tests passed (2018-08-24)
* 180: add parameter persistent to get_temp_folder (2018-08-24)
* 179: put a default value for neg_pattern if it is none to avoid known folders (function check_pep8) (2018-08-23)
* 178: add parameter delay to wait between two files being transferred through FTP (2018-08-23)
* 177: remove ping helper (2018-08-20)
* 163: fix automation for Jenkins on linux (2018-08-20)
* 32: add command local_jenkins for setup.py (2018-08-20)
* 176: add margin around toggle button (sphinx) (2018-08-19)
* 175: removes output title if toggle option is used (2018-08-19)
* 174: changes runpython titles into <<< and >>> (2018-08-19)
* 173: add option current to runpython to run a script in the folder of the source file which contains it (2018-08-19)
* 172: rst2html: parameters directives allows single directive with no new nodes (2018-08-19)
* 171: allow a class to modify the script to run in runpython sphinx directive (2018-08-18)
* 170: add option syspath for autosignature (2018-08-05)
* 169: add option debug to autosignature (2018-08-05)
* 168: documentation does not produce a page for a compiled module in pure C++ (not with pybind11) (2018-08-05)
* 166: fix github link when link points to a compile module (2018-08-05)
* 167: autosignature fails for function implemented in pure C++ (not with pybind11) (2018-08-04)
* 165: documentation does not automatically generate .rst for module written in C (2018-08-04)
* 164: improve autosignature for builtin function (2018-08-03)
* 162: reduce the impact of RuntimeError: Kernel died before replying to kernel_info (2018-07-29)
* 161: fix unit test test_build_script on appveyor (2018-07-28)
* 160: notebook server remains open if an exception happens during the execution (2018-07-25)
* 159: fix a bug with pylint version (2018-07-23)
* 158: replaces clock by perf_counter (2018-07-22)
* 156: fix issue with update to python-jenkins 1.1.0 (2018-07-22)
* 155: fix issue with pylint 2.0 (2018-07-22)
* 154: notebook coverage add color (2018-05-27)
* 153: fix message "do not understand why t1 >= t2 for file %s" % full (2018-05-27)
* 151: bug in autosignature, shorten path does not work for static method (2018-05-24)
* 150: hide warnings produced by add_missing_development_version (2018-05-23)
* 149: modifies autosignature to display the shortest import way (2018-05-19)
* 148: fix unit test test_changes_graph (pandas update) (2018-05-17)
* 146: remove raise ... (...) from e in setup.py (2018-05-17)
* 145: add a script to launch scite on windows with the right path (2018-05-13)
* 144: disable sphinx gallery extension if no example (2018-05-11)
* 143: add setup option to run pylint (2018-05-11)
* 142: look for the files which makes pylint crash on Windows (2018-05-11)
* 141: check_pep8 does not detect line too long and unused variables (use of pylint) (2018-05-11)
* 140: modify assertEqualArray to allow small different (assert_almost_equal) (2018-05-07)
* 138: retrieve past issues in history.rst (2018-05-06)
* 139: update to python-jenkins 1.0.0 (2018-05-05)
* 137: fix bug in bug HTML output (aggregated pages) (2018-04-29)
* 136: add parameter create_dest to synchronize_folder (2018-04-29)
* 135: fix for sphinx 1.7.3 (circular reference) (2018-04-22)
* 134: allow url in video sphinx extension (2018-04-22)
* 133: add a collapsible container, adapt it for runpython (2018-04-22)
* 132: catch warning in run_python_script output, use redirect_stdout (2018-04-21)
* 131: remove warning in runpython (2018-04-21)
* 130: add plot output for runpython (2018-04-21)
* 129: implement an easy way to profile a function in unit test (2018-04-19)
* 128: fix issue in enumerate_pypi_versions_date (2018-04-14)
* 127: update to pip 10 (many API changes) (2018-04-14)
* 126: remove dependency on flake8, use pycodestyle (2018-04-13)
* 125: fix sharenet for rst format (2018-04-05)
* 124: add CodeNode in rst builder (2018-04-05)
* 123: fix style for blogpostagg, remove inserted admonition (2018-04-05)
* 122: fix notebook name when converting into rst (collision with html) (2018-04-05)
* 121: extend list of functions in ExtTestCase (NotEqual, Greater(strict=True), NotEmpty (2018-04-01)
* 120: add _fieldlist_row_index if missing in HTMLTranslatorWithCustomDirectives (2018-04-01)
* 119: collision with image names in notebooks converted into rst (2018-03-29)
* 117: bug with nbneg_pattern, check unit test failing due to that (2018-03-26)
* 116: add tag .. raw:: html in notebook converted into rst (2018-03-26)
* 114: automatically builds history with release and issues + add command history in setup (2018-03-24)
* 111: enable manual snippet for notebook, repace add_notebook_menu by toctree in sphinx (2018-03-20)
* 113: propose a fix for a bug introduced by pip 9.0.2 (2018-03-19)
* 112: allow to set custom snippets for notebooks (2018-03-15)
* 109: run javascript producing svg and convert it into png (2018-03-15)
* 107: convert svg into png for notebook snippets (2018-03-12)
* 108: add command lab, creates a script to start jupyter lab on notebook folder (2018-03-10)
* 106: replace pdflatex by xelatex to handle utf-8 (2018-03-03)
* 104: implement visit, depart for pending_xref and rst translator (2018-03-01)
* 103: fix import issue for Sphinx 1.7.1 (2018-03-01)
* 102: fix sphinx command line (2018-02-24)
* 100: fix indentation when copying the sources in documentation repository (2018-02-04)
* 99: bug with galleries of examples with multiple subfolders (2018-01-30)