What's Changed
This major release contains a rewrite of the client library, and significantly more feature support -- confirmed working for TM2. This release drops support for the sync library, only using async. See the [documentation](https://allenporter.github.io/pyrainbird/) for examples of how to call the new APIs. New commands include support for returning the schedule in the form of a timeline that can be used
to display the upcoming start times on a calendar. If you have compatibility issues, please file issues with debug logging turns up to
capture request/responses for the new commands so we can add support.
* Add additional input file for renovate by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/67
* Add additional rainbird commands by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/71
* Rename test/ directory to tests/ by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/72
* Add python 3.11 to integration tests by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/73
* Rename test files to follow common best practice by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/74
* Update README with a pointer to CONTRIBUTING.md by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/75
* Add an additional test harness for golden files by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/76
* Add low level parser for schedule related commands by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/77
* Add schedule API for testing and adjust schedule object output by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/78
* Move additional tests to golden files by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/79
* Cleanup internal resources for requests and responses by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/80
* Combine request and response encoding/decoding by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/81
* Improve test coverage by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/82
* Add commands for setting date and time by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/83
* Add structure to device model information by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/84
* Decode request/response values actively in mitm proxy by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/85
* Add additional tests for schedules by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/93
* Code cleanup in client library and test by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/94
* Simplify States api to return active set of zones by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/95
* Add support for encoding/decoding irrigation queue messages by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/96
* Add Current Queue encode/decode support for TM2 by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/97
* Breaking change: Remove pageable APIs and cache static data by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/98
* Add workflow for pdoc github pages by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/99
* User correct pdoc library by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/100
* Breaking change: Remove the synchronous API and update documentation by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/101
* Remove synchronous rainbird examples by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/102
* Documentation style and readability improvements by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/103
* Add command to return the rainbird schedule by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/105
* Add pydantic by fabaff in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/106
* Add an API for a timeline of upcoming irrigation events by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/107
* Share timeline code with ical and increase test coverage by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/108
* Improve timeline iteration to be more friendly for application building by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/109
* Improve schedule support with raindelay and backwards cycles by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/110
* Cleanup the recurrence rule creation by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/111
* Update schedule with additional details about the programs / zones by allenporter in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/112
* Update dependency types-requests to v2.28.11.7 by renovate in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/86
* Update dependency requests to v2.28.2 by renovate in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/87
* Update dependency pytest to v7.2.1 by renovate in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/88
* Update dependency types-PyYAML to v6.0.12.3 by renovate in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/89
* Update dependency types-requests to v2.28.11.8 by renovate in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/90
* Update actions/configure-pages action to v3 by renovate in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/104
New Contributors
* renovate made their first contribution in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/86
* fabaff made their first contribution in https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/pull/106
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/allenporter/pyrainbird/compare/1.1.1...2.0.0