- Make scaffolding compatible with Pyramid 1.3a2+.
- Make tests pass on Pyramid 1.2dev.
- Make compatible with Python 3.2 (requires Pyramid 1.3dev+).
- Add ``get_jinja2_environment`` directive.
- Add all configurator directives to documentation.
- Message domain can now be specified with *jinja2.i18n.domain* for i18n
- Paster template now sets up starter locale pot/po/mo files
- pyramid_jinja2 now depends on Jinja2 >= 2.5.0 due to ``jinja2.Environment.install_gettext_callables`` use https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_jinja2/pull/21
- Added demo app just to visualize i18n work
- ``jinja2.ext.i18n`` is now added by default, see ``i18n.rst`` for details
- Added ``add_jinja2_extension`` directive to the Configurator
- Updated jinja2.extensions parsing mechanism
- Fixed docs to indicate using asset: prefix is no longer necessary
- Asset-based loading now takes precedance and does not require "asset:" prefix
- Fixed the "current" package mechanism of asset: loading so that it more accurately finds the current package