Better fallback values.
- Now, by default, if an attribute is missing (which can happen, e.g.,
for ``%(request.method)s`` is there is no current request) it is
rendered as ``<?``\ *attribute-name*\ ``?>``
(e.g. ``"<?request.method?>"``.)
- There is now a syntax for explicitly specifying fallback values. E.g.
``"%(request.method|(no-request))"`` which will format to ``(no request)``,
if there is no current request (or if the current request does not have
a ``method`` attribute.)
Dict-like access to values
- When looking up a dotted name, if an attribute can not be found,
``dict``-style (``__getitem__``) lookup will be attempted.
E.g. ``"%(request.matchdict.arg)"`` will get at