Issues Closed
* [Issue 299]( - Refactor bilinear interpolation ([PR 300](
* [Issue 297]( - Using CRS from `to_cartopy_crs()` triggers AttributeError in shapely
* [Issue 291]( - Help text for the bucket resampler is incorrect
* [Issue 289]( - AreaDefinition.area_extent mutability leads to hash violations ([PR 290](
* [Issue 287]( - AttributeError when comparing `AreaDefinition` against other type ([PR 288](
* [Issue 237]( - Test failure in test_kd_tree.Test.test_custom
In this release 6 issues were closed.
Pull Requests Merged
Bugs fixed
* [PR 305]( - Add missing test data to package
* [PR 304]( - Improve test compatibility with new pyproj
* [PR 298]( - Fix fill value for integer datasets, fix band assignment
* [PR 294]( - Fix colrow2lonlat working only for square areadefs
Features added
* [PR 310]( - Remove appveyor CI in favor of travis Windows and add Python 3.9 wheels
* [PR 303]( - Add caching of bilinear information
* [PR 300]( - Refactor bilinear ([299](
* [PR 290]( - Make AreaDefinition.area_extent read only ([289](
In this release 8 pull requests were closed.