
Latest version: v1.31.0

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Issues Closed

* [Issue 365]( - `get_proj_coords` result of Satpy is different from that of `load_cf_area`
* [Issue 361]( - __version__ in pip wheel is mangled ([PR 363](
* [Issue 355]( - Handle X/Y in meters for CF conversion ([PR 362](
* [Issue 350]( - Breaking change for fill value in area.lonlat2colrow ([PR 351](
* [Issue 296]( - Add CITATION information

In this release 5 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 367]( - Fix AreaDefinition.get_area_slices returning non-integer slices
* [PR 363]( - Fix version number not being preserved in wheels ([361](
* [PR 362]( - Fix handling of geostationary x/y units in CF conversion ([355](

Features added

* [PR 356]( - Add `get_min` and `get_max` to Bucket resampler (experimental)

Documentation changes

* [PR 351]( - Fix the documentation of get_array_indices_from_lonlat and add a test ([350](

In this release 5 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 344]( - Improve handling of dask arrays in DynamicAreaDefinition ([PR 346](

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 348]( - Allow rows_per_scan=0 convenience in EWA resampler
* [PR 340]( - Fix get_area_slices for flipped areas

Features added

* [PR 346]( - Add better dask handling to DynamicAreaDefinitions ([344](

In this release 3 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 345]( - Deprecated numpy data types (numpy >=1.20.0)

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 343]( - Fix EWA resampling when the result is all fill values
* [PR 342]( - Fix DynamicAreaDefinition not handling lons over antimeridian

In this release 2 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 317]( - Fix mask_all_nan kwarg in Average Bucket Resampler ([PR 319](
* [Issue 315]( - Comparison of AreaDefinition to other types fails
* [Issue 295]( - Undetermined values in bilinear resampling result when resampling swath to grid data with geographic output coordinates. ([PR 330](
* [Issue 293]( - Add Elliptical Weighted Nearest Neighbor option for swath resampling
* [Issue 281]( - Dask-ify Elliptical Weighted Averaging (EWA) resampling ([PR 284](
* [Issue 152]( - Add dump/dumps methods to AreaDefinition ([PR 308](

In this release 6 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 330]( - Fix a division-by-zero failure causing missing data in bilinear interpolation ([295](

Features added

* [PR 336]( - Switch to building cython extensions at installation time
* [PR 332]( - Require pyproj 2.2+ and remove fallbacks when CRS objects can be used
* [PR 330]( - Fix a division-by-zero failure causing missing data in bilinear interpolation ([295](
* [PR 308]( - Change create_areas_def to dump and set default yaml style ([152](
* [PR 306]( - Add a function to join/enclose areas. ([306](
* [PR 284]( - Add dask-friendly EWA resampler class (DaskEWAResampler) ([281](

Documentation changes

* [PR 338]( - Add CRS option to create_area_def docs ([338](
* [PR 337]( - Switch docstrings to Google style
* [PR 334]( - Fix wrong varname in bucket doc
* [PR 314]( - Add citation information

Backward incompatible changes

* [PR 332]( - Require pyproj 2.2+ and remove fallbacks when CRS objects can be used

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 299]( - Refactor bilinear interpolation ([PR 300](
* [Issue 297]( - Using CRS from `to_cartopy_crs()` triggers AttributeError in shapely
* [Issue 291]( - Help text for the bucket resampler is incorrect
* [Issue 289]( - AreaDefinition.area_extent mutability leads to hash violations ([PR 290](
* [Issue 287]( - AttributeError when comparing `AreaDefinition` against other type ([PR 288](
* [Issue 237]( - Test failure in test_kd_tree.Test.test_custom

In this release 6 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 305]( - Add missing test data to package
* [PR 304]( - Improve test compatibility with new pyproj
* [PR 298]( - Fix fill value for integer datasets, fix band assignment
* [PR 294]( - Fix colrow2lonlat working only for square areadefs

Features added

* [PR 310]( - Remove appveyor CI in favor of travis Windows and add Python 3.9 wheels
* [PR 303]( - Add caching of bilinear information
* [PR 300]( - Refactor bilinear ([299](
* [PR 290]( - Make AreaDefinition.area_extent read only ([289](

In this release 8 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 274]( - segmentation fault or AssertionError when resampling ([PR 277](
* [Issue 272]( - `kd_tree.get_sample_from_neighbour_info` can't handle `fill_value` with `numpy` data types. ([PR 273](
* [Issue 269]( - add a from_cf() mechanism for AreaDefinition ([PR 271](
* [Issue 261]( - AreaDefinition docstring does not agree with its constructors definition ([PR 263](
* [Issue 232]( - Possibly an issue with get_lonlats() for robinson projection

In this release 5 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 285]( - Check the source area orientation before defining slices ([274](
* [PR 277]( - Fix calculating area slices for flipped projections ([274](
* [PR 275]( - Check area slices for correct step
* [PR 273]( - Remove type check for nearest neighbour fill value. ([272](
* [PR 265]( - Fix geocentric resolution favoring one area dimension over the other
* [PR 264]( - Switch to storing CRS WKT in AreaDefinitions instead of the CRS object
* [PR 251]( - Fix bugs and use real data in the plotting docs
* [PR 249]( - Fix bucket assignment

Features added

* [PR 282]( - Remove chunks that do not intersect target area in gradient search resampling
* [PR 279]( - Refactor API docs to document things more easily
* [PR 276]( - Create AreaDefinition from epsg codes
* [PR 271]( - Create AreaDefinition from a netCDF/CF file ([269](

Documentation changes

* [PR 280]( - Remove unnecessary -P flag from the docs readme
* [PR 279]( - Refactor API docs to document things more easily
* [PR 263]( - Fix parameter order in AreaDefinition docstring ([261](, [261](
* [PR 251]( - Fix bugs and use real data in the plotting docs

In this release 16 pull requests were closed.

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