- Adding support for Python 3!!! Dropping support for Python 2. - Major refactor of testing suite. Now uses pytests, adds code coverage, implements pre-commit hooks, adds parallel testing.
- Cleaning up testing framework for serial execution - Renabled PyNIO option as a backend. Works with PyNIO 1.5.0. - Adding feature to impose `least_significant_digit` option to NetCDF4-python, which saves the data to file using compression and "bit truncation" (i.e., lossy compression) - Adding ability to set the read and write chunk-sizes separately - Adding feature to ignore specific time-invariable metadata
- New feature to allow reading additional time-invariant metadata variable names from a "metadata file." (Normally, all required time-invariant metadata variable names are pulled from the first time-slice file given as input to the Reshaper. In addition to the time-invariant metadata variable names found in the first file, this option lets you pull additional names from a separately declared file.)
- Code cleanup and minor bugfixes
- Bugfixes - Disabling use of PyNIO backend (for now) due to unknown problems - Fixes and ease of use with I/O backend utilities