:heavy_exclamation_mark: Upgrade to SAP NWRFC SDK PL8 before using PyRFC 2.4.0 or newer
:heavy_exclamation_mark: Package name is changed, use `pip install pyrfc` instead of `pip install pynwrfc`. The 2.4.0 is the last release available in `pynwrfc` package well.
- Package rename to pyrfc 47143f5 - `get_nwrfclib_version` exposed at package and Connection level - Build from source is now the default installation method on Linux. Cython is required, cpp sources not packaged any more.
- 'examples` source code formatting 5171ee5
- `set_ini_file_directory` addon method added, to set the `sapnwrfc.ini` file directory - Server bindings - SAP NWRFC SDK PL7 encoding fix
- Python 3.9 support - SAP NWRFC SDK PL7 unicode fix (closes 196, 197) - sapnwrfc.ini support, check SAP NWRFC SDK demo/sapnwrfc.ini for more details
- Reopen connection after fatal errors - Error raised instead of silent reopen, in case of RFM invocation over closed connection - Build from PYX source if C source not found - Remove console echo of fist 5 bytes of ABAP strings - Platform and pyrfc version added to version - Larger decimal numbers conversion fix, by avoid str.locale()
- Build from C sources as default, Cython build optional - Connection attributes added, as of SAP NWRFC SDK 7.50 PL3 - Throughput monitoring: number of calls, bytes sent/received, application/total time, as of SAP NWRFC SDK 7.50 PL3 - UTCLONG ABAP datatype support, as of SAP NWRFC SDK 7.50 PL4
- locale method fix for Python 3.8.2 on Windows - NWRFCSDK include path fix for Linux - README