New features
- Update to PyTorch 1.9 2887
- A [StreamingMCMC]( class for high-dimensional Bayesian inference using NUTS or HMC, thanks to mtsokol 2857 .
`StreamingMCMC` is a drop-in replacement for `MCMC` that avoids storing samples during inference by streamingly computing statistics such as mean, variance, and r_hat. You can define your own statistics using the [pyro.ops.streaming]( module by either composing existing statistics or defining your own subclass of [StreamingStats]( 2856 .
- Make `poutine.reparam` compatible with initialization logic in autoguides and MCMC 2876 . Previously you needed to manually transform the value in [init_to_value()]( when using a reparametrizer. In Pyro 1.7 you can specify a single `init_to_value()` output that should work regardless of whether your model is transformed by a reparametrizer. Note this involves a major refactoring of the [Reparam]( interface, namely replacing [.__call__()]( with [.apply()]( If you have defined custom reparametrizers using `.__call__()` you should refactor them before the next Pyro release.
- Add an [AutoStructured]( guide with flexible distributions, sparse flexible dependencies among latent variables, and support for reparametrization 2812 . This autoguide is somewhere between [AutoNormal]( and [AutoIAFNormal]([NeuTraReparam]( Like `AutoNormal` this guide is interpretable and structured. Like `NeuTraReparam` this guide is flexible and can be used to improve geometry for subsequent inference via HMC or NUTS.
- New directional distributions thanks to OlaRonning
- [SinSkewedToroidal]( 2826
- [SinBivariateVonMises]( 2821
- New distributions over [genetic and amino acid sequences](, thanks to EWeinstein 2728
- New distributions with exponential tails
- [Logistic]( 2895
- [SkewLogistic]( 2874
- [AsymmetricLaplace]( 2850
- [SoftLaplace]( 2791
- [SoftAsymmetricLaplace]( 2872
- Add [AutoGuideList.quantiles()]( thanks to vitkl 2896
- Allow saving a subset of variables in [MCMC]( via the `save_params` option, which can save memory 2793
- Add a sample option to `pyro.contrib.funsor.infer_discrete` 2789
New tutorials
- A [predictive and deterministic]( tutorial thanks to mtsokol #2852
- [ProfileHMM with MuE]( by EWeinstein #2728
- [Factor MuE and Probabilistic PCA]( by EWeinstein #2728
- Add ordabayevy's trick to the [enumeration tutorial]( #2892
- Enhance the [LDA tutorial]( #2790
Bug fixes
- Fix `` to avoid duplicate entries in `cond_indep_stack` 2846
- Fix `infer.csis` to ignore unused gradients, thanks to fshipy 2828
- Catch NAN values in TraceENUM_ELBO grads 2782
Breaking changes
- Simplify param names in callable optim configs 2814
- Switch to softplus transform when using autoguide scales, thanks to [experiments]( performed by vitkl #2823
- Start using `mypy` for type checking, thanks to kamathhrishi 2853 2858
- Start using `black` code formatter 2891