
Latest version: v0.8.8

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Page 14 of 19


* 7644054a Add firetool CLI
* db2992fe Add flamegraph export feature (PNG/JSON/PPROF) (
* a03bad23 Add go build and the first skeleton
* f57ecffb Add governance and other project infra
* 4ccabe05 Add grafana agent docs (
* 2993f8d1 Add grafana agent index page (2220)
* 8b7a5a5d Add gzip accept encoding
* ec5b65e3 Add hash to css files (
* 6baff20e Add head block implementation
* a4fc3401 Add headless svc for all workload (
* bfdfd3c5 Add helm chart and `make deploy`
* 2fb7a765 Add helm ci/release workflows
* b5f0d339 Add help text test (
* bc38b3cf Add hook to verify goreleaser is using appropriate go verison
* 91481e02 Add http client instrumentation
* 702107fd Add index head tests
* 71e541ad Add index page (
* 54462be8 Add index pages for status service (
* 6266a5d2 Add ingested sample values total metric.
* ed7b9275 Add ingester_querier method for metadata
* fddcf647 Add instructions on how to join the Grafana Slack workspace (
* 1bb6ffe5 Add iters from tempo
* cd63f3ca Add java-spring to scrape target in demo
* e28c3211 Add jsonnet deployment documentation
* 0ca875a7 Add jsonnet wrapper library
* 50e7c3b1 Add links to frontend README (
* 03ed0f1f Add log request middleware for Querier (
* d3818254 Add logos
* 02353097 Add merge samples by profile labels to ingesters
* b56d187e Add metadata API to ingester
* 8051c2e6 Add metadata API to ingester
* 37657f96 Add metrics for block querying
* ca8487c0 Add metrics for flushed blocks (
* e88f56c8 Add metrics for replication factor of the ingester ring (
* 010ab8c3 Add metrics from profiles in distributors
* 8a899e25 Add min step config
* c9c34e6b Add minio repo
* 508c2c79 Add minio to helm
* 861ba9d0 Add missing file and move a few things around
* 7d7cf84b Add missing flags to expand config file (
* 5f135d86 Add missing sample pending
* f64b9955 Add monaco editor and some basic language config
* 93ef69b2 Add more context to scrape failures
* 618b0f52 Add more instrumentation
* 77182d87 Add more test for computing histogram
* 9d43e5a0 Add new metrics for samples bytes ingestion without symbols (
* d39f0224 Add note about removing bytes profile labels.
* 6e91f50a Add observability for Logs, Trace
* 9951cf28 Add options with query types in query editor
* e8d91221 Add persistence config to helm chart
* 999860bf Add phlare head statistics
* d72de464 Add pprof test helper
* 0d2d2483 Add profile segment and reason for flush metrics (
* 360f8b4b Add profile size metrics in distributor
* cb25a2c9 Add profile specific store
* 71d7b8b6 Add profile type to head metrics.
* 9c861861 Add pyroscope prefix
* 7b1bbe2b Add query subcommand to profilecli for downloading pprof from phlare (
* e7dab065 Add query-frontend, query-scheduler and querier worker. (
* 19420c98 Add readme
* ba9e0b26 Add rust integration instructions
* d9ff0b0d Add sample deduplication in memory
* be857ab9 Add section on scrape config
* febd6203 Add shift-enter to run
* ef8a8ca6 Add simple autocomplete to monaco
* 12213ce4 Add some basic CI
* 082db748 Add some code examples using simonswine repo.
* 82d2738f Add some comments
* 68da7bee Add some experiments with schemas
* baab40e6 Add some simple head metrics.
* 93fbfaf1 Add some span parameters
* ad6965f9 Add some tests for MergePprof/ByStacktraces/ByLabels
* c661e295 Add stacktrace ids abstaction
* 8793f4fc Add stacktraces memory size metric (
* 23cffc47 Add start/grafana make target to start Grafana with plugins
* acbd4f5a Add store-gateway components (
* 5b329195 Add subcommand to upload profiles to Phlare using PusherService.Push (
* d32dbce2 Add support for global size-based retention policy (
* ff10da91 Add support for multiple services in helm
* 8c929e78 Add targets API to agent.
* 7b9245b7 Add terminationGracePeriodSeconds helm value (
* c9227487 Add test cases
* 43680eb4 Add test cases for getSeriesRef (
* 90327f8a Add test for selectMerge
* 0dc2db7c Add tests
* 67d1ef44 Add tests for seriesIndex renumbering
* 0979003c Add the home page link for Phlare logo (
* e4f96f0d Add tool to see size of column in parquet file
* 4b789c9f Add tooltip and summary text
* e26a2d4b Add ts-ignore for grafana/data APIs
* da155eca Add unit tests for MergeProfilesStacktraces
* d3110d52 Add video to documentation intro page.
* a6e789aa Add workflow_dispatch to technical-documentation release workflow to allow manual triggering of publication
* f7433727 Add: Load environment variables from secrets
* 6d17af39 Adding goreleaser to create artifacts (
* b2335775 Adding more tests
* 960d1008 Address another data race
* 6048afb1 Address feedback from PR
* 5f0bcc50 Adds Export to (2018)
* 4ff5fc6c Adds Pages informations to parquet-tool
* 71a812ab Adds __service_name__ labels to improve data locality (
* 6d1fae44 Adds a clone function for meta file (2185)
* 95fa50c9 Adds a kubernetes example for java
* 3d675446 Adds a label names API
* 0e4dc025 Adds all go metrics to Prometheus instrumentation (
* 9a429d9e Adds anonymous statistics reporting (
* 3ff1a222 Adds auto deploy to fire-dev-001
* 9a2fd970 Adds canary exporter to `profilecli` (
* 110e02e3 Adds contributing guide
* 3561e5f0 Adds docker-compose and getting started doc (
* 8b3093eb Adds extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts to helm
* 801ce31b Adds fgprof to Phlare
* a3576f2b Adds iteration error support in the loser.Tree (
* 0fc67219 Adds more word in the glossary
* 3d303957 Adds multiRepeatedPageIterator
* f507bd7e Adds push limits on profiles data (2157)
* fbaadf8e Adds tenant overrides in helm (
* 1ce49ebc Adds tests for SelectSeries
* 974a0fa6 Adds the Series API implementation.
* ded3fbfe Adjust to device pixel ratio
* fe0cabe3 Adopt ingester shuffle sharding from mimir (
* ab895962 Agent documentation (
* 58deec74 Agent: do not push private labels.
* 711a38e4 Aggregates phony target declaration
* 32c4912b Align gif
* d5435629 Allow configuration of persistence per component
* ceed2d48 Allow durations larger than hours
* 5789bebf Allow environment variables from secrets/configMaps (
* e49ab19d Allow extraLabels to be specified
* 62d2c3a8 Allow persistence of profile- and metastore
* 22027be4 Allow specifying a tenant ID in profilecli (
* 6ebe0141 Allow the service_name label to exist (
* 32c528ec Allow to configure the row group target size
* 9b913fb5 Allow to filter labelNames in series call (
* 3a847fe6 Allow to override config on a per component basis
* 29a3a862 Allows to activate tracing.
* 4cc97ab7 Also register pyroscope query handlers at query-frontend (
* 2385809d Also removes the Grafana Agent section
* e585fbb0 Also run on next
* 158b40bc Amend the object store config
* 49faaac4 Annotate `make deploy` rollouts with image id (
* b1b42210 Another panic
* eebddac7 Archive Grafana Phlare (
* 54b2cdaa Attempt to use grafana bot
* 1109379d Avoid BufferedRowReaderIterator buffer re-allocation (2139)
* d537e6a4 Avoid double collection of profiles
* 080e8a53 Base flamegraph visualisation (
* dbf5e9be Bootstrap server and runs
* 8b75ae06 Bootstrap the grafana fire plugin datasource
* 9714f9d2 Bootstrap the querier with the ring to query metadata
* 33d359d5 Bring back the Pyroscope API (
* 7585285d Build binary when pushing docker image for main branch ci (
* 0c1cd1af Build profile type from sample/period information
* ebfcd85d Bump checkoutv2 to checkoutv3 (
* 5a6f9265 Bump golangci-lint to 1.54.0 (2243)
* be645b1e Bump helm chart to use 0.5.1 (
* ab34d82b Bump minimal support version to 1.19 (
* 56c4a674 Bump the helm chart to latest version (
* e6724971 Cast bidi result instead of stream (
* a86316c3 Change dataframe format to nested set
* 80a17ed8 Change format to nested set for the dataframe
* 9d2e51a6 Change podManagementPolicy of sts to Parallel
* 34cb1cc7 Change thresholds for row group and block target size
* e3d805f0 Changed font to monospace (
* 7f900226 Changes how units are used
* 45416569 Checkout the repo before deploying
* 8b1cbe02 Cleanup blocks from disk when there is high utilization
* c376580a Close row Group file, before it gets reopened
* 66116e74 Close the tracer only when fire stops
* 950d82d4 Closes app selector when selecting profile type (
* 7839f4eb Combine stack that we pop/push together
* c787721c Commit rendered helm template
* 88e48bd3 Compact Blocks (2134)
* d8ba301f Complete refactoring of writing parquet files into the schema package
* b4c0f72b Configure minio correctly
* d1012885 Convert to a page bundle
* e6e49ec4 Copy parts from profilev1.Sample/Profile if used longer term
* 3c0b67cb Correct license copyright
* 3b642eea Correct secrets for github actions
* 7f6644f3 Correctly allocate slices when converting profile structs (
* a028b97f Correctly append the result for reusal.
* d0f610f5 Correctly implement connect health checker service (
* 7bfc5718 Correctly propagate context
* c39c4d05 Correctly register replication factor metric (
* 8147fa61 Correctly register the distributor component (
* f8747247 Correctly setup compaction sources in block meta files (2184)
* 369c5c29 Correctly wait for goroutine to stop
* f8b7a5b2 Counter resets handling
* b5ee83d9 Create panel and register for profile visType
* 746a9d6c Cut blocks when the head reaches a particular size
* 5408e2bf Datasource: Add group by option
* 88152f28 Datasource: Add query type switch
* ccd984a4 Datasource: Add shift-enter to run shortcut
* f63827c2 Datasource: Handle empty labels same as {}
* a29d1762 Datasource: Implement the query API
* 235971c0 Datasource: Min step in config page
* 75c0ba93 Datasource: Prevent error on empty query
* 9bf3c0b9 Datasource: Query editor autocomplete
* 3bdadec7 Debug backend
* d0f8c8d7 Debugging the code
* 2cc4c2cf Dedupe merge improvement. (
* 39c5569c Dedupe profiles using a heap.Interface
* 68ef596b Dedupe while streaming profiles
* 58414a28 Default `service.port_name` to `http2`
* 3336926b Default to flame graph (
* c4d02e97 Delta packing for Num
* 6f005029 Depend on go/bin when building the docker image
* c47a3a3c Deploy latest main to dev environment
* ed7f729e Diff alloc type of profiles
* 4cd99b2c Differentiate more between active targets and dropped targets to make the targets API easier.
* e5a6fee2 Disable auth by default
* ae581f7c Disable pools for locations, functions, and lines (2240)
* d3f793ee Distingish better between SeriesIndex and SeriesFingerprint
* b12cb1e3 Do a replace of mimir/metrics with fire/profile
* 90050cfd Do not add the first profile twice to the index
* 00fb5886 Do not build plugin for docker
* 871cfda3 Do not match labels on name label
* c566e600 Do not rewrite the mapping ID, if it is 0
* ac20b94b Do not run the regular release pipeline for weekly releases (
* f7cdd99c Docs index: fix typo in name.
* dd47e0ad Download helm dependecies when necessary
* 21bfe978 Drop 32bit arm support
* 7273a8c5 Edit all configurations
* 964578bb Edit disk storage configuration
* d67e809c Edit disk storage configuration
* 369ca9db Edit memberlist
* 441b2447 Edit object storage configuration
* f5d74788 Edit tenant and tracing configuration page.
* 82ca5f73 Edit the about configuration server page
* 7c2a31fb Edit the go instrumentation documentation (
* 17829ba8 Enable VT's pooling on Profile/Sample
* 4a51c9dc Enable debug log per default
* 49a909c5 Enable lock and block sampling
* f5a241d1 Enable metadata test for ingester (
* 3e301fb8 Enable tracing on resolving symbols in the head
* f1f7b277 Enforce linux/amd64 platform for python
* 46cfeac5 Ensuer loser tree closes properly on error (2132)
* 63ad3173 Ensure Block Querier are closed
* a475612b Ensure Flushing happens under lock
* b5bdd1ff Ensure GIT_LAST_COMMIT_DATE works on macosx
* 8a4cb2c8 Ensure Page read are closed
* 2a29de65 Ensure all sample values can be queried
* 514ab3ce Ensure build versions get populated
* 0c7bd6f0 Ensure config file parses properly (
* 254fd1d1 Ensure dependecies for ring, memberlist are respected
* b82a3832 Ensure distributor service is linked with the pool one
* b188de2f Ensure docker image has permission to write to /data
* d9299c77 Ensure extra labels are included in templateLabels
* a64f709e Ensure extraEnvVar is {} instead of nil
* b270e1e8 Ensure handle multliple files for parquet inspect correctly
* ea8e0bc8 Ensure helm tags are removed before they would disrupt a goreleaser snapshot
* 8349439a Ensure it always uses the fixed image from Grafana
* fdf0fc15 Ensure jb is in PATH for updater (2223)
* a8e99e39 Ensure local folder is created on startup
* 74167d71 Ensure local micro-services still works after rename (2250)
* ddffe6d9 Ensure location IDs get rewritten correctly
* 1361ad8b Ensure memberlist cluster is built
* 482efcac Ensure opening block is atomic
* cbec34c6 Ensure profile iterator is sorted per rowNumbers
* 8bea5bb9 Ensure profiles are not deduplicated at all
* 46d80263 Ensure proto is formatted correctly
* 5a479f84 Ensure pvcTemplates are only used for statefulsets
* 71f88be5 Ensure stacktrace parquet table is delta
* 7f784d34 Ensure that every row group contains roughly the same byte amount
* be334a25 Ensure the doc-validator is using a particular tag
* 0ccdd4ca Ensure there are no uncommitted changes after helm/check
* 3b983399 Ensure to log tenant_id in the pyroscope ingest adapter (2197)
* 7ceff2ad Ensure to set fsGroup
* b48dc1a0 Ensure tsdb can be read back
* bbd6f992 Ensure we don't have to login to grafana
* 385149e4 Ensure we have at least one mapping in pprof
* 4b43f1e8 Ensure we only query ingesters in active state (2162)
* 1237dac9 Ensure we skip empty value stacktraces sample when querying
* 7bb965ad Experimenting with profile store
* 6c08e445 Filter out private labels
* a8193e2c Finish tests and cleanup
* a4750c08 Finish the reads and write mixin
* e659efc3 Finish working on the server
* 0e7ccd8b First checkout then change SSH
* 512de4ff Fix BinaryJoinIterator.Seek (
* e26caf5d Fix IteratorResult pool usage (2138)
* 977a3899 Fix add methods
* bc8fd5f8 Fix adding new profiling series after row group segment has been cut.
* 65085a21 Fix also image build push (2019)
* 12864ee3 Fix app selector scrolling (
* 726c72c2 Fix backwards compatibility with block version 1 (
* 3bfcd0ea Fix block flushing
* 7ce7ecca Fix block size cutting
* 44ba39cc Fix branch name (2222)
* c6bf9bd2 Fix broken link (2227)
* 5b4ab588 Fix broken links after reorganizing docs structure (2218)
* e8a44ef3 Fix broken tests on MacOS (2242)
* 05423ea3 Fix bucket store nil check (2239)
* 4e66a8fe Fix buckets range for distributor_received_samples. (
* 2512024a Fix bug in iterating prefix bucket reader
* e07d62b9 Fix concurrent map access in ingester (
* 4b011e91 Fix concurrent use of LabelValuesRequest (
* 9f1fce73 Fix condition when to create a new slice (
* 4b296461 Fix css
* 670c39b5 Fix current linting issues.
* fb0a574b Fix data race in missing
* 05788179 Fix deprecated set-output warnings (
* f257561e Fix division by zero
* a3de5fb7 Fix dlv for cross compiling (
* c625bb0b Fix docs text (2221)
* 3d403dbd Fix download URL
* ca8d4b91 Fix error message (
* 9527d325 Fix file casing (
* 51da8927 Fix from/until parsing in pyroscope/render call (
* cc194646 Fix go mod
* d4d32e2d Fix goroutine leak in BufferedIterator (2168)
* 8588c222 Fix helm quoting for environment variables
* a6ac0062 Fix how temp dir is gathered
* e639afb0 Fix kind local cluster single binary deploy (
* d8a75f19 Fix link to Grafana Phlare
* 010f78d6 Fix lint and add eslint config
* c0725611 Fix lint problem
* 66b1e9d9 Fix linting
* 46671859 Fix linting error in frontend (
* 21a95c0e Fix linting issues
* 321565f9 Fix makefile issues (
* 80de82f1 Fix modified test case
* 912c6511 Fix nil logger panic
* 36227046 Fix panic in usagestats (
* 624e0b98 Fix panix during flush
* b8bf51d2 Fix parquet group reflection
* acfdc443 Fix queries and storage block operations synchronisation (
* 0adef306 Fix query tests
* d433573f Fix race conditions during concurrent ingestion/querying
* a72a347a Fix reflection of struct ptr slices
* f70d0885 Fix resizing
* beb6067e Fix selection
* 5182a421 Fix setting the fire.image.tag
* 59e8c63f Fix sizes
* dc7032f7 Fix some markdown errors in docs.
* 010dcadd Fix stacktrace tree min value counting (
* 306dc116 Fix string slice length bug
* 1e210dcd Fix structure of code blocks
* 2f2e87b6 Fix test
* b2944683 Fix test
* 58436351 Fix test
* f6b40d92 Fix test problems
* d2582f9d Fix tests
* f40cadc6 Fix tests
* 20ec6f9d Fix tests
* 894eb792 Fix tests
* 66c737b1 Fix tests
* 3df9a497 Fix the API to work with Grafana
* c4dea2ea Fix the build, found a flaky test.
* cfb2541c Fix the lint issues
* 0f62ef94 Fix the linter
* d937e2ab Fix the vendor
* ac03f8b7 Fix timeline backfills (2200)
* 28c17c50 Fix token reference in test workflow
* 054edda9 Fix typos (
* 4f742723 Fix typos (
* b44caa9c Fix units for counts
* 154f90fc Fix v1 schema for Profiles
* c391b1b7 Fix validation/test problems
* dd599b21 Fix: extraEnvFrom usage
* 72261fe2 Fixed crashed rust example on M1 MacOS (
* fa069ab6 Fixes a compaction bug in series rewriting (2176)
* 52adda68 Fixes a race in the usage reporter
* 0b437140 Fixes all tests and implement selectMergeStacktraces.
* feb2bb63 Fixes arm32 build while using dskit (
* 17df1512 Fixes bad merge
* 2394c428 Fixes compaction incorrect profile seriesRef column (2178)
* cd7859ca Fixes connect push test
* c7f8a3a4 Fixes crashing test.
* 3cb06e9c Fixes delta of samples computation (
* 03b29862 Fixes empty profiles edge cases.
* 6e9e4f96 Fixes flaky test
* 58c05f55 Fixes github action
* b6f22fa6 Fixes github action
* 1634ed7b Fixes github action
* 1bdac137 Fixes go workspace
* d3fd736c Fixes goreleaser version in binary
* fb1635da Fixes healthcheck registration
* 68d9a517 Fixes heap pprof for python example
* 01fa52ad Fixes helm chart default scrape_configs (
* b75081ae Fixes http push handler and parse profile
* f302cdb7 Fixes http2 instrumentation.
* 6bb8292d Fixes index tests
* d4cf02b1 Fixes iterator At value re-used (
* 77159010 Fixes label selection
* 18f110fa Fixes latest docs validation link to
* 394c60d1 Fixes local kubernetes cluster test.
* e7d316b4 Fixes make and ignore files
* 9cdc353c Fixes make generate (2140)
* 45ef1bc5 Fixes mapping slice insertion (
* 687cd401 Fixes no profiles to merge error (
* ee856139 Fixes parquet schema sorting for list
* 79eebb4e Fixes profile type
* b11e13fe Fixes race in tests
* a0225fb5 Fixes repetition level
* 2c9d0736 Fixes scrape_config path_prefix.
* 4003c1b3 Fixes selectProfile unit test.
* 39944c75 Fixes serief in merge iterator
* ee0fb8a6 Fixes sharding, package name and add a way to queries index file
* 068ecf43 Fixes snapshot of profiles and add test for dupes
* ef524181 Fixes stacktraces symbolization
* 0d5bfb1e Fixes symbolization
* 6e717d1c Fixes tests
* 1f15fcbe Fixes the bad import
* 34864058 Fixes the code and add a better tests
* 5e3c68c3 Fixes the datasource code
* d14e6f1c Fixes the flaky test
* fc8b90ba Fixes the make generate target (
* ca5447f5 Fixes the querier API
* 43118d83 Fixes the race
* 90dd19b6 Fixes the repeated iterator to work with partial row
* 5b9a3a53 Fixes the ring registration and go modules
* 2c0c5e98 Fixes the route for write dashboard (
* dfbe0fe8 Fixes the scrape timeout validation.
* ff1c1dd6 Fixes the title state
* 68ea05a9 Fixes typo
* 7074b8a3 Fixes typo
* 418eef60 Fixing java
* ac3d4c2a Fixup import for profilte_test.go
* 0770b245 Fixup import for profilte_test.go (2)
* a9f87cfd Flamegraph: Add units to data frame field
* c59f0f24 Flamegraph: Fix text resolution
* 02bfe484 Flamegraph: Use data from datasource
* dcba9215 Flush profiles rowgroup asynchronously (
* 82ea3411 Format push.proto
* 60129332 Free profile objects when cutting a row group (
* 74d810a8 Fuzzy search (
* 2857c22e Generalize repeatedColumnIter and the sample merge logic
* c27cfbf2 Generate latest fire config
* 57034d24 Generate profile IDs in the distributor before pushing
* f9492301 Generates proper http metrics for connect-go
* 7c1843bc Get rid of unnecessary branch filter in frontend workflow
* 7ed1c3c1 Give up on go workspace
* 8b3aa1c5 Handle closure and errors of iterator
* f04f21cf Handle errors during iterators
* d6bde430 Handle pointers correctly
* 0dfc756e Handle struct pointer fields correctly
* 79f26366 Hide, while it is not working there
* 74b90d7e I suspect this has to do with the fact that delta
* 39e27693 Ignore formatting of /og
* a36d5cf6 Ignore weekly release tags (2nd try) (
* 39b7f7af Implement /buildinfo and /config
* 12ad2a40 Implement MergeBy[Labels/Stacktraces/Pprof] for rows groups on disk
* 44b99490 Implement Seek() for RowNumberIterator
* 8ac3e4ba Implement SelectMatchingProfiles for rowGroup on disk
* 64af34b8 Implement Series ID rewrite when aggregating blocks
* c1040275 Implement a SelectMergeSample interface
* d447202b Implement a basic Prometheus QueryRange API
* cad76be1 Implement a close()
* 6fe06c0c Implement a simple flushing algorithm
* 4f7e7eca Implement config endpoints
* 19e8a5a6 Implement flush prototype
* 852d39c0 Implement healthcheck datasource
* 91a55118 Implement label values call
* 633eb9ae Implement rowRanges
* 3595f2ea Implement symbolize API for ingesters
* c5d93447 Implement the querier api
* bc5d3c76 Implement the querier par
* 0e0c35cf Implement the query path
* 6dd99976 Implement tsdb head for LabelValues and ProfileTypes
* dd5bb95c Implements a basic SelectSeries API for querying metrics on profiles
* 62c74dba Implements a pprof query API. (
* 1f79649c Import doc-generator from mimir
* b9e71362 Import from mimir
* c5178dfa Improve Stacktraces Samples Memory Layout (
* 15dc890d Improve Worker timeout (
* 2a7340f7 Improve annotations based scraping for helm (
* 8b3a684c Improve block querying with a binary join and sync iterator (
* 68fba314 Improve component templating
* 0ec6c000 Improve error message from scraper
* 83f111e2 Improve flusher test
* d17fc860 Improve go caching
* 2f3a1e14 Improve instrumentation of buckets (2173)
* aae48642 Improve linter rules
* be8e0332 Improve memory layout of locations, functions, and mappings (
* 50153adf Improve objstore client for parquet reading.
* c9808ebc Improve panic handling for the read path (
* 0192cf84 Improve profiles flushing using ReadRowsFrom (
* 62a914dc Improve profiles normalization to reduce distributor CPU
* 83025471 Improve selectProfile by memoizing stacktraces
* 2e4d3f0b Improve storage metrics buckets (
* 4c6425b6 Improve tracing insights
* e7b0a0d5 Improves tests
* 4c61ae03 Improving video
* fe86d9e8 Increase goreleaser release timeout (
* 9d0dabcf Increase ingester default limits (
* 0289a4a1 Increase the default limit on number of samples per profile (2212)
* 84546196 Ingest one line per row
* 9200defd Ingester limits (
* b19877d2 Initial commit
* 32c9ca2c Initialise head properly
* 458a9b53 Initialize correctly bucket for reporting
* 76fea430 Initialize profile store
* bb995032 Inject a fake ingester
* 67dc534e Inline correctly the store-gateway config (
* 26b91d1a Instrument symbols query path (
* a243e558 Intern pprof labels and avoid allocations.
* 143c0879 Introduce symdb (
* e0d7f007 Introducing ingester ring
* a109719d Iterate on profiles schema
* 2a300b29 Java examples: reduce cpu usage.
* 5fafb9e7 Keep Private Labels for the LabelNames API
* a2d6e768 Keep always the highest samples
* 55b9d0f6 Keep size metrics for head types
* a7c979e3 Lazy block head initialization (
* 68383b10 Limits to required labels when querying for App (
* 6bb999c6 Listen to config file
* eb7f4736 Load some symbols once in memory.
* e3653025 Loop over lines slices instead of addressing only the first element
* 36efd045 Make FlameGraph bars clickable (
* dbbb6a86 Make a start with a nested parquet schema
* b88696ec Make active memory size configurable
* d303007f Make both `/ui/?query=` and `/ui?query=` work (
* 703a0f63 Make bucket range test more maintainable (
* 9d8ab6c9 Make clients options non global (
* 573b0943 Make grafana-fire work with mac os x
* d84afaca Make head parquet config changeable
* a140209a Make logo 50% slimmer (25% area) (1896)
* d31a97e7 Make merge stacktrace by id works
* d1fb86a3 Make new logo visible (1895)
* f49c90b1 Make regex adhere to prom spec
* 4a0060f6 Make release depend on goreleaser
* f54e7b27 Make sure set the same tags when building debug binary (
* 23db5c0d Make sure we only put back to VT pool once
* 6bdd71e2 Make the ds and viz work with grafana changes
* 9bc17057 Make the repeated iterator works when readsize is big enough
* 33d4361c Make yaml content type header a constant
* d31656ed Making builds reproducible
* 55cd2ec3 Map functions to stacks
* 2cb69f2c Measure page read duration (
* b3f8327c Merge branch 'add-ingester-sample-values-metric' into diff-memory
* ed9abd1c Merge branch 'improve-select-profile' into diff-memory
* 4892fef8 Merge branch 'main' into 20220608_intialize-profile-store
* d2846065 Merge branch 'main' into aocenas/change-dataframe-format
* 6e58c99b Merge branch 'main' into aocenas/change-dataframe-format
* f49a7b6b Merge branch 'main' into aocenas/datasource/autocomplete
* 52aaf530 Merge branch 'main' into aocenas/datasource/group-by
* 7d38d638 Merge branch 'main' into aocenas/datasource/min-step
* 245076ec Merge branch 'main' into aocenas/datasource/queryeditor-run-on-enter
* c3a6d5d2 Merge branch 'main' into aocenas/dummy-dynamic-panel
* 979f5c1c Merge branch 'main' into better-objstore
* 7222f8e2 Merge branch 'main' into datasource-ui
* 8321d1ac Merge branch 'main' into diff-memory
* deeaf745 Merge branch 'main' into distributor-sanitize
* 9edf29a6 Merge branch 'main' into mixin
* ad86ade3 Merge branch 'main' into parquet-size-tool
* 6625478d Merge branch 'main' into sample-merge-iterator
* a251fa98 Merge branch 'main' into sample-merge-iterator
* d5f3d585 Merge branch 'main' into sample-merge-iterator
* 9204813c Merge branch 'main' into sample-merge-iterator
* 21434abb Merge branch 'main' of into feat/comparison-page
* 69d9e4be Merge branch 'merge-duplicate-samples' into diff-memory
* 824265b2 Merge branch 'prom-api' into diff-memory
* 1344d9ac Merge branch 'sample-merge-iterator' into sample-merge-iterator-total-per-labels
* 9ae6b39c Merge duplicate stacktraces in the distributor.
* 11b9b568 Merge firecli and parquet-tool into profilecli
* f6a08f0f Merge head and in memory labels for selecting profiles.
* 18ef727c Merge in parallel as soon as possible.
* 780ab06b Merge pull request from grafana/20220609_read-back-ingester
* 16b52fe8 Merge pull request from grafana/instrument-http-client
* c791c868 Merge pull request from grafana/20220719_fix-bug-with-string-slice-length
* 93f56b11 Merge pull request from grafana/20220719_fix-helm-quoting
* 254a65cc Merge pull request from grafana/20220720_fix-data-race-in-missing
* ddad75b3 Merge pull request from grafana/20220720_git-last-commit-compatibility-macosx
* 85a1bdb2 Merge pull request from grafana/20220720_parquet-go-upstream
* 8b71b19a Merge pull request from grafana/20220720_implement-periodical-full-flush
* 7b767ee4 Merge pull request from grafana/20220609_update-parca-arcticdb
* 99713cd7 Merge pull request from grafana/setup-container-name
* cf24a836 Merge pull request from grafana/20220721_follow-up-to-pr-108
* e7a69592 Merge pull request from grafana/mixin
* c8220dd1 Merge pull request from grafana/fix-tracing
* 83c39baa Merge pull request from grafana/flame-stack
* 881b763c Merge pull request from grafana/20220725_do-not-match-on-name-label
* 97190079 Merge pull request from grafana/20220726_make-order-of-stacktraces-stable
* 82a0603f Merge pull request from grafana/20220609_update-port-to-be-4100
* 7a6d662e Merge pull request from grafana/add-distributor-profiles-stats
* c86d3848 Merge pull request from grafana/span-head-query
* 8c27cf10 Merge pull request from grafana/20220726_correct-profiles-schema
* fd177599 Merge pull request from grafana/20220726_change-ordering-of-profiles
* 405cdda8 Merge pull request from grafana/diff-memory
* 31c38a97 Merge pull request from grafana/improve-select-profile
* 461d9387 Merge pull request from grafana/20220722_add-block-querier
* 4bc48cac Merge pull request from grafana/add-ingester-sample-values-metric
* e490772e Merge pull request from grafana/add-type-to-metrics
* 398359c8 Merge pull request from grafana/20220609_add-github-action
* e63559fe Merge pull request from grafana/fix-schema-sort
* b5448a19 Merge pull request from grafana/prom-api
* cce4e9f1 Merge pull request from grafana/merge-duplicate-samples
* 15be7039 Merge pull request from grafana/20220729_add-pprof-testhelper
* cc0f4cb2 Merge pull request from grafana/datasource-ui
* 426690f8 Merge pull request from grafana/datasource-query-panel
* 425cbdda Merge pull request from grafana/20220802_update-go-mod-fire-datasource
* c80be174 Merge pull request from grafana/querier-api
* 633da4ee Merge pull request from grafana/20220816_update-golangci-lint
* eeb15c25 Merge pull request from grafana/20220816_fix-page-buffer-temp-directory
* 9ecb5949 Merge pull request from grafana/20220816_update-build-image
* 706bfa4c Merge pull request from grafana/20220817_update-go-mod-paruqet
* 628f1f0e Merge pull request from grafana/20220609_docker_image
* 43e7a44d Merge pull request from grafana/select-series
* 9228a580 Merge pull request from grafana/setup-docker-grana-for
* a6308ef1 Merge pull request from grafana/20220824_add-go-mod-check-datasource
* 0899af78 Merge pull request from grafana/docker-grafana
* aab51e4f Merge pull request from grafana/fix-ci
* ec853fef Merge pull request from grafana/20220610_add-make-deploy
* 498764c5 Merge pull request from grafana/20220824_add-block-metadata
* e53a7d5d Merge pull request from grafana/create-local-folder
* 15cc62f4 Merge pull request from grafana/joey/canvas
* 7652db9e Merge pull request from grafana/joey/debug_backend
* ee475bce Merge pull request from grafana/20220610_support-persistence-of-storage
* eecca7c6 Merge pull request from grafana/20220830_use_tempo_iters
* b4372e9f Merge pull request from grafana/better-objstore
* af3fc01f Merge pull request from grafana/page-info
* d9f66cea Merge pull request from grafana/update-parquet-go
* f4161ecb Merge pull request from grafana/add-span-querier
* bc32c5a6 Merge pull request from grafana/fixes-duplicat-registration
* 0dadb1c9 Merge pull request from grafana/20220901_unify-iterators
* e933ac07 Merge pull request from grafana/close-querier
* ec37039a Merge pull request from grafana/callum-targets-api
* c8638d46 Merge pull request from grafana/labelnames
* b20a2354 Merge pull request from grafana/helm-improvement
* ca8994ac Merge pull request from grafana/20220613_set-scrapetime-when-succeeding
* f574fd95 Merge pull request from grafana/allow-override-per-compo
* 182c3dbf Merge pull request from grafana/20220905_close-page-and-handle-errors
* 00df75a2 Merge pull request from grafana/20220905_use-a-target-rowgroups-size
* 3a4d30d8 Merge pull request from grafana/20220906_one-series-per-row
* be983f70 Merge pull request from grafana/20220906_podManagementPolicy-parallel
* 8ca47934 Merge pull request from grafana/order-series-alphabetical
* c5bf3a4d Merge pull request from grafana/20220907_fix_flushing
* 2ea2f400 Merge pull request from grafana/20220613_add-debug-log-args
* 1f3eda67 Merge pull request from grafana/20220908_fix-sorting-order
* cb1d4bc5 Merge pull request from grafana/20220908_raise-buffer-capacity
* 790ef41a Merge pull request from grafana/20220908_created-at-flag
* 8263bd7c Merge pull request from grafana/20220614_add-persistence-to-helm
* 4a9ada28 Merge pull request from grafana/20220913_use-correct-schema
* e45f1ae2 Merge pull request from grafana/20220913_hardcode-grafana-image
* cc767d01 Merge pull request from grafana/20220914_do-not-add-profiles-twice
* fbc307e4 Merge pull request from grafana/sample-merge-iterator
* e5a588dd Merge pull request from grafana/aocenas/datasource/allow-editor-shrink
* f6632db3 Merge pull request from grafana/aocenas/datasource/query-editor-resize
* 6983f2e4 Merge pull request from grafana/flamegraph
* 14d7af0f Merge pull request from grafana/aocenas/update-docker
* 6aae5abf Merge pull request from grafana/sample-merge-iterator-total-per-labels
* 993e8d91 Merge pull request from grafana/20220920_bidi-method
* 91654d25 Merge pull request from grafana/20220921_cut-block-per-size
* 853f54e5 Merge pull request from grafana/fixes-stacktraces-symbols
* 218e236e Merge pull request from grafana/20220923_make-parquet-config-overrideable
* 7f5ba715 Merge pull request from grafana/multitenant
* 7c0b1aa0 Merge pull request from grafana/20220614_add-more-context-to-scrape-failures
* d1d90630 Merge pull request from grafana/20220926_adapt-resource-usage-in-helm
* 1200adae Merge pull request from grafana/20220926_reuse-values-in-jsonnet
* 9d1bc681 Merge pull request from grafana/fix-cut-block
* 0a2712f3 Merge pull request from grafana/20220614_configurable-service-name
* 183c39f6 Merge pull request from grafana/20220929_rename-auth-enabled-and-disable-by-default
* bdba59fd Merge pull request from grafana/20220929_fix-head-ingested-metrics
* 9a16f439 Merge pull request from grafana/label-value
* 2b062320 Merge pull request from grafana/20220930_use-context-to-pass-registry-logger-metrics
* 46c38d48 Merge pull request from grafana/20220928_cleanup-blocks
* dcb214ab Merge pull request from grafana/parquet-sync-iterator
* 797cda57 Merge pull request from grafana/stacktrace-retrieve-rows
* 0c05dff4 Merge pull request from grafana/20221005_update-golang
* 4d638e92 Merge pull request from grafana/20220616_record-version-information
* 78fbeda1 Merge pull request from grafana/20221005_update-connect-go
* 59a3993e Merge pull request from grafana/improve-normalize-distributor
* c221ae7a Merge pull request from grafana/20220616_push-directly-without-http
* 3010137f Merge pull request from grafana/20221005_doc-generator
* 6e438e45 Merge pull request from grafana/20221007_build-info-config-endpoints
* 80070525 Merge pull request from grafana/20220615_configurable-active-memory-size
* 39850c41 Merge pull request from grafana/20221010_helm-workflow
* 22c1ce59 Merge pull request from grafana/20221010_merge-into-profilecli
* 5e14261c Merge pull request from grafana/20221011_rename-it
* 5a52d5d1 Merge pull request from grafana/docs-start
* 28433d4c Merge pull request from grafana/20221011_improve-go-caching
* e9438b77 Merge pull request from grafana/20221011_move-deploy
* 92d55f1a Merge pull request from grafana/20221012_add-docs-test
* 4c970fe2 Merge pull request from grafana/20220616_disable-macos-go-test
* 328e05af Merge pull request from grafana/robbymilo/docs-sync
* 1033fa7a Merge pull request from grafana/20221013_fix-helm-value-nil
* 4402b0f1 Merge pull request from grafana/20221013_remove-helm-test
* bb38f7e6 Merge pull request from grafana/20221014_no-help-all
* 05cc2f57 Merge pull request from grafana/20221014_update-config-api
* d2685d5a Merge pull request from grafana/20221014_update-dskit
* abf9a437 Merge pull request from grafana/20220616_grafana-provisioning
* d9c686be Merge pull request from grafana/20221014_avoid_double_collection_of_cpu_profiles
* 111b7cc2 Merge pull request from grafana/20221014_replace_config
* d82efd03 Merge pull request from grafana/cristian/docs-index-typo
* 05d77b88 Merge pull request from grafana/20220616_drop-32bit-arm
* 16ec9a4a Merge pull request from grafana/20221018_update-object-storage-docs
* ada83a7d Merge pull request from grafana/20221020_docker-compose-data-volume
* 4cf8c75a Merge pull request from grafana/20221020_disable-grafana-login
* ba5fb3b8 Merge pull request from grafana/20221020_generic-gzip-reader
* 0a3b0269 Merge pull request from grafana/20221020_reproduce-profile-panics
* 744ef077 Merge pull request from grafana/push-distributed
* d1aceb88 Merge pull request from grafana/panic-metrics
* e7f4de28 Merge pull request from grafana/logo
* 4f28b0ea Merge pull request from grafana/release-note-0.1
* e14e6ac7 Merge pull request from grafana/20221021_remove-file
* 24af4851 Merge pull request from grafana/gouthamve-patch-1
* 8ab95974 Merge pull request from grafana/20221021_docs-python
* 3ed3037b Merge pull request from grafana/cyriltovena-patch-1
* cb57573e Merge pull request from grafana/20221021_docs-getting-started-helm
* 8c58ea58 Merge pull request from grafana/20220617_improve-scraping-error-passing
* e98791dd Merge pull request from grafana/fix-panic-pool
* 4daa3b62 Merge pull request from grafana/20221024_divide-by-zero
* 93ca12cf Merge pull request from grafana/20221024_distributor-validate-timestamp
* a98e1139 Merge pull request from grafana/20221024_sort-merge-results
* 320a5cdc Merge pull request from grafana/phone-home-fix
* e044511a Merge pull request from grafana/20220617_another-helm-chart-fix
* 543af22b Merge pull request from grafana/examples
* 12197b8d Merge pull request from grafana/phone-home-race
* 8215fdbb Merge pull request from grafana/20221025_helm-with-minio
* 20c4ae37 Merge pull request from grafana/20221025_depend-image-build-on-go-build
* 04918575 Merge pull request from grafana/20221025_update-reference-docs
* 921bacaa Merge pull request from grafana/java-doc
* 513755ea Merge pull request from grafana/cristian/java-examples-sleep
* 0bd570b1 Merge pull request from grafana/20221026_rust-integration
* c7263fe3 Merge pull request from grafana/distributor-service
* 3776092b Merge pull request from grafana/glossary
* 17e0ab9b Merge pull request from grafana/ring-doc
* ca9ed08f Merge pull request from grafana/robbymilo/docs-release-sync
* 71cadc74 Merge pull request from grafana/grafana-docker-main
* e868565b Merge pull request from grafana/remove-comingsoon
* e14da634 Merge pull request from grafana/contributing
* 6fd927ab Merge pull request from grafana/jdbaldry-patch-1
* 2259eba9 Merge pull request from grafana/richih/governance
* 49b1ca89 Merge pull request from grafana/Eve832-quickedit
* 2b8c9ac6 Merge pull request from grafana/Eve832-quickcopyedit
* 6e4bafb5 Merge pull request from grafana/09jvilla-patch-1
* 3c45c1ef Merge pull request from grafana/09jvilla-patch-2
* e15e5ede Merge pull request from grafana/09jvilla-patch-1
* 8d08da4a Merge pull request from grafana/20221101_image-reference
* fba56aa8 Merge pull request from grafana/race-phone
* f86ab68b Merge pull request from grafana/eve/docgs
* 67bab503 Merge pull request from grafana/20221102_fix-readme
* 5481fd90 Merge pull request from grafana/20221102_publish-docs-correctly
* 877de546 Merge pull request from grafana/20220617_helm-support-microservices
* 83a8c2b9 Merge pull request from nlamirault/feat/env-from-secrets
* 42bc5a70 Merge pull request from simonswine/20221103_remove-private-go-modules
* b73b5c1b Merge pull request from zirain/fix-example-doc
* 2dbcfafd Merge pull request from grafana/20221103_update-slack-channel
* 61fa19e7 Merge pull request from grafana/querier
* b619595f Merge pull request from cloud-native-team/main
* a8b02f45 Merge pull request from simonswine/20221103_jsonnet-better-readme
* 42110547 Merge pull request from simonswine/20221104_helm-test-multi-binary-and-use-proper-image
* 067092a6 Merge pull request from dapirian/enable_trunk
* d5db6580 Merge pull request from grafana/20220617_target-api-connect
* d497cf7a Merge pull request from grafana/fix-release-version
* 7b3017bd Merge pull request from grafana/fix-path-prefix
* 4c963846 Merge pull request from grafana/add-fgprof
* 7b572570 Merge pull request from grafana/jpprof04
* f08e1eb7 Merge pull request from grafana/fix-local-kubernetes1
* 59cc89d1 Merge pull request from grafana/java-kubernetes
* bca57c20 Merge pull request from grafana/cristian/docs-err-fix
* 154d3b7e Merge pull request from grafana/20220618-linting
* cb4333ea Merge pull request from grafana/atomic-open
* 5c18ad91 Merge pull request from grafana/missingmapping
* a22be89f Merge pull request from grafana/fix-doc
* d0c207ed Merge pull request from grafana/20221121_hardcode-doc-validator
* 35ee1dd7 Merge pull request from simonswine/20221121_raise-helm-chart-version
* de38d4d0 Merge pull request from grafana/20221121_reenable-deploys
* 690c2b45 Merge pull request from simonswine/20221122_python-amd64-only
* 3720ce41 Merge pull request from grafana/20221123_add-phlare-head-size-dashboards
* 9e9fb1a5 Merge pull request from conorevans/conorevans/phlare-423
* fddce076 Merge pull request from aissarmurad/feat/add-golang-example
* 0cd8dbab Merge pull request from scottzhlin/feature/support-cos-objstore-provider
* 84616c0d Merge pull request from grafana/20221130_fix-ci-secret-main
* c7839c93 Merge pull request from grafana/fix-log-instrumentation
* 57d9bb55 Merge pull request from grafana/cristian/loki-fire
* 7d6728cc Merge pull request from grafana/dashboard-read
* 0e23d94f Merge pull request from glindstedt/patch-1
* a8c7033c Merge pull request from simonswine/20221207_fix-release-target
* 6eba6e21 Merge pull request from grafana/20221208_fix-helm-chart-values
* 8730cb10 Merge pull request from simonswine/20221208_add-changelog
* 8410017d Merge pull request from simonswine/20221208_release-0.1.1-in-helm
* 9ef6886a Merge pull request from scottzhlin/feature/add-agent-http-sd
* de5e83f1 Merge pull request from rissson/447-docs-languages-python-django
* 87d6b0d8 Merge pull request from glindstedt/patch-1
* 6a45e445 Merge pull request from aocenas/aocenas/remove-grafana
* 65ed4b9d Merge pull request from fredr/fredr/accept-gzip
* 05e71db5 Merge pull request from grafana/20221221_upgrade-go-mod-across-the-board
* 9982e3fd Merge pull request from grafana/remove-grafana-build
* 9958fe8b Merge pull request from grafana/fixes/463
* 0c2465f1 Merge pull request from grafana/api-module
* f006efb8 Merge pull request from jdbaldry/jdb/2023-01-update-pats
* 678b0402 Merge pull request from grafana/20220621_grpc-gateway
* 6520e026 Merge pull request from simonswine/20230109_fix_url
* 25eae771 Merge pull request from simonswine/20230119_flush_profiles_row_groups_to_disk
* b40a3ae9 Merge pull request from simonswine/20230124_use_gotestsum_for_better_output
* b4b682fe Merge pull request from grafana/querier-profile
* b64b4987 Merge pull request from simonswine/20230202_add-distributed-tracing
* edbed7c1 Merge pull request from grafana/20220622_allow-extra-labels-helm
* 43b47f9f Merge pull request from simonswine/20230209_fix-adding-new-series-after-row-segment-has-been-cut
* 0b295990 Merge pull request from grafana/20230210_add-debug-image
* 2f6a978f Merge pull request from grafana/20230210_fix-block-size-cutting
* e5fa33f7 Merge pull request from grafana/do-not-push-private-labels
* 1dc19bb6 Merge pull request from grafana/grafana-ds
* ff4e17ee Merge pull request from grafana/20220624_encode-nested-parquet
* d77287a4 Merge pull request from grafana/private-frostdb
* b7b4fab6 Merge pull request from grafana/20220628_use-buf-plugins-consistently
* c870fb5c Merge pull request from korniltsev/korniltsev/pyroscope_ingestion_adapter
* 4763a6b3 Merge pull request from grafana/profile-type-duration-filer
* 71df2e34 Merge pull request from eh-am/feat/add-single-view-ui
* 8a60330f Merge pull request from kolesnikovae/chore/improve-pprof-parsing-pool-usage
* e8798af6 Merge pull request from grafana/feat/ui-labels
* e248a53f Merge pull request from grafana/chore/replace-apps-for-profileID
* 2a907596 Merge pull request from grafana/parquet-size-tool
* f1c088f8 Merge pull request from grafana/20220712_update-dskit-to-support-memberlist-labels
* b008ebcd Merge pull request from grafana/20220608_dependecies-ring-memberlist
* f0b64b9b Merge pull request from grafana/tsdb-metrics
* 07ac8cf6 Merge pull request from grafana/intern-stacktrace-labels
* 924388b3 Merge pull request from grafana/20220712_add-size
* 5bd6a443 Merge pull request from grafana/distributor-metrics
* 9b95ac2f Merge pull request from grafana/20220713_use-pool-for-profiles-samples
* 234e3f2a Merge pull request from grafana/distributor-profile-id
* 2d48b67a Merge pull request from grafana/distributor-sanitize
* 359d1950 Merge pull request from grafana/20220714_fix-stacktraces-schema
* 70657ea2 Merge pull request from grafana/20220714_reduce-scrape-time
* 190cec27 Merge pull request from grafana/20220713_implement-flush-prototype
* 3572a734 Merge pull request from grafana/20220713_implement-flush-prototype
* db269a28 Merge pull request from grafana/20220715_deploy-main-to-dev
* 28fd79ca Merge pull request from grafana/20220608_intialize-profile-store
* c0084b52 Merge pull request from grafana/no-zero-read
* 5f3e6304 Merge pull request from grafana/proper-http-metrics
* 1957f6b7 Merge pull request from grafana/activate-tracing
* 4b3b58a6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'grafana/main' into korniltsev/pyroscope_ingestion_adapter
* 7287c7c1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into patch-1
* 1e2ad2da Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/docs-start' into docs-start
* 5609ddb8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix-log-instrumentation' into dashboard-read
* 1be7af3b Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/label-value' into label-value
* a32dafab Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into add-type-to-metrics
* 98960873 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into bench-read-db
* aee48534 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into datasource-ui
* 15fd1b49 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into diff-memory
* 5b1ece78 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into distributor-sanitize
* f83bdc9c Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into docker-grafana
* b81971d5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into docs-start
* bc78ee97 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into flamegraph
* 66146528 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into grafana-ds
* 79bed1ec Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into korniltsev/pyroscope_ingestion_adapter
* 6aab9f42 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into multitenant
* 191f3a02 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into parquet-size-tool
* 02d7faba Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into parquet-sync-iterator
* 011e3c5c Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into private-frostdb
* 69e29340 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into push-distributed
* f744ac89 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into push-distributed
* 651dd9a5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into querier
* aad1a5cd Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into querier
* 72dbb100 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into querier
* dbe40cf6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into querier-profile
* 52738caf Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into querier-profile
* 9b0b284d Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into robbymilo/docs-sync
* 79de76c8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into sample-merge-iterator-total-per-labels
* 7f9813f2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into select-series
* 7e4333a7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into tsdb-metrics
* 0a09a8ed Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/sample-merge-iterator' into sample-merge-iterator
* 7391c882 Migrate over tests and implement binary ingestion
* fb75c96f Mixin: Make the UID of the "Reads" and "Writes" Dashboards more unique (
* ea38d080 More ignores
* 4df711ec Move READMEs around
* e834e9a6 Move Sample, Profile, Stacktrace to schema
* 78e6aef1 Move back to mainstream parquet
* 37b4e123 Move deploy/ to operations/phlare/
* 3b3d8f3f Move examples folder (2165)
* 44f47c6d Move files/directories around
* 317ee300 Move from kubeval to kubeconform (
* 3665fd56 Move labels to use map/object structure
* 3bafa3f7 Move og-pyroscope into subfolder
* df6af3c7 Move to frostdb on a private fork
* 5dbd4fb1 Move to the new parquet-go location (2174)
* 682b697b Move to upstream segemetio/parquet-go
* 5b8ee37d Moves metrics registration at the end of initialization
* e17b0d01 OG Go code cleanup (2017)
* 36bdfeb5 Only ingest real profiles once each
* 2228ec67 Only run go test on Linux
* 9023e362 Only use SSH tokens
* 2553d668 Only use a single slice
* 470a13d0 Optimise in-memory parquet reader (
* 024c0b1b Order stacktraces by ID to have a deterministic flamegraph
* dc0df7e6 Override config field's defaults
* eff8ee67 Panic if a rewrite cannot be found in the map
* e9173900 Pass pushes directly avoiding HTTP
* 0f2e47d8 Prevent running empty query
* ec55ea24 Profile proto serialization with slice reused (2159)
* f2975a58 Provide a better targets api using grpc-gateway
* 8935b2b2 Publish docs correctly
* e273f7ba Push down label_name filter on Series API (2163)
* d1dc6c38 Push to the ingester without replication strategy
* f288b686 Pushes to ingester via the ring
* 18177ff2 Pyroscope/fix push dashboard (
* 3c159679 Quick copy edit
* a706b64c README and moving of deploy guide
* 3dc30127 Raise CPU reservation for ingesters
* c8272289 Raise helm chart version
* 2d454fd9 Raise limits of buffer sizes
* 0fc7420c Read extraArgs from correct place
* f82d2a41 Reduce join_members for memberlist using dns+ (
* 7c65ea0f Reduce max duration for kind deploys (
* c6e96d12 Reduce resource allocation to a tenth to run in CI
* c3bb0ee6 Reduce scrape interval
* 3b5e9206 Reenable dev deploys (2012)
* f7e07515 Reexport values from helm into a json file
* 8c2988bf Refactor all APIs to a better structure (
* daf1c4df Refactor and cleanup querier code.
* d49fce42 Refactor and fixes merge profile
* fa354496 Refactor block meta iteration (
* 6011238b Refactor firedb code and fixes tests.
* cbd48659 Refactor gzip reading/writing
* b821698c Refactor metrics in PhlareDB (
* 23555512 Refactor selectMatchingRowRanges
* e8eb130f Refactor sorting to use upstream interface
* c77e330b Refactor tests and code
* f99d89b4 Refactor the querier code
* 4ba7e4d3 Refactor to make lint comply
* 9f3476c8 Refactoring tests
* 03991be6 Refactoring tests
* 3fbfb8b0 Refine ingester/store-gateway time range split (
* 8ff3f927 Reformat and regenerate
* dfdca661 Reinstate the roundtrip tests
* 30f5f3e7 Release helm chart v0.1.2 with Phlare version v0.1.1
* 7e14672a Remove .trunk (
* 26ad42ad Remove /grafana dir and cleanup make file
* 1d027c81 Remove CI step with grafana build
* e6b85793 Remove `-help-all` as this is not a thing in Phlare (yet)
* a1c9c712 Remove `cortex_` prefix from scheduler/frontend metrics (
* 996087c1 Remove addresses on symbolized profiles (
* f2dd58cf Remove all logo and change ds name
* dd4a15ba Remove build dependencies
* ef996915 Remove config change
* 1596f8a1 Remove dependencies on mimir/thanos (2259)
* 8619ae50 Remove dependency on parca for defaulting agent config (2257)
* ffd2f4e1 Remove extraArgs
* 2a17e453 Remove flake rowRanges test (
* 607cdfad Remove global metrics and stats (
* 6c73d43b Remove go build from workflow
* 754e92ed Remove heavy debug output on traces
* a9762501 Remove helm test
* f2bbade1 Remove logo (1900)
* b100e0b1 Remove mutex profiles.
* fcfd58d7 Remove no longer relevant senteces
* ef789e7d Remove old artifacts
* 416c3525 Remove redundant alias (
* d3800e5e Remove sentence about unsupported reads for the object storage (2256)
* 74e832ca Remove sorts.
* 2d128a33 Remove spuriously added file
* 0e4601b2 Remove ssh-agent and authetnication for go modules
* 695881ca Remove structure
* 2b05787f Remove the image override from single binary
* 485aaf99 Remove trial schema for using frostdb
* 2d692bc4 Remove unneccessary argument
* a2285839 Remove unneccessary getter
* 5cba87ae Remove unused func
* a1969081 Remove unused imports
* e866aa5b Remove useless err check in LabelValues API (
* f6fb1694 Remove vendor and render flamegraph
* 92d4683b Removes filter on duration for ProfileTypes API.
* ed05494f Removes gzip compression between querier and ingester (
* 31beb8e2 Removes print statement in profileType API.
* 1d95bc06 Removes the CI for building the Grafana image.
* 9450f8a9 Removes the coming soon section
* 082959c1 Removes the use of pointer for the usagestats package
* 89fbc35c Rename Phlare to Pyroscope in configure client docs (2170)
* b9212676 Rename ReadererAt to ReaderAtCreator
* 03a90533 Rename `Dockerfile.debug` to `debug.Dockerfile` (
* d1d65af0 Rename accidentally renamed field back
* 9c20b67b Rename eslint of og to not be considered
* 66a283ef Rename go import path
* b3595510 Rename non-namespaced resources to ensure uniqueness
* 007c570f Renaming proto package to avoid conflicting registraitons:
* b78d631c Reorganize docs structure (
* 45054b73 Replace all occurrences of Loki with Fire.
* e6371bcf Replace fire with phlare in all contents
* e4a97fd3 Replace object storage config with mimir's
* 28985b7a Replace profileStore with firedb.Head
* 8002d5c6 Replace remote buf plugins with local ones
* 51bb0431 Replace the repeated iterator for merging stacktraces.
* 75740b40 Reproduce panicing python profile
* 2a1bf628 Reproduce reflection issue
* 7c35179a Reset all items in ResetVT and do not discard in RemoveInPlace (2166)
* 15799840 Resolve type conflict.
* 3878d677 Return a default logger
* 6129511f Revert "Use binary search in `getSeriesIndex` (" (
* 1e49693e Revert "Who needs locks?"
* fc847442 Revert schema change
* f7fc1393 Review feedback
* 2d594264 Review feedback
* 5e6d5e00 Review feedback
* c424a842 Review feedback
* 0825e3a6 Review feedback
* a9a27abb Roll back version changes of grafana/* packages
* 71623b96 Rollback to v1
* 00060d0c Row ranges no pointers
* 2ae25d89 Run go mod download/tidy for ebpf (2020)
* d16b6696 Sanitize profile from zero value samples and bytes label.
* 5675cf59 Scraping profiles from http pprof.
* 8b10ac84 Select duplicate to keep based on ingester
* 8932d12e Send functions names with profiles.
* 39909fa6 Series Graph (
* cf9b83cf Serve a basic react app under /ui (
* 3c671fb9 Set scrapeTime when scrape succeeds
* 1e8606b4 Set tests to replication 3
* 0fd2745a Set timestamp in profile, if not set
* 1102c7e9 Setting the doc hierachy
* 2f383665 Setup client and handler tenant forwarding.
* b0040b98 Setup the container name to reflect the target in helm
* 67ebbdf5 Setup the datasource UI
* 8d730e95 Ship blocks to object storage
* 58d35164 Simple text input groupby
* 7695dd43 Sketching out the doc for fire
* 352cded3 Sketching out the doc for fire
* 1e4d3677 Skip distributor test, unsure why it is failing
* 7ad917b5 Skip image validation in doc-validator (2217)
* 98382148 Some cosmetic changes to the readme.
* 368b7813 Some more fixes
* 889c1a3e Something that works
* 0eff0d3f Sort Profiles across row groups when flushing blocks (
* 87585cbf Sort Profiles by Alphabetical Labels in Parquet
* 739be42f Sort profiles by SeriesRefs
* 5c8f4c51 Sort stacktraces by function names
* dfcc97c5 Split head into separte queries
* 34798532 Split out initHead from Flush
* a4fb5476 Split out parquet.Group into its own package
* 4787ad46 Split query by interval (
* f0aa0ecf Start a repeatedPageIterator
* cdb241bd Start the query path
* c695631f Start working on a mixin for fire
* d9a3a176 Stricter default for `podSecurityContext`
* a5bd7f99 Strip eventually existing spaces using xargs (2195)
* 8e2f5f80 Suggestions based on data from Fire server
* 5ccf5c3b Super quick copyedit
* e5f47e82 Support multi-tenant for ingester and firedb
* db0e10ff Support selectors for LabelValues/LabelNames calls (
* a4a91635 Support set test mode for flags test (
* 142b488a Switch docs deploy to master of website (2208)
* c408c7e1 Switch to release/v prefix for release branches to avoid having to be explicit with heads and tags
* 58fc024d Switch to tibdex/github-app-tokenv1 workflow (2194)
* 5a687cd5 Switched to canvas
* 53ee592f Terminate stream if no blocks found (
* 4fb29132 Test Querier.ProfileTypes and Querier.LabelValues
* f7b40d7f Test replication
* 9a1ef75a Testing
* 1abf22db Testing multitenant locally
* 5da4b258 Testing new video
* 8dd9f210 Testing new video
* 988d633d Testing v2
* b59906cf Tests
* d97de8a6 The new Pyroscope
* 7919847d This allows to configure the port name
* 2dcbaf26 This allows to override any config per component.
* 895c4c1e Tooltips (
* d8c61d1c Top Table (
* 95421c44 Try to reduce sync pool operations
* 3aa26235 Udate to go 1.18.3
* eaaa5cf4 Uncomment tests helper not used
* 3bae5eeb Unit test values override
* c554f610 Update .gitignore (2153)
* 23dee2df Update (
* f34c44d0 Update Grafana Phlare to Grafana Pyroscope (2193)
* 0c8cad52 Update Makefile
* 0e40374f Update
* 7a56df4b Update (1910)
* cd875f1a Update (2225)
* b45c34b2 Update (
* ab5138f1 Update with slack
* 408ab355 Update adhoc readme for more adhoc modes (1985)
* 0479604f Update agent-server diagram (
* 6446c55a Update all metrics to be prefixed with pyroscope rather than phlare (
* c7fa0c26 Update alpine version to 3.17.3 (
* b979abf0 Update alpine version to 3.17.4 (
* a5716064 Update architectural overview (
* 62e2ba40 Update architecture
* cf1e77f6 Update binary name to pyroscope (2023)
* c4289169 Update build images to latest versions
* 6ab3d540 Update config API endpoint
* 675d2fec Update configure client docs (2211)
* 34575400 Update connect-go (2164)
* e80445d5 Update datasources.yml (2161) (2175)
* 3109dd2f Update default http port to be 4100
* 762e4c71 Update dependencies
* 505ae06a Update deploy in Kubernetes guide
* e999e651 Update deploy/helm/fire/templates/deployments-statefulsets.yaml
* 577788f5 Update deploy/jsonnet/fire-mixin/dashboards/fire-writes.libsonnet
* abf356ec Update deps
* b2fe2d1c Update docker image
* 9d5c7876 Update docker-compose java examples (
* 3721782b Update docs/internal/contributing/
* 1f35a4ab Update docs/internal/contributing/
* a6cf8288 Update docs/internal/contributing/
* 55ca2a62 Update docs/internal/contributing/
* f8df648f Update docs/internal/contributing/
* 2b31c6f6 Update docs/sources/operators-guide/configure-agent/language-support/
* f0ed3870 Update docs/sources/operators-guide/deploy-kubernetes/
* f0566cee Update docs/sources/operators-guide/deploy-kubernetes/
* 199850e3 Update docs/sources/operators-guide/get-started/
* d30f5af5 Update docs/sources/operators-guide/get-started/
* 83a84c8c Update docs/sources/operators-guide/
* ad0dd288 Update docs/sources/operators-guide/
* cb55a4fc Update dotnet docs (2252)
* 7d5af350 Update dskit to latest
* c2744988 Update dskit to use new DoUntilQuorum (
* 1f1b8f32 Update
* c0e988ef Update
* 2e90a31f Update generated README
* 8ddc908e Update generated assets
* f91e84d4 Update generated code
* aa8f6b19 Update generated reference docs
* c4027331 Update go mod in grafana/fire-datasource
* 7f4b4eb9 Update go versions used to 1.19.6 (
* 5a74d189 Update go-groupvarint dependency (
* 18271c3c Update go.mod
* 4d16951a Update go.mod based on trviy scan (
* 05ea88e1 Update go.mod/go.sum
* b87269e4 Update golang version to 1.19.10 (
* 866c2870 Update golang version to 1.19.12 (2199)
* 3189d9c9 Update golang version to 1.19.8 (
* 6684e211 Update golang version to 1.19.9 (
* f9583d4d Update golangci-lint to 1.48.0
* ce0db656 Update goreleaser to enable weekly builds (2141)
* 131adb1f Update grafana image references to :main
* cadbced9 Update helm doc for v0.4.0 (
* 037c2557 Update helm ingester limits (
* 3ee46b98 Update image name in goreleaser (2158)
* 3b0db67e Update ingester
* 7e8d3438 Update interface for copied group
* 521634f8 Update issue templates
* 17dadd76 Update issue templates
* 52221298 Update issue templates to add a feature request template
* bcf478d6 Update
* 1e3e7e4b Update
* 54a30ee2 Update maintainers and add CODEOWNERs (2155)
* 50529e32 Update makefile to have deploy for micro-services
* f10429c8 Update name of github token
* 6b4a0740 Update parca
* e36ada4a Update parca to latest version
* eeebdbbe Update parquet-go to latest
* 19c98af2 Update pkg/agent/config.go
* 5e9a6169 Update pkg/agent/config.go
* 5e0db32c Update pkg/distributor/metrics.go
* 53f3848b Update pkg/fire/fire.go
* e1a6eac4 Update pkg/fire/modules.go
* f611eb9e Update pkg/firedb/firedb.go
* fd734bfb Update pkg/firedb/firedb.go
* 3534b9c8 Update pkg/firedb/head_test.go
* a0e758b9 Update pkg/firedb/sample_merge.go
* 0efb7b46 Update pkg/objstore/providers/filesystem/filesystem.go
* 5db637a9 Update pkg/phlare/modules.go
* cef578d4 Update pkg/phlaredb/delta.go
* da0e8d14 Update prometheus to have latest relabeling support (
* 9ecd866a Update publishing workflows to use PATs with fine-grained access control
* bc98beff Update publishing workflows to use organization secret (
* 31c7dfb7 Update read dashboard
* 9e3082cf Update readme (2249)
* b9d3e114 Update regexps and filters to match project preference
* 806f47e9 Update repo name at various places (2182)
* d0d13b70 Update rust dependencies (
* a16dfaea Update with details for using basic auth (2183)
* dc4c5586 Update slack channel
* 08347b83 Update snapshot
* 974208ea Update tests
* 0aa2cc9a Update the release doc (
* 8522c4c0 Update to latest go mod dependecies
* 9ffae98e Update to setup-gov4 github action (
* a1b3ed66 Update updater config json (2210)
* 82cdf88d Update vendor
* 805c0e9d Update vimeo video id
* 68cd92a8 Update workflows to publish to different website branch and new target directory (2180)
* e0788eab Updates grafana docker image reference
* 3d786fff Updates memberlist and ring doc
* c2b577da Updates old pyroscope links (
* 74d76cc8 Upgrade all go versions to latest 1.19.4 and 1.18.9
* 977d5b96 Upgrade base image to latest alpine version v3.17.2 (
* fc2e9e34 Upgrade connect-go to v1.0.0
* 4832d64a Upgrade dskit to remove direct dependency on weaveworks/common (2207)
* 6f546b25 Upgrade go to version 1.19.2
* 45623b5d Upgrade golangci-lint and enable it when formatting (
* 851e6aec Upgrade linter to work with Go Generics (
* 19111dc5 Upgrade to latest alpine version
* 6989827e Upgrades to jpprof 0.1.4
* b7b4dd2c Usage stats reporter: fix to remove duplicate if block (
* 23b2b2c3 Use DoUntilQuorumWithoutSuccessfulContextCancellation instead of DoUntilQuorum (
* 1c58fb85 Use ID field rather than the slice index
* db1d9fac Use IEC size format for rate_limit errors (
* 97ff31a9 Use __name__ as profile type
* 962ed945 Use a map and fix the metric
* 65d4be29 Use a volume to hold fire's data
* e28f4000 Use app auth for release/weekly-release/deploy (2191)
* 450d7d7f Use binary search in `getSeriesIndex` (
* 267c606e Use build connect-go for distributor and setup the toolchain
* e90c33e1 Use camel case instead of snake case in golang example (
* e4585a69 Use copySlice only once for LocationIDs
* e6725f9c Use corect firedb_ prefix for thanos metrics
* 0bde1102 Use correct API in readyHandler (
* 759dab9c Use correct column name for sorting order
* 6185a2fc Use correct samples per type
* b4d144d8 Use correct schema for profiles
* 787b3041 Use data from server
* 0865c480 Use date instead of timestamp (
* 4d771d17 Use filebuffers during column page write
* 5f5223ac Use generic writer in deduplicatingSlice (
* e08ebfa9 Use git commit date from goreleaser directly (
* c1098b50 Use go test from makefile
* 6c8291ec Use goreleaser to build weekly releases (
* 7cca62e4 Use gotestsum
* 1c5e5b12 Use labels API when possible instead of Series (
* 7321846c Use list for stacktraces parquet
* 301a8041 Use lo.Keys
* 9b8face0 Use memberlist cluster labels
* 55ced9b0 Use multiselect
* 434b6358 Use output from context
* f9e59daf Use parquet file from argv[1]
* d784ce6a Use pyroscope tree representation in MergeProfilesStacktraces API (
* 9a7719fc Use setup-go's caching (
* e15b52c5 Use ssh key in docker buildx
* 287bb211 Use tempo iterators instead of home baked
* c02602d8 Use the repeated iterator for retreving stacktraces list
* 8bd4cf19 Use upstream image for phlare and test micro-services
* c691194b Uses a stack structure for building flamegraph
* 3e9237da Validates label matchers in the querier (
* ca5bb7f0 Validates that push request contains at least one sample (
* 9c1c6911 Vendor arcticdb
* 89f7bace Verify profile round-trip
* 2820b224 WIP: Unify iterators
* a647634d Welcome to the Grafana Labs family, Pyroscope! (1893)
* 9b371183 When ready check fails display names (
* d9eea588 Who needs locks?
* b9cf1631 Working on GRPC service for merging stacktraces
* eddc5f6a Working on GRPC service for the head
* 895ee796 Working on java examples
* f9608258 Working on the main page
* 29ee591f Working through repetition level
* be8c732a Wrap profile store in fire
* 0a9924c2 Wraps all metrics from the bucket reader with fireDB
* 4fd0258e Write schema for profiles and stacktraces
* b2a21c97 Write tests for querying profiles and fix bugs on the way
* 1e10f68c [Docs] - Correct Link to Grafana Agent Examples (
* 4739cbce [helm] Add ingress (
* 5720c774 [jfr] update ACCP regex for ACCP 2.0 (1857)
* 7284e329 `make build` should depend on `make frontend/build` (
* 9d57aed0 add a tsconfig.json and make webpack resolution use it
* e2b630e5 add block ulid
* 3863f899 add comparison page
* ecb7ae74 add dependencies explicitly intead of relying on deps from pyroscope-oss
* d1f0039b add dotnet exceptions sample type
* 2064292a add dotnet exceptions sample type
* c238848d add java sources, update dockerfiles
* 52068787 add jfr metadata
* f43946c6 add some css to make it look okayish
* 3d8f90ca add usage error message
* e087fc94 adds docs sync for release branches and tags
* 4f70e9c9 bare minimum to use a component from pyroscope-oss
* 8fa07146 benchmark: use the more efficient strings.Builder (1947)
* ca075c88 better error handling, update pyroscope, lint
* d6a04aef better error message
* 023e20b3 better test
* cca259bf build(deps): bump (
* 325494ee build(deps): bump h2 from 0.3.14 to 0.3.20 in /tools/docker-compose/rust (
* 7b6ed3eb build(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 (
* add3193a build(deps): bump tokio in /tools/docker-compose/rust (
* ae48c9e2 build: add linter and formar checker to the frontend (
* dd548ce6 build: ci profiling use an specific version (1884)
* 9497b8f5 build: improve ci profiling (1847)
* af8e664b build: make pyroscope/nodejs an optional dependency since it's only used to profile ci (1880)
* 018f4e73 build: use new flags for pyroscope-ci (1887)
* d2f8383e centralize loading app names
* 7749659c change target branch
* d3cce295 chore(adhoc): max file size (1938)
* 49a0adec chore(agent): better go imports format
* 5c246ff9 chore(docs/config): add http_sd_config prometheus ref (
* d2d8233d chore(parser): update jfr parser (2258)
* de3a9176 chore(profilecli): accept timestamps for queries (
* c0de772b chore(pyroscope ingest): update oss for pyspy pprof formatting (
* 5e544c2e chore(release): publish
* 1bad51d3 chore(release): publish
* d7ed25eb chore(release): publish
* 2ff9f37a chore(release): publish
* 32875e4b chore(release): publish
* beb04c8b chore(release): publish
* f16f5d2f chore(release): publish
* af35f2cb chore(release): publish
* b04d9e1c chore(release): publish
* bd6225e4 chore(release): publish
* c0b272c6 chore(release): publish
* 373c0d01 chore(release): publish
* 596ec106 chore(release): publish
* 2a7b54a9 chore(release): publish
* d03aedde chore(release): publish
* 1bdf0815 chore(release): publish
* 72e54ccf chore(release): publish
* e7cf318b chore(release): publish
* 1fa6dbee chore(release): publish
* ac1183dd chore(release): publish
* c0b6fc06 chore(remote write) extra headers (1911)
* 73529d1c chore(ui): allow dropdown to be rendered outside the tree using portal (1959)
* 93db9050 chore(updater): update dev wave in deployment_tools (
* 49e9089b chore(webapp): allow overwriting app selector label (1923)
* d0ff7809 chore(webapp): remove stray console log (1931)
* c93a993d chore(webapp): use aliased imports and do type assertion (1929)
* 35289b02 chore: Ensure presence of service_name label (
* d4f2109e chore: add consul discovery example (1865)
* d6ab3f5e chore: adds a Grafana Agent example (1958)
* 2e8f8d21 chore: adds clarifications RE Apache 2 packages to (1898)
* bb66096a chore: allow overwriting app selector label (1924)
* c5dc2716 chore: ci profiling (1868)
* 8b99b078 chore: clarify licensing (2014)
* e90476d0 chore: cleanup file discovery example (1801)
* 8bac1436 chore: deletes old files (2015)
* 41f64487 chore: enables mutex and block profiling for pyroscope itself (
* 61de7095 chore: fix d3-color version to 3.1.0 (2002)
* 643f3bef chore: fix nth-check version & d3-color (2009)
* f0e48af0 chore: fix protobufjs version (2005)
* 7364083d chore: fix semver versions (2003)
* 267924c9 chore: fix tough-cookie version (2004)
* b385dbf5 chore: fix type (1914)
* 73af9187 chore: get latest pyroscope-oss code (
* bf7cb75f chore: improve memory ownership at pprof parsing
* a1753d1c chore: integrate og/webapp into public/app (wip) (2169)
* de7f0ea2 chore: lint grafana plugins (1866)
* dbdb0e70 chore: lint updates (
* ce7e7714 chore: more jfr regex fixes
* 82f5e268 chore: more jfr regex fixes
* 398dec96 chore: moves UI to / from /ui, moves old / to /admin (2235)
* e12e777b chore: port change (4100 -> 4040) (2190)
* 4129a304 chore: prune tree based on `MaxNodes` when converting json files (1875)
* 5dff38b4 chore: remoteWrite log url when showing errors (1962)
* 9c7b347d chore: remove aliases, copy `flamegraph` and `model` into `public/app/legacy` (2261)
* bdcaeed5 chore: remove datasource code (1892)
* d6d72f00 chore: remove duplicated expectFormats check (1886)
* d0cb5adc chore: remove panel, since it was moved to a different repo (1902)
* da414ef9 chore: remove unnused file (
* 9fc5a4b1 chore: rename `phlare` macro to `pyroscope` (2267)
* 795b2eff chore: renames phlaredb to pyroscopedb (2260)
* 56a2ad5f chore: replace 'Application' for 'ProfileID' to better match phlare's semantics
* a9b3926a chore: types fix for piechart (1956)
* 3b416406 chore: update rbspy in ruby examples (1903)
* c79a22fb chore: update rideshare dotnet example (1859)
* da603395 chore: updated `parse-url` to secure v8.1.0 (2001)
* 1b443ac8 chore: updates index page (2146)
* c0e6a67b chore: use 4041 for `yarn dev` webpack server (2262)
* 85846c74 chore: use go-kit/log in /ingest (1908)
* 348a5199 ci: [e2e] wait for /ready instead of hitting the ui directly (
* 2ed9361b ci: run 'make fmt check' concurrently (
* f24c76a3 cleaner code
* a74e57bd copy slice
* 3badc604 docs(dotnet): add dynamic start/stop api example (1916)
* 84b64efe docs(dotnet): update example (1942)
* e1c9c18f docs(examples): improves java example
* 12e2a3d9 don't fail if response doesn't have the correct shape
* fb1b33e2 don't fail when response is unexpected
* 0de923dc dont compute delta for pyroscope profiles, they are already delta either on client or during parsing
* 3ab6378d edits
* 33a6050e enhancement(helm): add note in resources section regarding max block duration
* 61d840cf enhancement: incorporate PR feedback
* aa37382c feat(agent): support interval and timeout label for agent scrape (
* df288d68 feat(agent/sd): add support HTTP service discovery
* e877f850 feat(datasource-plugin): add support for label queries (1877)
* f19df6c7 feat(datasource-plugin): support variables (1864)
* 8a7fe2b8 feat(ebpf): move the core ebpf code from agent repo (
* a5a045f8 feat(examples): add golang example
* 47eacc60 feat(frontend): new app selector (
* b7e07053 feat(objstore): support Tencent COS object storage
* 981d3aa1 feat(phlare): ingest to phlare (1934)
* ef28d606 feat(pyroscope-flamegraph): ship sourcemap (1904)
* 74613f74 feat(ui): explore page (
* 57c539b3 feat: Add comparison page
* a9ae0593 feat: add CLI flag to print version (
* fc85a34d feat: add diff support (
* 2232eefe feat: add pyroscope ingestion endpoint
* b41a687c feat: make tags work in the ui
* 3e34f0fb feat: run under a subpath (
* 2b3a4c4f feat: scale tree (1927)
* 55987cf6 feat: select first app automatically (
* 9e29db94 feat: sidebar (
* fa5f5315 feat: support consul discovery (1860)
* 4c8938fa feat: support for tree truncation when converting to flamebearer (
* 558e82ea feat: support multitenancy in the /ui (
* afcee8da feat: timelines (
* 6e4a1fd7 fix broken link in readme (1894)
* c4708350 fix error link in doc
* 5eef4601 fix export pprof/html in baseurl (1972)
* 4d14769c fix ingestion error handling
* 71ab62f5 fix missing struct
* 57ed93d0 fix some typos
* b1756ef0 fix test
* 4af494c6 fix the typo in the gorm tag of the annotation table (1936)
* eebe60e3 fix type check
* 8452ae0e fix type check
* 32174a1b fix type check
* 27acd1cb fix types
* 584435ca fix(docs): remove 'native' from python docs (2244)
* 9e855308 fix(docs): switch ebpf example to use grafana/pyroscope and grafana/agent (2226)
* 9bed3b77 fix(docs): update grafana-agent example (1963)
* daa32a57 fix(docs): use service_name labels in grafana-agent example (1996)
* 6fda3cb1 fix(ebpf): compilation on windows and freebsd (
* 5acd4f82 fix(ebpf): disable gotable fallback by default, make gotablefallback smarter (2246)
* 07c51d83 fix(ebpf): do not clear ElfCache (2248)
* 68f7eec4 fix(ebpf): improve pcindex binary search speed (2255)
* 9462e90d fix(ebpf): make kallsyms lazy (2245)
* 97e8b507 fix(ebpf): symtab test fix (
* 351696bf fix(ebpf): use grafana agent in docs. copypaste docs from grafana agent (2154)
* 9d4a6403 fix(ebpf): vendor rlimit package from cilium, to avoid bpf syscalls during init (
* 8f8d7a23 fix(example): rideshare java build (2187)
* 6bd54e20 fix(flamegraph): fix styling when in light mode (1889)
* 71b17864 fix(frontend): fix frontend routing (
* 01786d69 fix(frontend): make tenant dropdown show even when sidebar is collapsed (
* b63a15ec fix(phpspy): update phpspy (1917)
* 765c3283 fix(pprof): format pyspy stacktraces with filenames - same as rbspy (1986)
* f4c5940e fix(pprof): when parser is reused there was a bug - parser was using more functions/locations than parsed - used data from previous parse invocation (1939)
* 8997e6e2 fix(pyroscope ingest): propagate connect-go http status codes (
* e556b7b7 fix(pyroscope): use nanos sample type units for cpu & wall profiles (
* 272fbe09 fix(pyroscope-flamegraph): don't pollute property from prototype (1907)
* 5371b95a fix(pyroscope-flamegraph): use map in sandwich conversion to not conflict with properties from the prototype (1906)
* 4079d3df fix(server): set `Content-Type` to JSON in label handlers (1969)
* 2876881a fix(webapp): always render annotations in the viewport (1867)
* 7e3b6516 fix(webapp): fix heatmap y axis (1912)
* dadec3e8 fix(webapp): only load timelines when both queries are set (1921)
* 52fddf1a fix: /pyroscope/ingest return 400 in case of bad request (
* ea5ac9a6 fix: /ui routing (
* f454bfa8 fix: add structed validation for tag key and app name in case nil pointer panic (1862)
* 8f03fa3d fix: add try catch to the load-generators (1933)
* 29cafddc fix: allow __delta__ label to force-enable as well as force-disable delta computation (
* 098414ea fix: auth cache service and bcrypt cost (1952)
* 6aa97a7f fix: build on 32bit (
* 9063afbe fix: build on mac (
* 22339570 fix: filter out labelsset without the required labels instead of crashing (
* 00ef238f fix: limit time picker presets (2008)
* 8d04ace5 fix: limit version of sweetalert2 (2007)
* 2847ea14 fix: max nodes check (
* eb86ab3a fix: only pass `X-Scope-OrgID` header if multi tenant is enabled (
* b552ed55 fix: remove dependency on pyroscope-oss git branch (2143)
* 555d5217 fix: rename pyroscope_app to `service_name` (
* 0b9c12ab fix: rename scopeOrgId to tenantID (1949)
* a39e2694 fix: render flamebearer sample rate (2202)
* b811f89e fix: repace word-wrap with secure variant (2006)
* 682bab1e fix: update og pyroscope to include pprof parsing panic (
* 0826e7df fixes syntax errors
* b5549eba fmt
* 729ee537 fmt
* 509d94d3 fmt
* d0112d1b fmt
* 9d826923 fmt
* ccb0854b format protobuf files
* ce4df1da get latest fixed types from upstream
* 93cbbd57 go mod check
* 1e58e758 go mod tidy
* c134269c go/mod
* 55bd70d0 go/mod
* d5794223 go/mod
* b90ff17d go/mod and lint
* 5463c22f godoc
* 0edae987 helm/check
* 3e42ace7 helm: v1 preparations (2236)
* 732b9845 hide timeline
* 49d2faf6 intial docs sync
* c4100ea5 lint
* 5cf67cff lint
* eeafc21e lint
* 296e14ef lint
* c33c451e lint
* 342260c0 lint go.mod
* 8e934bf9 lint html
* 42a8f58b lint proto and use correct test initialization
* bf11af15 loading app names, which is a proxy to /label-values?label=__name_
* 7670a961 make fmt
* fe1b0abc make fmt
* 5f4b39bc make generate
* 17592a4c make go/mod
* 7f24bf91 make go/mod
* ce2c02f4 make go/mod
* 9ba9587a make sure we all run in parallel
* c4ac3c47 make trunk/lint
* 6f56c7ee makes the linter happy and clean up the code
* 5d411d7e making requests to /render
* 1cc4a230 more tests
* b0ee44d8 more tests
* 6ae8118b move to latest parquet
* af22c5b0 normalize "" to "{}"
* dc85d36e pass pyroscope sample rate and spyname
* e1f2caf7 perf(flamegraph): improve performance (1957)
* 167418bd pin go to 1.19
* c57ba61a playing around with the models
* 4009231f polish
* 56ccd0f7 profileOnDisk no longer necessary
* 2b00bf8e pull dependencies
* a459a8f2 reconfig task
* ae5d21a5 refactor: cmd/phlare/main.go (
* 47971383 refactor: reduce allocs when building timeline (2206)
* 73f3eaa5 release fix
* fe58e8f2 remove any reference to user and orgid
* 1db3854c remove closer attempt
* 833173a7 remove helm chart signing (
* 55980001 remove legacy code
* 3ad7d41c revert backend impl since it's all done client side
* 2c3bc45c review feedback
* cd79e680 review feedback
* 099d36ed review feedback
* 32d06967 review feedback
* 3460d0b8 rm todo
* 06063b57 run frontend workflow checks
* 8173fa2d run frontend workflow independently from backend
* 23d691bb spelling
* fa5cc64c start benchmark queries
* dd3593b4 style: fix file name typo (1848)
* a350605e support css
* 2d205d02 typo
* f7c8647e update
* ce966012 update examples (1993)
* 332d409b update pyroscope
* 3407e4c0 use 'Profile Type' instead, as suggested
* 679ebe66 use series API to load labels
* a669ca27 wip
* 49d76ca3 working on multi iter

As always, feedbacks are more than welcome, feel free to open issues/discussions.
You can reach out to the team using:

- [Slack](
- [Github Discussions](
- [Github Issues](
- [Mailing List](

Docker Images

- [grafana/pyroscope](

docker pull



For instructions on how to install pyroscope visit our [Getting Started guide](

Source code

Linux binary builds

Ubuntu / Debian (.deb) builds

RHEL / CentOS (.rpm) builds

Windows (.msi) builds
* docs: update deployment image ([59c459c](
* docs: update readme (426) ([1dd94cb](, closes [#426](
* docs: update the translation to keep up with the original (423) ([544f49e](, closes [#423](
* docs: updates ruby / python example (422) ([0dd5756](, closes [#422](
* bug: fix issues with tag intersections in query engine (425) ([bf34937](, closes [#425](
* add basic visual testing test (419) ([e3e170d](, closes [#419](
* Visual testing (421) ([af91c14](, closes [#421](
* feat: TLS support for the server 185 (404) ([6eb4a6c](, closes [#185]( [#404](



For instructions on how to install pyroscope visit our [Getting Started guide](

Source code

Linux binary builds

Ubuntu / Debian (.deb) builds

RHEL / CentOS (.rpm) builds

Windows (.msi) builds
* fixes mac builds ([5f4e0e3](



For instructions on how to install pyroscope visit our [Getting Started guide](

Source code

Linux binary builds

Ubuntu / Debian (.deb) builds

RHEL / CentOS (.rpm) builds

Windows (.msi) builds
* Add placeholder for agent / server communication ([de9e4f8](
* adds a java example (410) ([1a4741c](, closes [#410](
* Adds gem and pip examples to the repo (420) ([7a74083](, closes [#420](
* basic pyrobench cli reusing config/config.go ([8841206](
* basic pyrobench cli using its own config.go ([a0659df](
* better naming ([7a466e6](
* Bump go version to 1.17.0 (372) ([e650f3e](, closes [#372](
* Config fixes, test cases (376) ([6b7911e](, closes [#376](
* Enhancement/split flamegraphrenderer (360) ([230699f](, closes [#360]( [#382](
* fix env var prefix ([6ac82b9](
* fix race conditions that were crashing cypress tests (389) ([86778e5](, closes [#389](
* Fix reset view (414) ([f8da10f](, closes [#414](
* Fix search bar (413) ([0b17e11](, closes [#413](
* fix search bar (415) ([8f86341](, closes [#415](
* Fixes diff view color issue (383) ([897de97](, closes [#383](
* generate a random prefix for server bench pr docker-compose (392) ([8993204](, closes [#392](
* makes it so that sign out button is hidden when there's no auth methods set up (377) ([ce5fb76](, closes [#377](
* move cmd/logging stuff to /pkg/cli for better reuse ([9f28783](
* move command.go stuff to /pkg ([f8a6f57](
* move gradient banner generation to pkg/cli ([1b82733](
* move usage.go to pkg/cli for better reuse ([2d2007e](
* Optimize cache persistence (385) ([106ebde](, closes [#385](
* Optimize ingestion allocations (411) ([ec880c5](, closes [#411](
* serve assets gzipped 342 (381) ([0039ec5](, closes [#342]( [#381]( [#342](
* Server PR benchmark (373) ([0403cee](, closes [#373](
* support taking screenshot of dashboard with rows (395) ([c2d922f](, closes [#395](
* tests for app change dropdown (issue 356) (386) ([2332075](, closes [#356]( [#386](
* tests for table sorting (issue 356) (407) ([9bdabca](, closes [#356]( [#407](
* tests for table/both/flamegraph buttons (issue 356) (375) ([75b0357](, closes [#356]( [#375](
* Updates README with info about Java integration ([a6e010b](
* frontend: apply prettier to cypress/webapp (417) ([fffac60](, closes [#417](
* benchmark: add cmd to generate a meta report (396) ([239b28b](, closes [#396](
* cypress: cleanup nasty waitInDevMode (380) ([c831911](, closes [#380](
* pyrobench: basic load generation ([1536b75](
* pyrobench: copy over refactor from main ([387170c](
* pyrobench: make cli style same as the original cli ([580ed5f](
* pyrobench: use a wrapper config ([e0e614c](



For instructions on how to install pyroscope visit our [Getting Started guide](

Source code

Linux binary builds

Ubuntu / Debian (.deb) builds

RHEL / CentOS (.rpm) builds

Windows (.msi) builds
* Add tests for exec command ([70164d6](
* Fix argument processing ([50351b1](
* reduces bundle size (362) ([90cfee2](, closes [#362](
* Refactor CLI (363) ([8d46308](, closes [#363](



For instructions on how to install pyroscope visit our [Getting Started guide](

Source code

Linux binary builds

Ubuntu / Debian (.deb) builds

RHEL / CentOS (.rpm) builds

Windows (.msi) builds
* "native" integrations for ruby, python and php (274) ([9df0684](, closes [#274]( [#352](
* Add a POST handler for `render-diff` (338) ([f3186f4](, closes [#338](
* Add cypress (359) ([7c6224c](, closes [#359](
* Add dbtool ([1dc036f](
* added a make help target for listing out all the commands ([12f8317](
* adds --ignore-engines to yarn install ([44ff964](
* adds .devcontainer directory for github codespaces ([caf05f2](
* Adds an "Updates Available" label to the footer (333) ([4923be0](, closes [#333](
* Adds frontend support for notifications (334) ([bdaaaf6](, closes [#334](
* adds github workflows for checking the file sizes and js bundle sizes (341) ([f4ada2a](, closes [#341](
* Applying linting rules (354) ([785c839](, closes [#354](
* basic layout and API requests handlers ([3699739](
* Benchmark dashboard (349) ([1e1267a](, closes [#349](
* benchmark dockerfile fix ([a24e358](
* benchmark improvements ([7ef543f](
* Change default diff color to grey ([615e268](
* cleans up frontend part of tags ([aef7828](
* code highlight ([6a0fa85](
* default name fix ([000b348](
* Feature/grafana example (331) ([bc34086](, closes [#331](
* Fit mode (353) ([508bdfc](, closes [#353]( [#358](
* fix bad setstate and add safe replace ([61ea327](
* Fix CPU check ([a005bc2](
* fix diff tree ([d695d4e](
* fix lint error ([00d2a64](
* fix timeframe reset ([98721fa](
* fixes a bug where app name changes didn't trigger a render ([153b95d](
* fixes build issues ([3152382](
* fixes mac arm64 build ([45b7079](
* Http and info metrics (347) ([7a7d2ea](, closes [#347](
* implement diff rendering (289) ([e089d5b](, closes [#289](
* improve tree diff with prepend ([899d178](
* Improvement/dpr style (315) ([313a320](, closes [#315](
* improves make server command, allows for env override of arguments ([7d6f7a5](
* js size limit github action adjustments ([28e3e9c](
* js test fixes ([fda1a9a](
* linted js code ([999aabb](
* loading state and selected state indication ([402f911](
* Metrics rename (346) ([c22739d](, closes [#346]( [/](
* Migration to Cobra/Viper (300) ([df05add](, closes [#300](
* multiple tags and request with query ([c52bbae](
* Refactor prometheus metrics (335) ([673ae2b](, closes [#335]( [/](
* removes js size limit action as it's too noisy ([f3ac62e](
* restore tags from url params ([9795d17](
* Revert "improve tree.Insert" ([5a09a2f](
* size report improvements ([3d77938](
* small readme fix ([de87046](
* support for query in label endpoints ([3865f98](
* switch pkger to goembed (340) ([c566451](, closes [#340](
* testing js size limit github action ([3685d90](
* update scripts/decode-resp for format=double ([1e8c9e5](
* dashboard: initial version created with jsonnet (339) ([0d31cdf](, closes [#339](

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