* Added workaround for incorrect assumption that 'public' schema is always present (issue 4).
* Added support for delimited (or quoted) identifiers, e.g., those with embedded spaces, upper case characters, etc. (except for SQL keywords) (issue 5).
* Enhanced host/port defaults to use sockets, resulting in noticeable performance improvement.
* Fixed problem with mapping a FOREIGN KEY in a table with a dropped column (issue 2).
* Added support for:
- COMMENTs on schemas, tables, columns and functions - FOREIGN KEY ON UPDATE and ON DELETE actions - ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN and enhanced support for other ALTER object RENAME statements. - VIEWs - INHERITed tables, and by extension, partitioned tables. - PROCEDURAL LANGUAGEs - FUNCTIONs.
* Added files for release via PGXN. * Added support for testing against multiple PostgreSQL versions. * Fixed cross-schema REFERENCES failure in dbtoyaml (issue 1).
* Initial release
- dbtoyaml and yamltodb support PostgreSQL schemas, tables, sequences, check constraints, primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints and indexes.