New Features
* `MultiState` capability, which enables a single `Monomer` site to be specified with multiple states ([documentation]( (410)
* `ScipyOdeSimulator` multiprocessing capability, using `n_processors` argument ([documentation]( (395)
* Multi-GPU simulations and chunking support (split large simulation sets into GPU-sized blocks) for `CupSodaSimulator` (409)
* Sensitivity analysis class can now work for model parameter sweeps, in addition to initial conditions ([documentation]( (#426)
* Support for fixed concentration species (364)
* Initial condition and parameter sets can now be supplied to Simulator instances as Pandas DataFrames (416)
* Drug binding macro `pysb.macros.drug_binding()` ([documentation]( (387)
* Support `BngSimulator` early stopping using `stop_if` kwarg (example: `'ObsA>9')`) (407)
* BioNetGen importer improvements, including preserving parameter depdendencies in expressions, the `MoveConnected` keyword, and Observables' species compartments (406)
* `ScipyOdeSimulator` is now faster when using Cython due to customized compiler directives (403)
* When model components experience a validation error on creation, they're no longer added to the model by the `SelfExporter` (431)
* Use the system `PATH` variable to help find external tools like BioNetGen or Kappa (389)
* SBML Exporter: preserve parameter dependency in initial conditions (417) and specify initial concentrations for all species (420)
* BioNetGen importer now allows relative paths (432)
* StochKit log file contents are now included in error messages (429)
* Clearer error messages when Cython is non-functional on Windows (402)
Bug fixes
* Corrections to the PySB tutorial (422)
* Fix number of simulations calculation for NFsim (445)
* Fix cupSODA when using models with non-alphanumeric characters (404)
* Fix Exception when calling `expand_obs()` on observables which match no species (418)
* Fix for model name being changed in unit test (399)
* Fix Model.update_initial_condition_pattern (446)
* Minor packaging fixes (396, 411, 433)
* Minor code tidy-ups (405, 436)
* Documentation build fixes (424, 444)
* ScipyOdeSimulator's theano backend (428)