
Latest version: v2.10.0

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- Fixed chapter language filtering and sorting.

- Fixed not using the fetcher author.


- Renamed to requirments.txt to have dependency graph on github.

- Fixed pdf metadata name to support the tiny option.

- Merge branch 'mangadex'

- Updated requirements.

- Created mangadex fetcher with link and manga id support.

- Fixed pdf saving issue when changing to the next chapter with tiny option.

- Added tiny option to remove the manga name from the pdf name.

- Updated readme and preparing author support.

- Fixed naming issue when changing to the next chapter.

- Fixed naming issues with some chapters and improved general naming and numerotation.

- Fixed exception imports for inside python use.

- Fixed issue with badly formatted titles on the website.

- Fixed is_last_chapter() method returning wrong boolean.


- Fixed repo path for the updater.


- Added updater based on github releases.

- Layed ground for the creation of an updater.

- Now supports chapters with an xx.x number.

- Fixed issues in the image banning and the pdf creation.


- Fixed naming for the first chapter of downloads.

- Added install process for linux.

- Fixed the non suppression of the `geckodriver.log` in case of manga not found.

- Nh supports MangaNotFound.

- Added custom exceptions.

- Fixed link editing.

- Fixed last chapter detection.

- Added requirements and created venv.

- Fixed the extensions for the non -k mode and cleaned code.

- Fixed and optimized extension for

- Fixed if the extention for nh is .png.

- Now properly handles the extra chapters (.5, .1, .2 and co.)

- Added metadata for title and author of the pdf.

- Ctrl+C closes the fetcher before quitting now.

- Added a new fetcher for the single page mangas on fanfox.

- Added image to banlist.

- Fixed title regex.

- Added __pycache__ to the ignore list.

- Forgot first image fetch when changing chapter.

- Better naming for files and folder.

- Fixed naming of the chapters.

- Included with the `fix module name to avoid conflict with builtin modules old commit`

- Creating a banlist feature that removes from the pdf all the images in `banlist/`

- Fix module name to avoid conflict with builtin modules.

- Added the adult check for fanfox.

- Changed the pdf conversion from `convert` to `img2pdf`, added a fetch mode that keeps all the image data in ram without copying the images on the disk if not using `-k` and renamed `start` to `skip`

- Added the start option.

- Verbose now works.

- Headless again now that the fixes have been done.

- Added link for info about the selenium installation process.

- Added fanfox multipage to the fetchers (last commit failed)

- Added quiet support.

- Few fixes and added the quit method.

- Added on term to the API.

- Fixed problem with page order.

- Added missing / in path.

- Using fstring now.

- PEP8 space.

- Now command line shown is correct.

- Added command line support.

- Added the pycandl.

- CamelCase class now.

- Updated API removing `.next()`

- Fixed variable scope and added and extention var.

- Added epilogue to the help message with all the available fetchers in the enum and added a return for the args.

- ORDER reeee.

- Created the first image fetcher from nh.

- Createdthe enumeration that'll be used for the fetcher selection.

- Added command line parser.

- Added dependencies and installation references, some more API settings for the fetcher and written down the interface of the constructor.

- README now has the command line interface and the image fetcher API.

- Added .gitignore.

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