* Changes
* pyscfad is now compatable with pyscf 2.3.
* Drop support for python 3.7.
* Drop dependence on jaxopt.
* Update JAX custom pytree node auxiliary data for safe comparison.
* Add `pyscfadlib`, fast C codes for custom VJPs.
* Add dynamic configuration.
* Allow `implicit_diff` to use preconditioners.
* Improve `scipy.linalg.eigh`.
* Add `scipy.linalg.svd`.
* Improve `lib.unpack_tril`, `lib.pack_tril`.
* Refactor `gto.moleintor`.
* Add fast VJP for molecular integrals.
* Improve `gto.eval_gto` performance.
* Add `gto.eval_gto` gradient w.r.t. `Mole.ctr_coeff` and `Mole.exp`.
* Avoid `df.DF` to create temperary files.
* Optimize `df.df_jk`.
* Add `scf.cphf`.
* Add `ao2mo._ao2mo`.
* Add `lo.iao`, `lo.boys`, `lo.pipek`, `lo.orth`.
* Add `geomopt`.
* Add `mp.dfmp2`, MP2 one-RDM.
* Consider permutation symmetry for CCSD.
* Disable `jit` for CCSD which causes memory leak.
* Simplify implementation of `cc.ccsd_t_slow`.
* Add optimized `cc.ccsd_t`.
* Add iterative CCSD(T) solver.
* Add `cc.dfccsd`, `cc.dcsd`.
* Add `tools.timer`.
* Bug fixes
* Fix integral derivatives w.r.t. `Mole.ctr_coeff` and `Mole.exp`.