- Update changelog. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Bump version: 0.6.2 → 0.6.3. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Merge pull request 27 from pytroll/feature-atmcorr-without-rsr. [Adam
Feature atmcorr without rsr
- Use us-standard atm and marine-clean aerosol distribution as the
default. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Fix atm correction example - update to use red band instead of blue
band for reducing correction over strong reflectors. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Improve documentation on atm correction. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Vary the unit test cases a bit more - add greater spread in the indata
between tests. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Add unittest to verify that rayleigh correction can be done without
RSR data. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Merge pull request 25 from pytroll/landsat8. [Adam Dybbroe]
- Merge branch 'develop' into landsat8. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Merge pull request 24 from pytroll/bugfix-olci. [Adam Dybbroe]
Bugfix OLCI S3A. Add channel 21, rename bands and fix doc pages
- Bugfix OLCI S3A. Add channel 21, rename bands and fix doc pages.
- Fix flak8 issues. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Merge branch 'develop' into landsat8. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Merge pull request 23 from pytroll/sentinel2. [Adam Dybbroe]
- Update zenodo link to new RSR archive, and update list of supported
platforms. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Fix flake8 complaints. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Merge branch 'develop' into sentinel2. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Add support for Sentinel 2 MSI RSR data. Further,
get_bandname_from_wavelength now needs the sensor name as input.
- Add Sentinel-2 RSR. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Add support for Landsat-8 OLI. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Use the name PySpectral throughout. Improve documentation.
- Merge pull request 22 from pytroll/appveyor. [Adam Dybbroe]
- Fixed unused imports and reuse parameters from utils.py.
- Comment out Appveyor tests for Py3.4. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Fix OS independent file paths for unittests. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Don't run doc tests in Appveyor. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Get the system dependent tmp dir via tempfile module. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Add Appveyor badge. [Adam.Dybbroe]
- Install python-geotiepoints from PyPI instead of with conda.
- Add for Appveyor. [Adam.Dybbroe]