pyspotify 2.x is a full rewrite of pyspotify. While pyspotify 1.x is a
CPython C extension, pyspotify 2.x uses `CFFI <http://cffi.readthedocs.io/>`__
to make 100% of the libspotify C library available from Python. It works on
CPython 2.7 and 3.2+, as well as PyPy 2.1+.
Since the previous release, pyspotify has become thread safe. That is,
pyspotify can safely be used from multiple threads. The added thread safety
made an integrated event loop possible, which greatly simplifies the usage of
pyspotify, as can be seen from the updated example in ``examples/shell.py``.
Audio sink helpers for ALSA and PortAudio have been added, together with
updated examples that can play music. A number of bugs have been fixed, and at
the time of the release, there are no known issues.
The pyspotify 2.0.0b1 release marks the completion of all planned features for
pyspotify 2.x. The plans for the next releases are focused on fixing bugs as
they surface, incrementally improving the documentation, and integrating
feedback from increased usage of the library in the wild.
Feature: Thread safety
- Hold the global lock while we are working with pointers returned by
libspotify. This ensures that we never call libspotify from another thread
while we are still working on the data returned by the previous libspotify
call, which could make the data garbage.
- Ensure we never edit shared data structures without holding the global lock.
Feature: Event loop
- Add :class:`spotify.EventLoop` helper thread that reacts to
:class:`~spotify.SessionEvent.NOTIFY_MAIN_THREAD` events and calls
:meth:`~spotify.Session.process_events` for you when appropriate.
- Update ``examples/shell.py`` to be a lot simpler with the help of the new
event loop.
Feature: Audio playback
- Add :class:`spotify.AlsaSink`, an audio sink for playback through ALSA on
Linux systems.
- Add :class:`spotify.PortAudioSink`, an audio sink for playback through
PortAudio on most platforms, including Linux, OS X, and Windows.
- Update ``examples/shell.py`` to use the ALSA sink to play music.
- Add ``examples/play_track.py`` as a simpler example of audio playback.
Refactoring: Remove global state
To prepare for removing all global state, the use of the module attribute
:attr:`spotify.session_instance` has been replaced with explicit passing of the
session object to all objects that needs it. To allow for this, the following
new methods have been added, and should be used instead of their old
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_link` replaces :class:`spotify.Link`.
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_track` replaces :class:`spotify.Track`.
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_local_track` replaces
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_album` replaces :class:`spotify.Album`.
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_artist` replaces :class:`spotify.Artist`.
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_playlist` replaces :class:`spotify.Playlist`.
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_user` replaces :class:`spotify.User`.
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_image` replaces :class:`spotify.Image`.
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_toplist` replaces :class:`spotify.Toplist`.
Refactoring: Consistent naming of ``Session`` members
With all the above getters added to the :class:`spotify.Session` object, it
made sense to rename some existing methods of :class:`~spotify.Session` for
- :meth:`spotify.Session.starred_for_user`
is replaced by :meth:`~spotify.Session.get_starred`.
- :attr:`spotify.Session.starred` to get the currently logged in user's starred
playlist is replaced by :meth:`~spotify.Session.get_starred` without any
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_published_playlists` replaces
:meth:`~spotify.Session.published_playlists_for_user`. As previously, it
returns the published playlists for the currently logged in user if no
username is provided.
Refactoring: Consistent naming of ``threading.Event`` objects
All :class:`threading.Event` objects have been renamed to be consistently
named across classes.
- :attr:`spotify.AlbumBrowser.loaded_event` replaces
- :attr:`spotify.ArtistBrowser.loaded_event` replaces
- :attr:`spotify.Image.loaded_event` replaces :attr:`spotify.Image.load_event`.
- :attr:`spotify.InboxPostResult.loaded_event` replaces
- :attr:`spotify.Search.loaded_event` replaces
- :attr:`spotify.Toplist.loaded_event` replaces
Refactoring: Change how to register image load listeners
pyspotify has two main schemes for registering listener functions:
- Objects that only emit an event when it is done loading, like
:class:`~spotify.AlbumBrowser`, :class:`~spotify.ArtistBrowser`,
:class:`~spotify.InboxPostResult`, :class:`~spotify.Search`, and
:class:`~spotify.Toplist`, accept a single callback as a ``callback``
argument to its constructor or constructor methods.
- Objects that have multiple callback events, like :class:`~spotify.Session`,
:class:`~spotify.PlaylistContainer`, and :class:`~spotify.Playlist`, accept
the registration and unregistration of one or more listener functions for
each event it emits. This can happen any time during the object's life cycle.
Due to pyspotify's close mapping to libspotify's organization, :class:`Image`
objects used to use a third variant with two methods,
:meth:`~spotify.Image.add_load_callback` and
:meth:`~spotify.Image.remove_load_callback`, for adding and removing load
callbacks. These methods have now been removed, and :class:`~spotify.Image`
accepts a ``callback`` argument to its constructor and constructor methods:
- :meth:`spotify.Album.cover` accepts a ``callback`` argument.
- :meth:`spotify.Artist.portrait` accepts a ``callback`` argument.
- :meth:`spotify.ArtistBrowser.portraits` is now a method and accepts a
``callback`` argument.
- :meth:`spotify.Link.as_image` accepts a ``callback`` argument.
- :meth:`spotify.Playlist.image` is now a method and accepts a ``callback``
- :meth:`spotify.Session.get_image` accepts a ``callback`` argument.
Bug fixes
- Remove multiple extra ``sp_link_add_ref()`` calls, potentially causing
memory leaks in libspotify.
- Add missing error check to :meth:`spotify.Playlist.add_tracks`.
- Keep album, artist, image, inbox, search, and toplist objects alive until
their complete/load callbacks have been called, even if the library user
doesn't keep any references to the objects. (Fixes: :issue:`121`)
- Fix flipped logic causing crash in :meth:`spotify.Album.cover_link`. (Fixes:
- Work around segfault in libspotify if
:attr:`~spotify.social.Social.private_session` is set before the session is
logged in and the first events are processed. This is a bug in libspotify
which has been reported to Spotify through their IRC channel.
- Multiple attributes on :class:`~spotify.Track` raised an exception if
accessed before the track was loaded. They now return :class:`None` or
similar as documented.
- Fix segfault when creating local tracks without all arguments specified.
``NULL`` was used as the placeholder instead of the empty string.
- Support negative indexes on all custom sequence types. For example,
``collection[-1]`` returns the last element in the collection.
- We now cache playlists when created from URIs. Previously, only playlists
created from ``sp_playlist`` objects were cached. This avoids a potentially
large number of wrapper object recreations due to a flood of updates to the
playlist when it is initially loaded. Combined with having registered a
callback for the libspotify ``playlist_update_in_progress`` callback, this
could cause deep call stacks reaching the maximum recursion depth. (Fixes:
Minor changes
- Add :func:`spotify.get_libspotify_api_version` and
- Running ``python setup.py test`` now runs the test suite.
- The tests are now compatible with CPython 3.4. No changes to the
implementation was required.
- The test suite now runs on Mac OS X, using CPython 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and
PyPy 2.2, on every push to GitHub.