What's Changed
* Add option to define a view of a table across all schemas by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/48
* Implement group by, bugfix for updates with single quotes in payload by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/50
* Refactoring: more backends more DRY by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/51
* New features in broadcasting and audit data by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/52
* Support altering table name by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/53
* Allow using ampersand and escaped single quotes in where clause values by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/54
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/compare/v0.5.0...v0.6.0