This new release updates the entire set of default PySR parameters according to the ones presented in These parameters have been tuned over nearly 71,000 trials. See the discussion for further info.
Additional changes:
- Nested constraints implemented. For example, you can now prevent `sin` and `cos` from being repeatedly nested, by using the argument: `nested_constraints={"sin": {"sin": 0, "cos": 0}, "cos": {"sin": 0, "cos": 0}}`. This argument states that within a `sin` operator, you can only have a max depth of 0 for other `sin` or `cos`. The same is done for `cos`. The argument `nested_constraints={"^": {"+": 2, "*": 1, "^": 0}}` states that within a pow operator, you can only have 2 things added, or 1 use of multiplication (i.e., no double products), and zero other pow operators. This helps a lot with finding interpretable expressions!
- New parsimony algorithm (backend change). This seems to help searches quite a bit, especially when one is searching for more complex expressions. This is turned on by `use_frequency_in_tournament` which is now the default.
- Many backend improvements: speed, bug fixes, etc.
- Improved stability of multi-processing (backend change). Thanks to CharFox1.
- Auto-differentiation implemented (backend change). This isn't used by default in any instances right now, but could be used by optimization later. Thanks to kazewong.
- Improved testing coverage of weird edge cases.
- All parameters to PySRRegressor have been cleaned up to be in snake_case rather than CamelCase. The backend is also now almost entirely snake_case for internal functions. +Other readability improvements. Thanks to bstollnitz and patrick-kidger for the suggestions.