* Support for reading various composite radar image formats (netCDF, OPERA HDF, GIF, PGM).
* Writing of the nowcast to netCDF following CF 1.7 conventions.
* Optical flow methods to compute the radar echo motion fields (local and spectral approaches are available).
* A semi-Lagrangian advection scheme to extrapolate the radar fields.
* Spatial random field generators to create realistic correlated perturbation fields.
* Autoregressive models to impose temporal auto-correlations.
* Methods to generate deterministic and ensemble precipitation nowcasts.
* Support for parallelization using Dask.
* Scale-decomposition of precipitation fields based on the STEPS framework.
* Verification of deterministic and spatial forecasts: RMSE, MAE, correlation, CSI, ETS, HSS, Fractions Skill Score, etc.
* Verification of ensemble and probabilistic forecasts: reliability diagram, rank histograms, ROC curves, CRPS, ensemble spread-skill.
* Utilities to convert, transform and aggregate precipitation fields.
* Visualization methods to plot and animate radar rainfall fields, motion fields and ensemble nowcasts. Support for Basemap.
* Example scripts to quickly introduce the users to the working of various modules.