This is the first major release of PySwarms. Starting today, we will be adhering to a `better semantic versioning guidelines`_. We will be updating the project wikis shortly after. The maintainers believe that PySwarms is mature enough to merit a version 1, this would also help us release more often (mostly minor releases) and create patch releases as soon as possible.
Also, we will be maintaining a quarterly release cycle, where the **next minor release (v.1.0.0) will be on June**. All enhancements and new features will be staged on the :code:`development` branch, then will be merged back to the :code:`master` branch at the end of the cycle. However, bug fixes and documentation errors will merit a patch release, and will be merged to :code:`master` immediately.
* **NEW:** Boundary and velocity handlers to resolve stuck particles - `238`_ . All thanks for our maintainer, `whzup`_ !
* **FIX:** Duplication function calls during optimization, hopefully your long-running objective functions won't take doubly long. - `266`_. Thank you `danielcorreia96`_ !
.. _better semantic versioning guidelines: https://semver.org/
.. _238: https://github.com/ljvmiranda921/pyswarms/pull/238
.. _266: https://github.com/ljvmiranda921/pyswarms/pull/266
.. _whzup: https://github.com/whzup
.. _danielcorreia96: https://github.com/danielcorreia96