What's Changed
* Fix lock being detected as a blind tilt by bdraco in https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pySwitchbot/pull/198
* Fix compat with bleak 0.20 and later by bdraco in https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pySwitchbot/pull/199
* Bump cryptography to fix compat with pyOpenSSL by bdraco in https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pySwitchbot/pull/200
* Fix failure to disconnect by bdraco in https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pySwitchbot/pull/201
* Handle invalid basic data by bdraco in https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pySwitchbot/pull/202
* Relax bleak requirement by bdraco in https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pySwitchbot/pull/203
* Improve reliability by adding missing exceptions to the retry list by bdraco in https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pySwitchbot/pull/204
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Danielhiversen/pySwitchbot/compare/0.37.3...0.37.4