- Add support for `CommonMark` as a flavor for `MarkdownTableWriter` class
- Add support for `kramdown`/`Jeklly` as a flavor for `MarkdownTableWriter` class
- Add support styles(`fg_color`, `bg_color`, `font_weight`, `font_style`) for `AsciiDocTableWriter` class
- Add `table_style` for `MediaWikiTableWriter`: 43
- Add `overwrite_type_hints` argument to `from_dataframe` method
- Add types to `pytablewirter.typehint`
- Add support for string with thousand separators as integer: 44
- Add support for string with thousand separators as integer
- Made it possible to set `flavor` as a keyword argument of `MarkdownTableWriter` constructor
- Fix to `flavor` keyword argument properly applied when executing `write_table` method at the second time
- Change to just output warning instead of raising exception when `set_theme` method failed
- Improve error messages when a theme not found
- Improve output precision of numbers: 44
- This may increase output decimal places of real numbers compared to the previous versions
- Remove an unused class