
Latest version: v0.8.2

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Released on January 10th 2015

- Deprecated ``Stream.consume`` in favour of ``Stream.feed``. The latter
allows for a more efficient implementation because it operates on the
whole input string.
- Improved ``Stream`` performance by converting FSM to a coroutine as
suggested by Jonathan Slenders in issue 41 on GitHub.
- Added support for `DA` (device attributes) and `DSR` (device status report).
The implementation is based on the code by Jonathan Slenders. See issue
41 on GitHub.
- ``Screen.draw`` now properly handles full/ambiguous-width characters.
Thanks to the excellent `wcwidth <>`_
library by Jeff Quast.
- Removed re-exports of abbreviated modules (e.g. ``mo`` as a synonym for
``modes``) from ``pyte``.
- Removed ``Screen.size`` which misleadingly returned constructor arguments
in reverse order. Please use ``Screen.columns`` and ``Screen.lines``
- Fixed a bug in ``ByteStream`` which suppressed the exception if all of
the decoders failed to process the input.



Bugfix release, released on August 4th 2015

- Fixed a bug in ``DiffScreen.draw`` which marked the wrong
line as changed when `DECAWM` was enabled.
- ``Stream`` now recognizes ESC % sequences for selecting control
character set. However, these operations are no-op in the current version
in a sense that ``ByteStream`` does not handle them to change encoding.



Bugfix release, released on December 3rd 2014

- Fixed a bug in ``Char`` initialization, see issue 24 on GitHub for details.
- Updated error message in ``Stream``, referencing ``str`` is relevant
for Python 3, but not Python 2.



Released on January 13th 2014

- ``Screen`` does NOT inherit from builtin ``list``, use ``Screen.buffer``
to access individual characters directly. This is a backward INCOMPATIBLE
- ``Char._asdict`` was broken on Python 3.3 because of the
changes in ``namedtuple`` implementation.
- ``LAT1_MAP`` was an iterator because of the change in map semantics
in Python 3.
- Changed ``Screen`` to issues a CR in addition to LF when
`DECAWM` mode is set and the cursor is at the right border of the
screen. See and issue #20
on GitHub for details.



Bugfix release, released on March 28th 2013

- Updated ``pyte`` and tests suite to work under Python 3.3.
- Changed ``Screen`` so that `LNM` mode is reset by default,
see and issue #11 on GitHub for



Bugfix release, released on February 29th 2012

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